How attached are you really?
Sup guise, I wanted to ask, after "the final season" (hopefully it isn't the end of the franchise)
If TT decided to create a brand new character, including a new intriguing story, a likeable, but not forced protagonist, with nothing to do with the previous stories. Do you guys think TT can create a new story that can completely draw our attention away from our past? What we've grown to love? From previous characters and storylines?
Personally for me, not a chance. I mean I really, like ANF but all I thought about was our Clem and everything that went on before we knew the Garcia family.
And I feel like closing it out with Clem is good and bad because of course we wanna go on another journey with Clem, but we definitely don't want it/her to have an ending ;__;
Sure. I would be 'okay' with a new story if it's related to the Walking Dead. Whether they deserve it from how the final season though... We'll have to see. If the final season is just another flop like ANF was, I don't think they have what's in them to create meaningful choice directed stories anymore. I'm wouldn't be surprised if it is a flop, considering the development time is absurdly short.
ANF made me lose a lot of faith in being 'attached' per say. Don't get me wrong, I like Clementine a lot, she's the driving forces to actually keep playing the Walking Dead. ANF didn't accomplish anything. I felt like the Season 2 endings we had were interesting and I was so excited for those alternate paths, the fate of our relationships between Clem and those who we went with in the end... But now that's gone thanks to ANF. It's one of the most lackluster (and depressing) things I've ever seen. It really did feel like 90% of the game had just been cut out, being lied to... Not fun.
Season 1 and 2 had me attached, ANF absolutely did not. I guess it comes down to the final season, if it ends up being a flop, I probably won't be on these forums any longer. Since The Walking Dead is the only product I'm interested that Telltale has created anyway.
I stopped caring about what's going on in the story, ever since the shit show that was Amid the Ruins. Really, the only reason why I'm even still invested in this series, is to see how much more bad it can get. And it doesn't seem like that's gonna change. Once Clem's out of the picture, I'm done.
Yes. I love Clem, but she shouldn't have even been in ANF. I hope we see the Garcias next season at least, then I'm so ready for a whole new story and characters.
Same as you! Couldn't have said it any better Sharples. Telltale haven't been the same since 2013 and their games have got worse. I liked TFTB for it's humour and character relationships but that was all. TWD Season 1 gave us so much to enjoy, gameplay, hubs, puzzles and optional side quests and we got to know each character in the game thanks to being able to talk to them and ask them questions. Where was that in Season 3?
I know people are sick of me repeating myself but it is what it is and the more i say it, the more chance Telltale might hear people's complaints. If they started making games identical to the layout that Season 1 was, then myself and many others would be very happy I'm sure.
In answer to the OP's question, no i don't think TT can create a story again to make us attached to characters once more. I didn't give one iota of a shit about the Garcia family or any other character from that game. Even Clementine made it hard for me to care about her like i used to mostly due to the way she was written that season
I stopped caring about this franchise thanks to the terrible writing of Amid The Ruins. I gave them a second chance after that but they managed to just make it even worse. ANF is a middle finger to 2012's GOTY, The Walking Dead Season 1. I never gave a shit about every single character of the game except Javi and Clem, the choices never meant jack shit, the graphics are terrible (Makes your game crash), it lacked gameplay and character development. Easily one of the shortest full priced game ever existed.
2 Years of waiting was never worth it.
EDIT: Also, they keep recycling the same goddamn shit over and over and over again. There was nothing new about it.
I am not even attached to the final season. ANF killed walking dead to me. But i am really invested in their batman now
Amen to that! Except for me I didn't care less about Javier either
Well I love TWD but I hated the flatness of ANF, which even made me avoid this forum (that I love deeply); I'm all about giving second chances, so I'm waiting for the final season. Not super waiting like I wait for TLoU2, but still waiting. I'm not going to preorder or buy it immediately after it releases though.
My attachment with the Walking Dead series began to decline after the second half of Season 2, once it became clear that the Cabin Group and Clementine herself weren't the focus of the story and were both shoved aside or killed off in favour for putting the spotlight on the two highly unsympathetic and annoying characters that I could not root for and absolutely did not care for.
The Michonne: Mini-Series did have some interesting moments in retrospect, even if the story was far too rushed and minimal in runtime to fully appreciate. It wasn't as memorable as Season 1 and 2, but I did like what it had to offer when it came to the grey vs gray conflict between Sam and Norma, even if it did turn out to be rather biased in the end.
I don't think I even need to mention how I feel about ANF, as its flaws has been pointed out so many times in the past few months.
At this rate I seriously doubt the 'last season' will recapture the same passion and heart that Season 1 had. It's going to take a lot of commitment and investment for the next instalment to rekindle my interest again, and I do want to see TWD make a comeback. But to be honest, I don't think Telltale can pull it off.
True, I felt like they tried to make Clem this hardass because of the things she's been through in the past. I mean they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but they just made Clem wear her heart on her sleeve too much for me.
Well said sharp! season 1 and 2 had me drawn. But I feel like TT didn't have as much time or put enough time in as they did for season 1 & 2 cause at first they were introducing something new, then it became sort of rushed to not lose fans or ratings I guess.
But it was fine for them do that IF they hadn't lied to us and carried out what they originally said. What happened to the "who will your Clem become" statement they made at the end of Season 2? Why was there no noticeable differences to Clem's character in Season 3? They could have made 3 or 4 different personalities for Clem depending on the S2 ending choice. Instead they add a scar on her face and half a finger missing right? Hardly a big impact was it? Lol. They could have done so so SO much more in S3 but they didn't.
Personally I'm not very attached anymore, not just to the game but Walking Dead in general. I gave up on the comic and show years ago, and am happier for not having to devote time to it. I'm looking forward to one last run with Clem and never stepping foot in this universe again. Even though ANF killed my love of this series, I think I'll look back on it fondly. But I don't see how anything outside of a game centered on Clementine could bring me back, and even then I would come skulking back begrudgingly.
