'The Spoils of War' Episode Discussion
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Another episode another discussion leave your thoughts below. Did you like the episode or not?
Loved it.
I'm loving this season, every episode just gets better and better.
Jaime and Bronn are my fucking heroes after this episode
I like the episode. I felt so conflicted during the battle. I was really worried for Daenerys, yet I was also worried for Bronn. I don't want the dragon to die, yet I don't want Bronn to die.
Ah, this episode.. Magnificent. Fantastic. Marvelous.
More or less everything was perfect here. The battle sequence was obviously a highlight. Unlike many others, I wasn't conflicted with the battle at all. To hell with Daenerys. Jamie and Bronn are amazing in every single way. Bronn's laugh at 'dickon' was priceless. Bronm was more or less priceless, as usual.
Dany continues to bitch about Jon bending the knee, here's hoping he won't, although I have a bad feeling there.
Theon and Jon reunites after 63 episodes, and it's very heartwarming.
Arya and Sansa reunites after 54 episodes, it was very nice.
Bran is dead.
The new Three-eyed raven is boring and ungrateful as per usual. One gotta admit, it's hard to fill Max von Sydow's sho... tree.
It seems like my boi Littlefinger's glory days are quickly and steadily coming to an end, sadly. And if I am correct, no more Varys vs Littlefinger.. How sad.
Sam was nowhere to be seen this episodes, but I am sure he will find something... important in all those scrolls. Gilly also feels very unnecessary right now, I hope that'll change.
Jorah and Gendry... still rowin'.
I'd rate it 9.9/10.
This episode left me with a few questions:
Does Dany have any control over Drogon when she is riding him? I don't understand why the dragon was so focused on destroying the caravans of food and supplies taken from Highgarden...couldn't her armies have used them? Seems pretty short-sighted to me...
Many of the advance spoilers I read seemed to indicate that both Randyll and Dickon Tarly are burned alive by dragonfire in this episode. Didn't notice Dickon again after he saved Jaime from that Dothraki, but I did see a bald Lannister solider who looked similar to Randyll take off his helmet as his armor was burning, couldn't make out the face well enough though....I hope they aren't lazy and give them both an off-screen death like Harald Karstark last season....I guess its possible that they were taken prisoner and will be dealt with in episode 5?
That's pretty spoilery dude. I have luckily read the leaks, but others might put 2 and 2 together.
Spoilers for Randyll and Dickon UNDER. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
As far as I am concerned, they will be burnt alive next episode. Both of em. Randyll wont bend the knee, and our good grace Queen Bitch'll burn them both alive.
I don't see how me speculating on what happens to them is a spoiler...I definitely don't know for sure. Some of the leaks have not been 100% accurate.
Best game of thrones episode this season, and one of my personal favourites. That battle scene was amazing, loved the shot of Bronn running away from the dothraki horseman, and of course the ballista kill was insane.
I enjoyed a few nods to the book there, cersei mentions the Golden Company who in the books are looking after Griff and young Griff (book readers will know these two). When she mentioned them I just thought, no they have another contract! I might be reading too deep here but at one point in the books Jaime sees loras Tyrell jousting and reminisces about his tourneys and thinks to himself that he'll never be able to joust again with one hand. When he picks up the spear and holds it like a lance it gave me a little chill. The third book nod is of course the Field of Fire, non book readers may not know that in the original conquest of westeros by Aegon I Targaryen, he was met in the field by King Mern Gardener, King of the Reach and King Loren Lannister, King of the Rock, the Targaryens were vastly outnumbered but they had three dragons. Aegon and his two sisters set the battlefield ablaze, killing a large number of men, burning many more. The Gardener line was wiped out, leaving the Tyrell's to assume control of the Reach when they knelt to Aegon. I like to think that this is what Tyrion was thinking of when he was watching the fiery carnage.
Yeah the episode was interesting with that Field of Fire 2,The Lannisters had the worse lucky of all meeting the Dothraki on open battle,The soldiers' loyalty to the Lannisters is admirable,burning alive and fight for their lieges despite all...
They had to travelled more hidden not showing the spoils from Highgarden and their position for everyone to see,Their arrogance prove their downfall.
Bronn shooting Drogo was amazing to see,Shame that the dragon didn't die at all.I know that the show is a fan of him but making the man nearly kill a dragon? That's going a bit far.
The Whole Daernerys and Jon Snow thing,Well I don't like it but at least I'll be happy if the books follow an "alternative path" to the spoiled romance.
It was rare that drawings on the Mines of Dragonstone when on the North,we have barely seen them(Beyond the Wall and on the ancient North itself).
The Iron Bank intrigues me the most...Do they expect to be paid back with crazy Cersei on charge? She already sent them to shit several times...
Nice to see that Arya made it back home. No doubt those two guards were apologizing nonstop afterwards.
