Nothing too amazing really, Just more Fan Fic coming from D&D now. Also i'm just enjoying this Comedy because it really is becoming a parody of asoiaf at this point.
Loved it! Especially all the scenes with Sam and Tyrion. It's awesome that Tyrion finally starts to become an independent character after being a supporting one to Daenerys. The writing in this episode was suprisingly good. I always loved D&D's writing despite their shortcomings but Dave Hill is even better. But I must admit that the "still rowing" joke was too met for me, but it makes sense for Davos to say it so no big deal.
Nothing too amazing really, Just more Fan Fic coming from D&D now. Also i'm just enjoying this Comedy because it really is becoming a parody of asoiaf at this point.
Whoa! This episode certainly wasn't shy about going through a LOT of plot progression. I'd say in a normal season they would've used 3 eps to go through all this. Granted, it would've been 3 pretty slow episodes, but still. That said, there wasn't a single boring moment here, and I was constantly engaged in what was going on. So, overall I liked the episode, but just the sheer amount of things happening requires a rewatch before I can give any kind of rating for this one
The episode was complete,It was not the best one but not the worst.It seems that under the Targaryen flag Madness switch's with "warm recounters",I can't understand why people defend Daernerys she is crazy and knows no justice.The show may be capable of alterning shadows and light on her,but the truth is that she is a crazy dragon-rider even perhaps madder than the people under the Lannister banner.
House Tarly is dead after countless years of story they fell burned...All for being true to their ideals and convictions(It was the Worst political move by our foreign dragon-queen).
We saw Gendry again and it seems that he has become a "young Robert" on his time out paddling,Beyond all I like his character but the way he was reintroduced on got was not the best for me but I believe joining the Targaryens along with Jon Snow was not bad at all for him, considering the options.
The meeting between Tyrion and Jaime was cool,A pity that Bronn had to live so early.I will not comment Cersei's pregnancy...The horrible spoilers are becoming true one by one.
And then Robett Glover said:"My lady we should have chosen you as our lider"My question:Why have you done it on the first place?The Queen in the North...
The writers sometimes give us "apologies" for breaking the feudalisms laws of succession but it is not enough
Love Gilly saying about the annulment between Rhaegar (Raggar) and someone else then getting married somewhere in dorne. Proving that Jon is no bastard and a true Targaryen, be funny when he goes up to Dany like, I'm your nephew and btw my claim to the throne is stronger than yours.
Imagine if all of Game Of Thrones had the same pacing as this season. I feel like it would be a completely different show honestly, and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing necessarily. I've absolutely loved this show from Episode 1 so it's not like the previous seasons are bad by any means, but I really enjoy the faster pacing they've been doing this season and I'm happy they're doing it.
Whoa! This episode certainly wasn't shy about going through a LOT of plot progression. I'd say in a normal season they would've used 3 eps t… moreo go through all this. Granted, it would've been 3 pretty slow episodes, but still. That said, there wasn't a single boring moment here, and I was constantly engaged in what was going on. So, overall I liked the episode, but just the sheer amount of things happening requires a rewatch before I can give any kind of rating for this one
The sexual tension between Jon and Dany was at an all time high this episode lmao. I don't get why so many people find it weird for them to be together just because they're aunt/nephew, Tywin Lannister married his own cousin and so did Rickon Stark. Marriages based on incest is not anything uncommon in Westeros and it's not like they'd be carrying on the Targaryen tradition of brother and sister getting married.
Love Gilly saying about the annulment between Rhaegar (Raggar) and someone else then getting married somewhere in dorne. Proving that Jon is… more no bastard and a true Targaryen, be funny when he goes up to Dany like, I'm your nephew and btw my claim to the throne is stronger than yours.
True. I'd say it has mostly been a good thing that the show has taken it's time to develop the characters and plotlines, even if it has felt very slow at times. By now the characters are fully established though, so they can get away with fastening the pace of the story. In this episode it was pretty extreme though, and I hope all the episodes from now on won't be quite this fast in their plot progression. Sometimes it's good to have Blackwaters and Hardhomes that just concentrate fully on one important plotpoint. And I suspect we have one or two that kind of episodes still coming
Imagine if all of Game Of Thrones had the same pacing as this season. I feel like it would be a completely different show honestly, and I'm … morenot sure if that's a good or bad thing necessarily. I've absolutely loved this show from Episode 1 so it's not like the previous seasons are bad by any means, but I really enjoy the faster pacing they've been doing this season and I'm happy they're doing it.
