Do You Trust Prissoner X? (Vote!)
So I can't be the only one with mixed feelings about Xara. Is she reliable? Will she betrayed Jesse or eventually become a friend? I don't know about you guys but I think she will betray us in the end to gain the power of the Admin or something like that. I mean she saw Jesse kill that giant black -three-headed-ghast with style and Petra eating swords so she must power up a lvl or two.
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I can't get over the Petra eating swords thing XD
I voted to trust her I mean yes she seems like an insane person but I feel like there is more to her then that she just seems like a character who is bitter and wants revenge towards Romeo and so I think she wants allies by her side to defeat him therefore I would trust her I think she seems useful
The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.
I'm going to give her chances to earn either my trust or distrust instead of preemptively assigning her one or the other. If I'm being honest, I think I would prefer it if she ends up being trouble because of what she's been through and because she has a similar albeit different loose grasp on reality that the Admin has. I think it'd be a bit too straightforward if she loses her more ruthless traits and becomes wholly "good".
When dose she say that I played thorugh the whole episode and she dosent say that according to a lot of people she dose say it.
It's something the Warden says if Petra is the one sent to the Sunshine Institute with Jesse. He lists things about Jack and Petra respectively right before one of them attempts the first escape attempt with Jesse.
You trying to run away from the question?
Well it seems like you actually do trust her because otherwise you would not give her a chance. Trust is earned and by giving her a chance to prove herself you have a little bit faith in her.
She can earn my trust but it has to be against my will, but hey thats just me.
Hell no, she tricked me. I left her to fend for herself when given the choice. I do feel bad for her but I don't trust her at all, I get the feeling she will end up stabbing Jesse in the back.
Nah, I voted "No, she is cold-hearted can betray us at anytime." but I considered both answers to be extremes that I disagreed with. That's why I wanted to explain my reasoning since it's a bit more nuanced and complicated but silly me, I forgot to actually state in my post what I voted XD I thought I'd become better at it.
I'll try to go more in depth with my reasoning: It's not so much trust as it is necessity. As it is, the Admin is an omnipotent threat and so far, Xara is the only one who has been shown to have knowledge of him that could prove vital to his defeat. Alienating her or otherwise endangering the chances of acquiring that knowledge would be foolish. It would, however, be just as foolish to unconditionally trust her as she remains an unknown. Thus, the best course of action is to establish an alliance and display a level of professional trust that says that I won't turn on her as long as she does not turn on me.
Basically, it's pragmatism and not genuine trust. I'm fully prepared for the possibility that she'll turn on me and I attempted to take what precautions were provided by the game like telling Petra and Jack to keep an eye on her. Essentially, my Jesse is not choosing to go with her because she wants to but because she needs to for the sake of defeating the Admin.
Couldn't literally have said it better.You took the words right out of my mouth.
Kiiind of....?? I mean... she's kinda.. cold blooded. And probably not the most trustworthy person. Buuut, she did help us escape the priso- I MEAN THE REFORMATORY. She said she would helps us escape and defeat Romeo, not "WE ARE GONNA BE THE BESTEST OF FRIENDS, JESSE.
" Sooo....
I wanna trust her but I've been betrayed before.
that was meant to be a typed out smiling face, not a weird unfitting emoji....
I love how everyone (like me) is just a little bit on one of the sides and does not fully trust or distrust Xara. Telltale really nailed this character.
I trust her becuse why she should betray us anyway? She hate Roman(Romeo) too.
Well the result suprised me. 68% trust her? Damm.
I have very mixed feelings. While playing the episode I completely trusted her but there was that one thing where she breaks out all the time and somehow doesn’t set off the tnt maybe it’s just a mistake in writing or Xara is really up to something.
O no no no they just reinforced her imprisonment with TNT because she just tried to escape (again) around Jesse's arrival. I don't think she was allways down at lvl x because all the other prisoners litrally run when they see her, so she must have been with them at some point and done something bad to them. (meaning its impossible for her to allways have been on lvl x)
I don't think so, I think they're scared of her from the things they heard from the others. Like Stella for example, even she didn't see the Xara, she was a little scare of her, So I think when they did write about Xara tried to escape around Jesse's arrival, they forgot about the TNT, or they did add it after the last try.
They are afraid because they heard things about her? Don't buy it.
I wouldn't trust her but I would let her come just...with really close eyes...
For now. Yes.
Initially no, especially after her killing of the Warden and non-nonchalant escape forcing me to pick one of my friends to stay behind, but her response to me saving her and then admitting the history between her, the Admin and Rob warmed me to her a little more, so for now I do trust her... kinda.
Petra will still be keeping one eye on her though.
I guess 70% is final.
psss mayby not 100% sure but a 80%
I trust her to get us home. However, I don't trust she will stay loyal afterwards
Nope, it's know 72%.
i trust her she seems like ivor from when we first meet him and he was bad then became nice so yes i trust xara
And know it's 73%!
Hell no, but I trust her more than the Admin.
I told Jack to keep a close eye on her.
Eu Acho que a xara é a única chance de salvar o Jesse do administrador
Same, I feel like she will turn on us after she brings us home and ask for a huge gift in return.
Maybe but Jesse is the one saving Xara at the moment.
In english
While I don't entirely trust her I play Jesse as someone who loves friendship and gives everyone a chance. I can relate with Jack's hostility, he lost Vos and Nurm (at least in my run) but she's the group's best bet against the admin as things stand.
First she tricked me. Then she murdered the Warden (who I really liked and felt bad for, he was in a bad position and had little choice in what to do). Then she left me to fight the super-Ghast. Hell no I don't trust her. In fact, I think she is as dangerous as the Admin, I don't even consider her to be an ally. Just a temporary companion.
ok take him
Plz tkz mz
Kinda hard to tell, but without her everyone is doomed.
So yeah.
Yeah that's a good way to put it XD