Guess there was only enough budget for just Drogon this episode. Maybe Rhaegal will make up for his absence in the next episode.
A great episode! I trusted Shakman would handle his first GoT episode well, and I wasn't disappointed
It's not quite on that top tier of GoT episodes (Hardhome, Rains of Castamere, Winds of Winter, Blackwater, BotB, etc.), but not far behind either. And the whole Field of Fire 2 certainly deserves a place among the most epic action sequences of this show.
I really enjoyed the Winterfell scenes in this episode, and how they continued to explore how much all of the surviving Stark children have changed, and how they see each other now, after all these years. Arya and Sansa reunion was more or less what I expected. They were happy to see each other, but there was also this tension, which is fitting considering their history. However, I'm also glad the tension didn't escalate to any kind of arguing - they have both matured from the times of season 1, and found respect for each other. Now, Bran is the odd one of the Stark bunch, because like Meera pointed out, he is a completely different person now. I also like how Bran explained it himself - he remembers his life as Bran, but he remembers so much more now as well. He has basically lived thousands of lives, and Brandon Stark is just one of them. Oh, and that sparring scene with Arya and Brienne was lovely, it's so great to see Arya having mastered the water dancing
What comes to Littlefinger... I think he's just fucked. A mockingbird surrounded by a pack of wolves, poor Petyr.
The Dragonstone scenes were nice too. Both Jon and Dany stayed adamant in their positions, but you could see they both truly wanted to reach an understanding. And yeah, there was clearly a bit of sexual tension between them, but the dialogue stayed 100% focused on the issues at hand. Dany showing paranoia towards Tyrion's loyalties was... a concerning moment. I'm not saying she is the Mad Queen, but she definitely is a Targaryen to the core. Jon and Theon reunion was something I hadn't even considered could happen prior to this episode. It must have been confusing for Jon to see Theon in such a weak state. After all, he used to be such an arrogant bully when they last saw each other.
King's Landing didn't really have much this episode, and mainly just repeated last week's plot point about the Iron Bank having come to collect the debt. However, as I already said earlier, the Field of Fire 2 was some phenomenal television. First of all, finally we see what we've been teased about since season 1 - Dothrakis fighting on an open field! The Lannister's were already in a sticky situation with them, but Dany flying in with Drogon just sealed their fate. The interactions between Jaime, Bronn and Dickon before and during the battle were great. Tyrion looking at the battle with horror (the same way he looked at his wildfire explosion) was a nice touch. Bronn proved us that dragons are not invulnerable, and Jaime showcased his reckless courage by charging towards a fookin dragon!
The episode ended on a cliff hanger, but if they truly wanted to kill off Jaime they probably would've just let Drogon roast him 
Overall, a great hour of television, and the best episode of the season so far. I give 7x04 "The Spoils of War" 9/10.
Indeed....and it makes one wonder just how stupid the Gardeners and Lannisters were considering what Aegon and his sisters had done at Harren Hall. The King in the North was wise and did the wise thing and was rewarded by Aegon.
No That is the path they are going down in the books. The name of the series is A Song of Ice and Fire does seem to point that the two intertwine.
Her lashing out at Tyrion was more frustration imho. And I do think they may have tried to be too nice and should have used the Dragons earlier.
Same thing that Manfred Hightower did, he was advised by the high septon to lay down arms and surrender to Aegon and did, which is why the Hightowers are one of the wealthiest houses in the seven kingdoms. I don't think it's stupidity, it's honour which led the kings of the rock and the reach to fight. And it was the thought of his people which led Torrhen stark to kneel, another sort of honour.
See...I think the word honor is another word for stupid...just a nice way to gloss over that it was stupid.
I understand your vision but that doesn't imply that other interpretations are possible.
Some people would rather die and be remembered as brave than live and be remembered as weak. Mern and Loren obviously didn't want to just give up and be remembered surrendering. Torrhen Stark knelt and he has forever been known as the King who Knelt. Also I doubt they knew the full extent of what dragons could do, they'd have heard stories of Harrenhall but before Aegon came all dragons were in Valyria.
A good episode overall but I didn't like some scenes in this episode
1. (I know I will get a lot of hate for it but its my opinion) Jon and Danny cave scene. It was interesting overall but I hated the obvious sexual tension D&D are trying to make. I'm 100% certain that they are going to fuck later in season.
2. Maybe I missed a scene or something but how Danny know that the Lannisters are in this exact location before she attacked?
3. Its not a complaint but an annoyance: LF doing something with his character this is not the LF i know from book 1/season 1.
Overall I did enjoy this episode a solid 9/10 for me.
Both of them are badasses!!
Jon Snow could also be the song of ice and fire, Stark and Targaryen meaning he doesn't need to be with dany to fulfil the song
Yeah...but no....he lacks certain attributes that make Daeney a true Targaryen. Fire resistance....innate ability to use blood magic.