Yeah at this point in the show after really spending time to flesh out the characters and storyline the show has earned the right to be faster paced. It wouldn't have been the same if it had been like that from Episode 1
True. I'd say it has mostly been a good thing that the show has taken it's time to develop the characters and plotlines, even if it has felt… more very slow at times. By now the characters are fully established though, so they can get away with fastening the pace of the story. In this episode it was pretty extreme though, and I hope all the episodes from now on won't be quite this fast in their plot progression. Sometimes it's good to have Blackwaters and Hardhomes that just concentrate fully on one important plotpoint. And I suspect we have one or two that kind of episodes still coming
It's still going to be rather awkward once Jon finds out he's a legit Targaryen. Given how humble he is, he might let Dany still have it.
Seems Littlefinger is stirring the pot yet again and who knows if Jon will be even welcome home. Or maybe this time his hand will be caught in the cookie jar.
Ghost is still MIA but at least he gets a mention.
I find it weird that people are weird out by Jon and Dany, yet they don't seem to have a problem with Cersei and Jaime. You know...They are twin brother and sister.
The sexual tension between Jon and Dany was at an all time high this episode lmao. I don't get why so many people find it weird for them to … morebe together just because they're aunt/nephew, Tywin Lannister married his own cousin and so did Rickon Stark. Marriages based on incest is not anything uncommon in Westeros and it's not like they'd be carrying on the Targaryen tradition of brother and sister getting married.
I think people only get used to their "incestious love",We aren't cool with them but you know all the story was based on that relation.
As a Stannis fan I want that all their acting to fall and accept the punishment for all their abominations.
Jon&Daererys are not seeing as a possibility to many fans and until the next books are out they will see the couple as non canon.
I am afraid I take part on this
I find it weird that people are weird out by Jon and Dany, yet they don't seem to have a problem with Cersei and Jaime. You know...They are twin brother and sister.
So i rewatched the episode and it was better than when i first watched it, Only thing i didn't like was Cersei getting pregnant but i guess i shouldn't base the episode on one simple thing
There was some really funny bits in this episode. Especially among the dream team that's going Beyond the Wall.
I liked the subtle little line when Tormund asked if "the big woman" was coming to the fight, we need to see them in a scene together again at some point.
There was some really funny bits in this episode. Especially among the dream team that's going Beyond the Wall.
Next episode is going to be freaking amazing.
I see that they're really going through with the whole "Jon isn't a Stark. He's a Targaryen" thing. I really don't like that, I feel like it'll ruin his character for me. I'm fine with the whole parentage, it's a good twist and it's interesting but I see him as a Stark not a Targaryen, so this really bothers me.
Anywho we started off strong with Dany the tyrant. I refuse to pretend that what she's doing is justified.
Gendry's back! I was so happy to see him return. And he's got a War hammer! Like Robert.
Overall I thought this episode was great. Gendry's return was definitely the highlight for me.
It's still going to be rather awkward once Jon finds out he's a legit Targaryen. Given how humble he is, he might let Dany still have it.
… more Seems Littlefinger is stirring the pot yet again and who knows if Jon will be even welcome home. Or maybe this time his hand will be caught in the cookie jar.
Ghost is still MIA but at least he gets a mention.
I'm pretty sure Jon will see himself as a Stark as well, even if he'll learn the truth. He grew up as a son of Ned, and will always see him as his true father, even if he will take the Targaryen name (and I'm not fully convinced yet that he'll even do that).
I see that they're really going through with the whole "Jon isn't a Stark. He's a Targaryen" thing. I really don't like that, I feel like it… more'll ruin his character for me. I'm fine with the whole parentage, it's a good twist and it's interesting but I see him as a Stark not a Targaryen, so this really bothers me.
Anywho we started off strong with Dany the tyrant. I refuse to pretend that what she's doing is justified.
