Best Sight-Seeing PC games you can recommend?
I've seen some racing games that have nice environment but my problem is i feel very dizzy with most racing games, especially those fast-paced ones. maybe i have motion sickness.
Can you recommend a nice sight-seeing pc game? preferably but not limited to something that shows the nature and landscape of our planet. you can also recommend fantasy games and open world or third person games that have nice looking environments.
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Oblivion and Skyrim can be treated as sight seeing games if you steer clear of enemies. Waterfall Canyon is an indie game that doesn't have a whole lot of anything but is a huge open world that beautiful to explore, and The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a horror mystery game with beautiful graphics and a semi open world. Very quiet, very peaceful.
Try Skyrim. It's full of absolutely breath-taking scenery, even without graphics mods installed. It's pretty violent, but I presume that isn't a huge problem, considering how fantastic the environment is.
The Witness is a puzzle game that might be up your alley if you don't mind more artistic kinds of games.
The Witcher 3 has to be the most beautiful game I've played, even without being able to max out the settings.
If you want a good-looking game, as well as a superb open-world experience, I highly reccomend this game.
If you're into space and exploring different planets there is a free game called space engine which could be interesting.
Abzu is a pretty game.
I am currently playing RiME and it is absolutely gorgeous. The scenery and music are very beautiful. I recommend this game to everyone. The story is really good, the game itself is very calming and nice to play.

Try taking travel sickness pills they help me.
Final fantasy 15 is a beautiful world to look at, I wish they would bring back pokemon snap
The views are beautiful.

One interesting concept about Firewatch: At one point in the game, you find a camera, and can take photos of scenes you see in the game. At the end of the game, you have the option to have the photos you take developed into real physical pictures sent to you (for a fee, of course).
What is this sorcery??!?! I remember nothing of the sort!
I thought they all just displayed during the credits.. I don't remember any "purchase photos" option. I was on PS4, so maybe that was a PC-type thing. Or, it could have been included in a update. If it was that, it makes sense that I'm confused. I completed the game in like 4 days at launch, before any such update was released.
and I haven't touched it since. hehehe
lol. what is that game? title
Witcher III. Geralt and his awesome flying horse.
I played on PC, and well after the launch, so it could have been either of those. For me, it's in the "Special Features" section when first starting the game.
It's beautiful.
Ah... I was going to mention this, but I don't have it. I only know what I've seen from videos, so I don't have personal experience with it.
I do want to pick it up, though. One day...
Looks pretty cool, weird and enlightening.
Yes. On steam. On sale...
Go get it.
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Nimian Legends is coming to PC soon (the new one), you should check it out.