What situations would you expect to see in season two if they make it?

Ok first off whether or not you were a huge twat or the bestest little brother ever Forgettable younger sibling escaped with Beskha. Gared is either coming back now or he's coming back when winter brings a big ass White Walker party to his doorstep. And Since a brother escaped with a person who could have lived or died based on your actions. We know unless GoT has an isle of Avalon laying around where people can heal up away from the plot Tallia is going to be alone (unless it was brother, advisor and Captain redshirt who escaped,) Oh and since Mira can die she's plot dead locked away if alive being screwed in every way possible.
So I'm going to give TTG a scenario to balance on the razors edge and stay true to themselves and HBO . Tallia is in danger and her choices are brave the danger and get physical scars or go with some men who will "protect" her in exchange for "Favors" and get some more psychological scars from doing "Favors" all night for the men. And because this is TTG they will imply what happened but not actually confirm it till a much later episode and openly say it for shock value. But what scenarios would you expect to see?
I hope I'm not the only one that thinks that Telltale should "improve" his formula of storytelling and season two could be a good point to that...
Direct and true repercussions of the choices you make along the season,On which they failed on Season one such as the King's Landing choices.
You're wrong on your first point,they don't need an "Isle of Avalon",there are several argumental ways to make Rodrik/Asher stay alive,
Even easy writing such as their bring by the Sentinel/Traitor/Gwyn to the house of a Local Hunter and tracker of the Wolfswood (They see him hunting for Winter and ask help or for Royland/Duncan an old friend of them who still lives around the area) and if you want a plot-twist and better storytelling,you can do a later reveal that the hunter was before a member of the deceased houses allies to the forresters before the Red Wedding,
Duncan mentions them on episode 2,Houses Woods,Branch,Bole.He can tell the main characters how his life has been with the Bolton's and Whitehills in power and a little background about the story of his house perhaps even ending with him as playable character.
I'm also not that negative about Mira's plot if you've ever read Asoiaf books,you'll know that the survivor still has cards to play on the game...
Her plot is more alive than ever.My suggestion is that according the choices you've made on Season one,you have a girl favoured in King's Landing ending the arc with Queen Margaergy's complete trust,Mira or Sera.Going with Mira she can still play the game making possible for her to sabotage Morgryn and bring him down from inside,If she remains on Margaergy's service that could prove to her advantage for a short period of time.
If Mira is dead they could introduce a mini Sera plot with Tom allied to her,avenging Mira on the intrigues of King's landing.
Remember the quote from episode 6:"You'll have to sharpen your game if you want to survive Sera" and indeed Mira was right again...
Being said that I don't want Talia as playable character instead of Rodrik/Asher.
They are the ones that can make the plot carry on in a better way,plus that would be a copy of Arya's story.
So here the Scenarios for Season 2:
1.We already have the Northern Grove in that's for sure,Telltale spoke about its importance several times...Also Ironrath will appear again for sure showing Whitehill destruction and the new "usurper lord of the keep".King's Landing is in too for sure,they could show us more of the keep such as Maegor's holdfast,the alchemist guild so many things that would be cool.
2.I want to see more of the Wolfswood on season two,making Rodrik/Asher travel through it to meet with House Glover(House Forrester overlords) maybe if they introduce my idea of meeting an old member of the other dead houses of the Wolfswood we could visit in a catastrophic way their old keeps exploring their background,by episode 3 we should be able to reach Deepwood Motte there Rodrik/Asher could decide either to help them or not,wait for the "great powers to move".Meeting on the way a Forrester survivor of the Red-Wedding such as Norren.
3.I would like also to see Rillwater Crossing on the next season since I was very intrigued by the mentions they make about the family specially Lord Glenmore even theorise about it,(https://telltale.com/community/discussion/116620/house-tyrell-and-house-glenmore)here the link!
Several roles can be played here,depending on Rodrik's choices with the Elaena's romance;Also Lord Glenmore could confronted him about Arthur's Murder on episode 5...This plot could fit for Asher as well,remembered for his companion of the Old Glenmore-Forrester allience.
Plus seeing the Rills,part of the North never featured would be cool.
4.Hightpoint is located near the Northern Mountains so Why don't feature some sub-plot storyline there?
I'm a big fan of the idea of learning the motivations and background of one of the enemy soldiers of House Whitehills.Then you can show the fans thanks to him,how House Whitehill has ruled the land and their vassals opinion about them.
I would like a character from House Warrick family of Britt the man that kill Garde's family making them grey and understandable to the fans.
5.Mereen again,This time with our POV in Essos,the uncle of the Forrester children,Malcolm Brandfield.
Now settled as a prominent advisor to the dragon queen,We could also learn more about the backstory of House Brandfield and their old loyalty to the Mad-King.On the way of earn the revival of his house and helping House Forrester on the way.
If Telltale is reading me,let me say this would be the best way to feature Daernerys story with an interesting character that can give more.
*I think Winterfell or the Dreadfort could be in but on a 3rd season of the game.
Events of Season that will probably influence the story of the game:
-rise of the Sparrows and the Faith Millitia,
-the fall of Stannis in the North,
-Sons of the Harpy in Mereen where Malcom currently is,
-widlings at the Wall,
I wonder if they'll bring TV actors for this season. If they do I hope for Jonathan Pryce as High Sparrow. He's a great actor and we could see the inner-workings of the Sparrows.
I'm personally hoping for an emotional scene where Asher/Rodrik tries to process what just happened. In my case Asher has waited so long to be home with his family and everything went to shit. Since he came home, his brother died to save him, his mother, died to save him and his fathers best friend died to save him. Then his home that he had just barely returned to burned down around him and he actually tried desperately to avoid bloodshed by agreeing to Ludd's terms but bloodshed is exactly what he got. I'd just love for Asher to have some kind of emotional break down.