Gendry's back! I was so happy to see him return. And he's got a War hammer! Like Robert.
Overall I thought this episode was great. Gendry's return was definitely the highlight for me.
I hope so. I wonder though, would it even be possible for Jon to take the Targaryen name? As far as I know there's no way to prove that he is Rhaegar's son.
I'm pretty sure Jon will see himself as a Stark as well, even if he'll learn the truth. He grew up as a son of Ned, and will always see him … moreas his true father, even if he will take the Targaryen name (and I'm not fully convinced yet that he'll even do that).
Well, Sam and Gilly just found an official document from the Citadel that Rhaegar did marry Lyanna. That said, it's indeed a bit more tricky to prove that said marriage led to Jon's birth.
There is still Howland Reed though, who was there in the Tower of Joy when Ned took Jon under his wing. He might be willing to testify.
I hope so. I wonder though, would it even be possible for Jon to take the Targaryen name? As far as I know there's no way to prove that he is Rhaegar's son.
Great episode but I feel like this season is too fast paced in some parts. It looks like they are struggling, they should have definitely went with 10 episodes instead of 7 or at least make all episodes 70 minutes long. We have only 8 episodes left of game of thrones which is less than a previous season that had 10 episodes, I hope the conclusion will be satisfying and not rushed but I cant say that I'm not worried.
Alright, I've rewatched the episode now. The super fast pace didn't really bother me on the second viewing, perhaps because I knew it was coming, but it's definitely noticable and I fully understand if it bothers some viewers. Perhaps the best example to show how much happened in one episode is Davos: he starts from Dragonstone, and promises to smuggle Tyrion in to meet Jaime. They go to KL, and while there Davos finds Gendry, who is eager to come with him just to get away from the Lannister's. They return to Dragonstone and have a couple short scenes there, and by the end of the ep they have arrived to Eastwatch. That is a lot for a single episode
Anyway, starting with Jaime, as expected Bronn saved him. Of course Bronn claims he saved Jaime because he hasn't paid his debt yet, but I suspect the real reason is that he has grown to see him as a friend Anyway, they return to KL and Jaime reveals that Olenna was the one who killed Joffrey. Cersei's reaction is what I would've expected. Then, Jaime meets with Tyrion and oh man there is some great acting between Peter and Nikolaj. Shame that the scene was pretty short - I would've liked a bit more time given for the reunion of the Lannister brothers. Anyway, then we have Cersei trying to channel her inner Tywin and finding alternative ways to defeat Dany... this has me quite worried. After all, we have seen before that Cersei is capable of getting rid of her enemies with dirty tricks. Hopefully Jon and Dany won't fall for it, because no way is Cersei interested in helping them with the real enemy. Oh, and I didn't really think much of Cersei being pregnant, but I am interested to see where that leads. I'm guessing either the baby will be stillborn, or Cersei will die before childbirth (or possibly during childbirth). And the way she said "Don't ever betray me again", and Jaime's expression... chills. They keep teasing the fall out between these two, hopefully it will lead to something before the show is over. One can only hope
With the Dragonstone crew... a lot happened. I really liked Jon's moment with Drogon. I bet the beast recognized Jon as a Targaryen, and thus let the guy pet him. Dany looked really surprised - Jon was probably the first person aside from her to connect with her dragons like that. Well, Tyrion was pretty close to that in his scene in the Meereen catacombs last season, but not quite. Tyrion's chat with Varys was nice, and it's great that they recognize the obvious red flags in Dany's behavior, "I give you choice, kneel or die" and burning Randyll and Dickon (I suppose that makes Sam the Lord of Hornhill ). I already talked about Tyrion's scene with Jaime, but Davos had an equally great scene in KL, reintroducing us to Gendry. It seems the guy has really embraced the fact that he is Robert's son, and I love that! "I thought you might still be rowing" was a bit meta, but since it was Davos who said it, it makes sense in-universe The scene with the gold cloaks was pretty fun as well.
