Can Kenny steal the boat?

I've heard people say that if ur a really big dick to him he will steal the boat instead of Vernon. Can that actually happen or is it BS.


  • BS, Kenny wouldn't stoop to that level.

  • BS, he never gets the opportunity to, but if he did he still wouldn't.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited August 2017

    Leaked dialogue:

    Kenny: That's a nice boat you got there. Be a shame if someone stole it.


  • i wish, that woulda made for some really good replay value. but nah. no matter what choices don't matter. crying face

  • It'd be kind of funny if that were to happen though. Lilly steals the RV, Kenny steals the boat... what's next? Does Ben steal your will to live?

  • It's fake but that would actually make allot more sense then Kenny somehow survive that alleyway lol. Also it would of made for a better story for season 2 since he abandoned Clem and season 2 could of been his redemption.

  • But he has a mustache that makes every boat melted.

  • :cryingface: ? Or :crying face: ?

    i wish, that woulda made for some really good replay value. but nah. no matter what choices don't matter. crying face

  • Kenny would never leave his people behind on the Boat of Salvation, only Vernon, the leader of the Invalids of the Apocalypse would compete in such a heinous act.

  • That already happened in my game.

    It'd be kind of funny if that were to happen though. Lilly steals the RV, Kenny steals the boat... what's next? Does Ben steal your will to live?

  • Kenny only steals saltlicks from cannibals, hearts of Indian ladies and newborn children.

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