Help me out.

edited September 2017 in The Walking Dead

Is Michonne(tv) destined to die?

Ok so before you answer take in these opinions for consideration.

Ok let's start from the top. Michonne sorta took on Andrea's(comic) roll before the group entered Alexandria. She took it head on after telling Rick how she feels, and sealed it with "We're the ones that live". AMC's version of Andrea's " we don't die".

I'ts most likely Carol will take on Michonne's(comic) roll since King Ezekiel revealed his secret to her. She'll most likely be the one who is shook up after seeing his head on a spike. (Ooh, could we see TWD: Michonne, starring Carol? That'd be pretty cool. Pretty far-fetched I know. But the game was based on the comics, and I'm pretty sure the game is canon to the comics. Meaning that is actually what happened to Michonne, during her abscence in the comics. getting back on topic now)

So yeah, do you think Michonne(tv) is destined for Andrea's(comic) death?

Not to sound insensitive, because I actually love Michonne, but I think it'd be as big of a mistake as not making AMC's Here's Negan, if they didn't kill her.

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