Not that much happened in the North. Aside from Bran's brief warging session with the birds, it was mostly about the cat and mouse game between Arya and LF. It makes sense that Arya doesn't fully trust Sansa, but I believe in the end she will stay true to Jon and her family, and Petyr will get the short end of the stick. Still, it is so very Baelish to pit the sisters against each other, and I'm glad he is at least trying to play his games still. But winter is coming, and I doubt Littlefinger is going to see the end of it.
Sam's scenes were decent, and I think this was a good moment storywise for him to leave the Citadel. He has learned some new stuff, and he took some books with him to learn more. However, just by sitting in Citadel with these sceptical maesters isn't going to help much when the Night King comes, so I'm glad he took his leave. Oh, and obviously I noticed what Gilly mentioned about Rhaegar I wonder when is that going to come into play.
And then we come to the Westeros Avengers, and the ending in Eastwatch. Mostly, I love what I'm seeing here. It makes sense for Jon to take lead of this mission - he has always been one to lead from the frontlines, whether it has been in Hardhome or Battle of the Bastards, so it makes sense he'll take the lead of this mission as well. It also makes sense for Tormund to go with him, to represent the Free Folk. Sandor, Beric and Thoros definitely belong there as well - this is their mission, their purpose as the servants of the Lord of Light. Gendry? Ehh, it's a bit weird how fast he is ready to jump into something crazy like this, but I get it, he wants to be a hero like his father, he wants to prove himself. What bothers me a bit though is Jorah. I mean, I get that they want someone from Team Dany there, but why Jorah? He just cured himself, and would be much more valuable as an advisor for Dany, especially now that she is struggling with moral questions (to burn or not to burn?). Why not just send one of the Dothraki? Oh well, I hope he won't die beyond the Wall, but I have a bad feeling...
Overall, this was a very entertaining episode, even if at times feeling a bit rushed. Not as good as last week, but still keeping up the strong run of season 7. I give 7x05 "Eastwatch" 8/10.
It's very interesting that there's only 7 people going beyond the Wall now (who ironically fit an aspect of the Faith of the Seven), but there's going to be 12 ultimately. Perhaps Brienne does come after all. Maybe even Ghost, like the story of the Last Hero, where during the war against the White Walkers .
He [the Last Hero] set out into the dead lands with a sword, a horse, a dog, and a dozen companions. For years he searched until he despaired of ever finding the children of the forest in their secret cities. One by one his friends died, and his horse, and finally even his dog, and his sword froze so hard the blade snapped when he tried to use it. And the Others smelled the hot blood in him and came silent on his trail, stalking him with packs of pale white spiders big as hounds
Freaking ice spiders, zoinks. If this story that's over 8,000 years old is any indication, Jon's dream team could be screwed.
(Skip to 1:31) You can see all 12 people here:
(Skip to 0:36) Here we see 5 people going out beyond the Wall, Brienne might be one of them, making our 12:
There was some really funny bits in this episode. Especially among the dream team that's going Beyond the Wall.
I liked the subtle l… moreittle line when Tormund asked if "the big woman" was coming to the fight, we need to see them in a scene together again at some point.
I think there were more people (the rest of the 12) coming behind our 7 heroes when they walked out of the gate. It's easy to miss them since the camera obviously focuses on the main characters, but they are there.
Yeah, I noticed that too.
It's very interesting that there's only 7 people going beyond the Wall now (who ironically fit an aspect of the… more Faith of the Seven), but there's going to be 12 ultimately. Perhaps Brienne does come after all. Maybe even Ghost, like the story of the Last Hero, where during the war against the White Walkers .
He [the Last Hero] set out into the dead lands with a sword, a horse, a dog, and a dozen companions. For years he searched until he despaired of ever finding the children of the forest in their secret cities. One by one his friends died, and his horse, and finally even his dog, and his sword froze so hard the blade snapped when he tried to use it. And the Others smelled the hot blood in him and came silent on his trail, stalking him with packs of pale white spiders big as hounds
Freaking ice spiders, zoinks. If this story that's over 8,000 years old is any indication, Jon's dream team could be sc… [view original content]
When Davos said "I thought you might still be rowing" I was laughing so hard, it felt like the writers intentionally wrote that to address all the rowing jokes people made about Gendry
There was some really funny bits in this episode. Especially among the dream team that's going Beyond the Wall.
