[UPDATE 5/3] S4 Pre Season News thread - Expect News at E3 (via various social media hints/comments)
Pre-Season News thread
Check back often at our Pre-Season News thread to read news and updates about how the series is coming along. Prior to our Episode 1 Waiting thread being created, you guys are allowed to make individual threads to discuss news updates. Closer to when the series premieres, Moderators will create Episode Waiting Threads, and discussion of news updates will be relocated to those waiting threads instead.
May 31st, 2018
- Various posts on Telltale's social media across the last week or so have hinted to expect more Season 4 news at E3...
March 9th, 2018
November 1st, 2017
October 7th, 2017
- A few new details were discussed during NYCC 2017; Telltale will aim for a Q2 release, possibly around April or May 2018.
August 29th, 2017
- Job Stauffer has an interview with Eurogamer where he touches upon The Walking Dead Season 4 (and other Telltale projects). Below is a brief excerpt about when to expect the game:
- "We're thrilled to be able to do a second season [of Wolf Among Us]. Living up to expectations - we have on our plate - so I can say it'll be in the second half of 2018, after seeing the final Walking Dead season in the first half."
July 19th, 2017
- Announced during Summer 2017 Update; Releasing 2018
This discussion has been closed.
Latest Update:
May 31st, 2018