I am shocked that the gold actually was delivered. I thought it was going to be taken out. Apparently not. Dragonstone and Winterfell were nice, it was great to see more Starks reunited and Arya vs. Brienne. I do think it's very lucky that Jon found those cave paintings (that he may have draw himself, lol). I bet Jon was trying to get Daenerys into bed, he loves caves with women.
My heart was beating during the battle. It was absolutely thrilling and terrifying. At the end, I really thought Jaime was done. Luckily he was not. The action was amazing, and we still have 3 episodes left. Bronn is awesome, he should sit on the Iron Throne. That one tracking shot with him running from that Dothraki was great, and the scorpion was awesome and Drogon been injured it had good stakes.
Firstly, many targaryens werent "true dragons" as in, immune to fire. Just look at the tragedy at summerhall, where Aegon V tried to hatch some eggs and ended up killing himself, his eldest son and heir Duncan Targaryen and the commander of the kings guard Ser Duncan the Tall. Now, Aegon and his son were both Targayren, yet they died due to fire. Does that mean they aren't Targayren?
Secondly, George R.R Martin has stated a few times that Dany isn't immune to fire
Do Targaryens become immune to fire once they "bond" to their dragons?
George RR Martin: thanks for asking that. It gives me a chance to clear up a common misconception. TARGARYENS ARE NOT IMMUNE TO FIRE! The birth of Dany's dragons was unique, magical, wonderous, a miracle. She is called The Unburnt because she walked into the flames and lived. But her brother sure as hell wasn't immune to that molten gold.
It's more likely something to do with the blood magic, the show has changed this a bit and made her immune, as seen with the dothraki burning scene. I doubt this will happen in the books, and since the show draws on the books, it is possible that Jon is the song of ice and fire.
The leaks have been pretty spot on. Sure, they messed some details up and the order of scenes wasn't always right, but it's safe to say that they're legit leaks and that the general outcome was 100% accurate so far.
We are talking about the show.
In the show...she is immune to fire.
In the Books you may very well be right seeing as George seems hellbent on writing Daeney as some idiot savant that needs a strong male to make sure she does nothing stupid....in other words...George R.R. Martin is terrible at writing women.
Well that's great...but when your honor also consigns thousands of your people to die in fire...you are no longer honorable...you are an idiot.
Well there is only 1 main road from Highgarden to Kingslanding....it does not take rocket science to figure out where they are.
The show is based on the books, so if dany doesn't end up with Jon in the books, she won't in the show. so it doesn't matter if we're talking about the show or the books.
And no, that is not what Dany seems like in the book, she's a 14 year old girl who manages pretty well in a male dominated world, she does draw off her advisers but that's to be expected. I think you're being quite one dimensional about her.
Well boy if only Loren and Mern had your infinite wisdom to council them.
Yeah...but Sansa was never married to Ramsy....Stannis is still alive. And it is snowing in Kingslanding. The two are no longer the same.
Yeah because a suicide pact with thousands of unwilling participants is more desirable.
Speaking of the books...how do you see Aegon and the Golden Company playing out? I think they are going to get killed big time...but it has been interesting all the same.
It would be interesting to see the golden company in the show
You admitted that they messed up on some details and the order of scenes....that implies that the leaks have not been 100% accurate, so I stand by what I said.
Kit Harrington mentioned in some interview that he did shoot a few scenes that were intended to mislead the leakers, but will never actually appear on screen. Do you think Kit was lying, or is it possible that there is a major scene or two in the final episodes that will be altered/not happen?
Didn't Stannis hire the golden company before he went North? I thought they deserted and took the horses before the final march on Winterfell...so much for never breaking a contract!
They won't make it far, I'm almost 100% confident that Aegon isn't the real son of Rhaegar, because Quaithes prophecy to Dany talks about a Mummers dragon, a mummer is an actor so basically confirming that Aegon is an actor in my eyes.
Jeeze I have to reread the books...you have this all down pat....so you think it is the Golden company seeking to use the name to regain the lands that some lost when the Mad king lost? That does make sense.
I recently read them all again, so I've brushed up! I believe the Golden Company think Aegon is the real deal, seeing as Jon Connington brought him and introduce him as Aegon, I mean, some will be doubtful sure. But most will believe. What I don't know is how far the secret goes. Assuming Aegon isn't the true Targaryen, perhaps Jon Connington knows, perhaps not. I'm inclined to believe he believes Aegon is a true Targ. Because he is a man of honour. So if he doesn't know Aegons true heritage who does? That's where I think Varys and Illyrio Mopatis come in, I think they found a boy who looked Targaryen and thought, let's solidify our claim to the throne with Daenerys, and have another Targaryen too. He is probably from a house that has ties to Old Valyria, maybe Velaryon.