Next episode is going to be freaking amazing.
Yeah, I noticed that too.
It's very interesting that there's only 7 people going beyond the Wall now (who ironically fit an aspect of the… more Faith of the Seven), but there's going to be 12 ultimately. Perhaps Brienne does come after all. Maybe even Ghost, like the story of the Last Hero, where during the war against the White Walkers .
He [the Last Hero] set out into the dead lands with a sword, a horse, a dog, and a dozen companions. For years he searched until he despaired of ever finding the children of the forest in their secret cities. One by one his friends died, and his horse, and finally even his dog, and his sword froze so hard the blade snapped when he tried to use it. And the Others smelled the hot blood in him and came silent on his trail, stalking him with packs of pale white spiders big as hounds
Freaking ice spiders, zoinks. If this story that's over 8,000 years old is any indication, Jon's dream team could be sc… [view original content]
I dislike the fact that there are already leaks for the next episode. It makes waiting for the next episode more annoying and the fact that I have to keep resisting the thought of looking for those leaks.
Am I the only one who's a little irritated by the idea of Rhaegar's divorce? It barely makes sense! In ASOIAF, divorce is a very serious deal, especially for royalties. The only one who can allow it is the High Septon and only on extraordinary occasions. And you're telling me that Rhaegar took Lyanna, found the High Septon in Dorne, did a very quick divorce and even a quicker wedding? The hell?
People have speculated for long that Rhaegar married Lyanna before she gave birth to Jon. People just assumed he took a second wife, since the Targaryen's have actually done that before. In the show it seems though that he actually divorced from Elia before marrying Lyanna, which would indeed be weird if we go by the book canon. However, the rule about High Septon having to permit the divorce has never been brought up in the show canon, so it's not an issue.
Am I the only one who's a little irritated by the idea of Rhaegar's divorce? It barely makes sense! In ASOIAF, divorce is a very serious dea… morel, especially for royalties. The only one who can allow it is the High Septon and only on extraordinary occasions. And you're telling me that Rhaegar took Lyanna, found the High Septon in Dorne, did a very quick divorce and even a quicker wedding? The hell?
Well, the only Taragryen who had two wives was Aegon, and only because he was the conqueror. When his son Maegor tried to do the same, whole Westeros judged him and septon declined to arrange this marriage. But eh...
People have speculated for long that Rhaegar married Lyanna before she gave birth to Jon. People just assumed he took a second wife, since t… morehe Targaryen's have actually done that before. In the show it seems though that he actually divorced from Elia before marrying Lyanna, which would indeed be weird if we go by the book canon. However, the rule about High Septon having to permit the divorce has never been brought up in the show canon, so it's not an issue.
It was ok I guess nothing really exciting happen, also I'm really miss Euron
Nothing too amazing really, Just more Fan Fic coming from D&D now. Also i'm just enjoying this Comedy because it really is becoming a parody of asoiaf at this point.
Looks like Horn Hill belongs to Sam now. That is if he is released from his Nights Watch vows. Drogon smells something on Jon.
Loved it! Especially all the scenes with Sam and Tyrion. It's awesome that Tyrion finally starts to become an independent character after being a supporting one to Daenerys. The writing in this episode was suprisingly good. I always loved D&D's writing despite their shortcomings but Dave Hill is even better. But I must admit that the "still rowing" joke was too met for me, but it makes sense for Davos to say it so no big deal.
Suspenseful as always. Not a lot of action happened, but there was a lot of plot development.
Can't say I look forward to the next episode, because it is clear that characters will die.
Except this episode was written by Dave Hill. Guess the bookpurists can't even check simple things like that in their blind D&D hate
Aren't all chapters this season wrote by different guys? I already knew that at a start
Whoa! This episode certainly wasn't shy about going through a LOT of plot progression. I'd say in a normal season they would've used 3 eps to go through all this. Granted, it would've been 3 pretty slow episodes, but still. That said, there wasn't a single boring moment here, and I was constantly engaged in what was going on. So, overall I liked the episode, but just the sheer amount of things happening requires a rewatch before I can give any kind of rating for this one
Nah, Cogman wrote episode 2 and Hill wrote this one, all the other ones are written by D&D.
The episode was complete,It was not the best one but not the worst.It seems that under the Targaryen flag Madness switch's with "warm recounters",I can't understand why people defend Daernerys she is crazy and knows no justice.The show may be capable of alterning shadows and light on her,but the truth is that she is a crazy dragon-rider even perhaps madder than the people under the Lannister banner.
House Tarly is dead after countless years of story they fell burned...All for being true to their ideals and convictions(It was the Worst political move by our foreign dragon-queen).
We saw Gendry again and it seems that he has become a "young Robert" on his time out paddling,Beyond all I like his character but the way he was reintroduced on got was not the best for me but I believe joining the Targaryens along with Jon Snow was not bad at all for him, considering the options.
The meeting between Tyrion and Jaime was cool,A pity that Bronn had to live so early.I will not comment Cersei's pregnancy...The horrible spoilers are becoming true one by one.
And then Robett Glover said:"My lady we should have chosen you as our lider"My question:Why have you done it on the first place?The Queen in the North...
The writers sometimes give us "apologies" for breaking the feudalisms laws of succession but it is not enough
Love Gilly saying about the annulment between Rhaegar (Raggar) and someone else then getting married somewhere in dorne. Proving that Jon is no bastard and a true Targaryen, be funny when he goes up to Dany like, I'm your nephew and btw my claim to the throne is stronger than yours.
Imagine if all of Game Of Thrones had the same pacing as this season. I feel like it would be a completely different show honestly, and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing necessarily. I've absolutely loved this show from Episode 1 so it's not like the previous seasons are bad by any means, but I really enjoy the faster pacing they've been doing this season and I'm happy they're doing it.
The sexual tension between Jon and Dany was at an all time high this episode lmao. I don't get why so many people find it weird for them to be together just because they're aunt/nephew, Tywin Lannister married his own cousin and so did Rickon Stark. Marriages based on incest is not anything uncommon in Westeros and it's not like they'd be carrying on the Targaryen tradition of brother and sister getting married.
I honestly can't wait for Jon to find out and for the news to get out to everyone that he's a legimate Targaryen. It's going to be fucking crazy
True. I'd say it has mostly been a good thing that the show has taken it's time to develop the characters and plotlines, even if it has felt very slow at times. By now the characters are fully established though, so they can get away with fastening the pace of the story. In this episode it was pretty extreme though, and I hope all the episodes from now on won't be quite this fast in their plot progression. Sometimes it's good to have Blackwaters and Hardhomes that just concentrate fully on one important plotpoint. And I suspect we have one or two that kind of episodes still coming
Yeah at this point in the show after really spending time to flesh out the characters and storyline the show has earned the right to be faster paced. It wouldn't have been the same if it had been like that from Episode 1
It's still going to be rather awkward once Jon finds out he's a legit Targaryen. Given how humble he is, he might let Dany still have it.
Seems Littlefinger is stirring the pot yet again and who knows if Jon will be even welcome home. Or maybe this time his hand will be caught in the cookie jar.
Ghost is still MIA but at least he gets a mention.
There was some really funny bits in this episode. Especially among the dream team that's going Beyond the Wall.
Next episode is going to be freaking amazing.
I find it weird that people are weird out by Jon and Dany, yet they don't seem to have a problem with Cersei and Jaime. You know...They are twin brother and sister.
I think people only get used to their "incestious love",We aren't cool with them but you know all the story was based on that relation.
As a Stannis fan I want that all their acting to fall and accept the punishment for all their abominations.
Jon&Daererys are not seeing as a possibility to many fans and until the next books are out they will see the couple as non canon.
I am afraid I take part on this
So i rewatched the episode and it was better than when i first watched it, Only thing i didn't like was Cersei getting pregnant but i guess i shouldn't base the episode on one simple thing
I liked the subtle little line when Tormund asked if "the big woman" was coming to the fight, we need to see them in a scene together again at some point.
I see that they're really going through with the whole "Jon isn't a Stark. He's a Targaryen" thing. I really don't like that, I feel like it'll ruin his character for me. I'm fine with the whole parentage, it's a good twist and it's interesting but I see him as a Stark not a Targaryen, so this really bothers me.
Anywho we started off strong with Dany the tyrant. I refuse to pretend that what she's doing is justified.
Gendry's back! I was so happy to see him return. And he's got a War hammer! Like Robert.
Overall I thought this episode was great. Gendry's return was definitely the highlight for me.
Did they speak of a High Septon with a name? Seriously....
Our friend Snow is becoming the most special boy in the planet...
I'm pretty sure Jon will see himself as a Stark as well, even if he'll learn the truth. He grew up as a son of Ned, and will always see him as his true father, even if he will take the Targaryen name (and I'm not fully convinced yet that he'll even do that).
I hope so. I wonder though, would it even be possible for Jon to take the Targaryen name? As far as I know there's no way to prove that he is Rhaegar's son.
Well, Sam and Gilly just found an official document from the Citadel that Rhaegar did marry Lyanna. That said, it's indeed a bit more tricky to prove that said marriage led to Jon's birth.
There is still Howland Reed though, who was there in the Tower of Joy when Ned took Jon under his wing. He might be willing to testify.
Great episode but I feel like this season is too fast paced in some parts. It looks like they are struggling, they should have definitely went with 10 episodes instead of 7 or at least make all episodes 70 minutes long. We have only 8 episodes left of game of thrones which is less than a previous season that had 10 episodes, I hope the conclusion will be satisfying and not rushed but I cant say that I'm not worried.
Alright, I've rewatched the episode now. The super fast pace didn't really bother me on the second viewing, perhaps because I knew it was coming, but it's definitely noticable and I fully understand if it bothers some viewers. Perhaps the best example to show how much happened in one episode is Davos: he starts from Dragonstone, and promises to smuggle Tyrion in to meet Jaime. They go to KL, and while there Davos finds Gendry, who is eager to come with him just to get away from the Lannister's. They return to Dragonstone and have a couple short scenes there, and by the end of the ep they have arrived to Eastwatch. That is a lot for a single episode
Anyway, starting with Jaime, as expected Bronn saved him. Of course Bronn claims he saved Jaime because he hasn't paid his debt yet, but I suspect the real reason is that he has grown to see him as a friend
Anyway, they return to KL and Jaime reveals that Olenna was the one who killed Joffrey. Cersei's reaction is what I would've expected. Then, Jaime meets with Tyrion and oh man there is some great acting between Peter and Nikolaj. Shame that the scene was pretty short - I would've liked a bit more time given for the reunion of the Lannister brothers. Anyway, then we have Cersei trying to channel her inner Tywin and finding alternative ways to defeat Dany... this has me quite worried. After all, we have seen before that Cersei is capable of getting rid of her enemies with dirty tricks. Hopefully Jon and Dany won't fall for it, because no way is Cersei interested in helping them with the real enemy. Oh, and I didn't really think much of Cersei being pregnant, but I am interested to see where that leads. I'm guessing either the baby will be stillborn, or Cersei will die before childbirth (or possibly during childbirth). And the way she said "Don't ever betray me again", and Jaime's expression... chills. They keep teasing the fall out between these two, hopefully it will lead to something before the show is over. One can only hope 
With the Dragonstone crew... a lot happened. I really liked Jon's moment with Drogon. I bet the beast recognized Jon as a Targaryen, and thus let the guy pet him. Dany looked really surprised - Jon was probably the first person aside from her to connect with her dragons like that. Well, Tyrion was pretty close to that in his scene in the Meereen catacombs last season, but not quite. Tyrion's chat with Varys was nice, and it's great that they recognize the obvious red flags in Dany's behavior, "I give you choice, kneel or die" and burning Randyll and Dickon (I suppose that makes Sam the Lord of Hornhill
). I already talked about Tyrion's scene with Jaime, but Davos had an equally great scene in KL, reintroducing us to Gendry. It seems the guy has really embraced the fact that he is Robert's son, and I love that! "I thought you might still be rowing" was a bit meta, but since it was Davos who said it, it makes sense in-universe
The scene with the gold cloaks was pretty fun as well.
Not that much happened in the North. Aside from Bran's brief warging session with the birds, it was mostly about the cat and mouse game between Arya and LF. It makes sense that Arya doesn't fully trust Sansa, but I believe in the end she will stay true to Jon and her family, and Petyr will get the short end of the stick. Still, it is so very Baelish to pit the sisters against each other, and I'm glad he is at least trying to play his games still. But winter is coming, and I doubt Littlefinger is going to see the end of it.
Sam's scenes were decent, and I think this was a good moment storywise for him to leave the Citadel. He has learned some new stuff, and he took some books with him to learn more. However, just by sitting in Citadel with these sceptical maesters isn't going to help much when the Night King comes, so I'm glad he took his leave. Oh, and obviously I noticed what Gilly mentioned about Rhaegar
I wonder when is that going to come into play.
And then we come to the Westeros Avengers, and the ending in Eastwatch. Mostly, I love what I'm seeing here. It makes sense for Jon to take lead of this mission - he has always been one to lead from the frontlines, whether it has been in Hardhome or Battle of the Bastards, so it makes sense he'll take the lead of this mission as well. It also makes sense for Tormund to go with him, to represent the Free Folk. Sandor, Beric and Thoros definitely belong there as well - this is their mission, their purpose as the servants of the Lord of Light. Gendry? Ehh, it's a bit weird how fast he is ready to jump into something crazy like this, but I get it, he wants to be a hero like his father, he wants to prove himself. What bothers me a bit though is Jorah. I mean, I get that they want someone from Team Dany there, but why Jorah? He just cured himself, and would be much more valuable as an advisor for Dany, especially now that she is struggling with moral questions (to burn or not to burn?). Why not just send one of the Dothraki?
Oh well, I hope he won't die beyond the Wall, but I have a bad feeling...
Overall, this was a very entertaining episode, even if at times feeling a bit rushed. Not as good as last week, but still keeping up the strong run of season 7. I give 7x05 "Eastwatch" 8/10.
Yeah, I noticed that too.
It's very interesting that there's only 7 people going beyond the Wall now (who ironically fit an aspect of the Faith of the Seven), but there's going to be 12 ultimately. Perhaps Brienne does come after all. Maybe even Ghost, like the story of the Last Hero, where during the war against the White Walkers .
Freaking ice spiders, zoinks. If this story that's over 8,000 years old is any indication, Jon's dream team could be screwed.
(Skip to 1:31) You can see all 12 people here:
(Skip to 0:36) Here we see 5 people going out beyond the Wall, Brienne might be one of them, making our 12:
The Fellowship of the Ring must holdfast.
I think there were more people (the rest of the 12) coming behind our 7 heroes when they walked out of the gate. It's easy to miss them since the camera obviously focuses on the main characters, but they are there.
When Davos said "I thought you might still be rowing" I was laughing so hard, it felt like the writers intentionally wrote that to address all the rowing jokes people made about Gendry
The dog in the story could be Sandor/the Hound.
Yep. Or Ghost. It's a damn shame they couldn't have him in the Battle of the Bastards, because it would be awesome.
I hope it doesn't lose that dog. We need Cleganebowl.
I dislike the fact that there are already leaks for the next episode. It makes waiting for the next episode more annoying and the fact that I have to keep resisting the thought of looking for those leaks.
Am I the only one who's a little irritated by the idea of Rhaegar's divorce? It barely makes sense! In ASOIAF, divorce is a very serious deal, especially for royalties. The only one who can allow it is the High Septon and only on extraordinary occasions. And you're telling me that Rhaegar took Lyanna, found the High Septon in Dorne, did a very quick divorce and even a quicker wedding? The hell?
People have speculated for long that Rhaegar married Lyanna before she gave birth to Jon. People just assumed he took a second wife, since the Targaryen's have actually done that before. In the show it seems though that he actually divorced from Elia before marrying Lyanna, which would indeed be weird if we go by the book canon. However, the rule about High Septon having to permit the divorce has never been brought up in the show canon, so it's not an issue.
Well, the only Taragryen who had two wives was Aegon, and only because he was the conqueror. When his son Maegor tried to do the same, whole Westeros judged him and septon declined to arrange this marriage. But eh...
So is sam now the leader of house tarly?