Out of all the new characters introduced in ANF I wasn't attached to any of them. I'm not even attached to Clementine who's been the central focal point up until now
I'd stick with the series forever cos it literally changed my life for the better. I'm gonna sound weird saying this but a New Frontier was the one that changed it the most. I'll keep playing with them cos I'm super attached
Honestly no. I just cant get attached to any new characters, all of them just die anyway who cares
Just remember also that their games post 2012, they have worked on more than one game at once which i feel is a very big reason as to why their games have lacked the same quality as games before 2013
Lol the cabin group and any other characters from S2 weren't really interesting anyway and i don't think the new writers would have made them better anyway
Oh i better not say what i am thinking then
You can say anything, worst case scenario I start roasting and get banned again
ANF didn't introduce anyone that I grew attached to (it actually had the opposite effect where it seems I'd rather never see any of those characters again), everyone from past Seasons is dead or missing (literally everyone) so I guess in the end any talk of attachment comes down to Clementine: am I attached to her?
I look upon S1 and 2 Clementine moments very fondly and I'm sure that will never go away, but present Clementine is... not inspiring much positive stuff in me anymore. I can't relate to her motivations (finding AJ) any longer, she wasn't particularly smart or had a pleasant personality or arc last Season... I'm honestly not sure if I still care about her, I'm definitely slightly interested in playing as her again in The Final Season in hopes that that S2 feeling will be back but... she's just so different. And then there's AJ, which is what's probably the biggest deal breaker about her character right now. I don't know. It's conflicting.
You honestly liked Season 3 then?
I just don't care anymore. ANF was okay but not good enough to renew my interest. End it already, I'm done with Clementine.
Season 3 doesn't exist yet.
Sad, but mostly true.
I thought this was gonna be about Clementine at first. Oh well.
They were created by Sean Vanaman before he left Telltale. I heard they were supposed to be different than what we got but because of the writers of Episode 3 and 4, they got thrown in the dumpster.
Could you provide a source for where you heard that? Not that I don't believe you, I just want to see for myself.
I think I know where he might find that.
But basically, Vanaman wrote the original outlines for the Season and even wrote the first script of Episode 1 to get Telltale started before he left. However, he apparently only recognized two things/scenes that were kept in the final product and thus declares no official ownership of the episode/Season.
Yeah, I definitely don't want her to have an ending. Would be pretty awesome to rewrite her story into a comic book. Then we(twd telltale forum) could vote on which choices Lee and Clem choose. Maybe add some dialogue, and then add stuff after this season is over.
Ok, I sound insane, but here me out. When I got introduced to Tt's TWD, I downloaded the demo for S2 on my ps3. In the demo, it's just the intro of S2, up until Clem falls into "the fuckin river". Just that little taste got me hooked. I immediately downloaded S1, and fell in love, with Clem, and Lee. But mostly Clem. She was so innocent I didn't want anything to happen to her. Even knowing she was going to be ok, I didn't want anything to scar her. Emotionally and physically. Everything I did as Lee was for her.
Then when S2 came out it was like the greatest gift, given to me. I got to play as the kid I was trying to protect. And what better way to protect her, amiright? I loved everything about S2, yes EVERYTHING. All That Remains, remains my favorite episode. Every choice, every dialogue option, every character. It was truly a thing to behold. After that, I wanted Clem's story to last forever. And I still do.
So somebody, anybody, please adopt my girl Clementine. Mr. Kirkman, write her into TWD, or give her, her own comic. Movie/TV writers, see this awesome potential, and make it happen. Video game producers, get her rights from Telltale. Just don't let her fly away, please I beg of you.
Long live The Walking Clementine.
I remember hearing about that. The more I think about what Season 2 could have been, the more pissed I get.
Never heard that before.
Anyway, found it.

Highlights at 2:09:32 - 2:10:57, 2:11:49 - 2:13:20, 2:15:52 - 2:20:41, and 2:21:50 - 2:23:12.
I might watch it on Youtube. Other people can pay $5 to play through the 1 hour buggy scraps of story they toss out now.
You're right. ANF doesn't deserve to be called Season 3 to be fair
Exactly. He may have created them but the writers that took over from him completely changed what he may have had planned for them.
Very much so. I have to see it through. I just pray Telltale goes back to their roots and lets us talk about our past experiences, lest they fade away in vain.
Yeah, I liked SEASON 3
Ok lol. I guess you didn't mind the short 1 hour episodes, the 90% of sitting through cutscenes and dialogue choice (choices hardly having an impact), the 2 to 3 scenes of gameplay, the very few amount of hubs and no character development/interaction? Not to mention a full priced game which was a big issue for me.
But hey that's fine! If Season 3 had replicated Season 1 by having 2 hour plus episodes, 90% gameplay, a dozen hubs, puzzles, optional sidequests, fantastic character development/interaction and choices feeling like they matter (as in not being forgotten about in later episodes like in Season 3), if ANF had that, then we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
I'm sure they'll be able to create a story that'll get some people attached to the new characters. Some people liked ANF. I'm done after Clementines arc, personally. Ending the series won't change the fact I have no interest in spinoffs and constantly changing the focus of the story game by game, it makes character attachment pointless if I'm playing the game because I like the series. And if that's gone, I don't see the point. It's certainly not the innovative gameplay that's keeping me around.
Much like Michonne and ANF, I'm simply going to lose interest if they're focusing on people I don't care about and never asked for. I'm just not going to stick around with the series if it's all going to boil down to Oprah saying "You get a story! You get a story! EVERYONE GETS A STORY!" I mean, hell, I am a huge fan of 24. I own every season and the movie on DVD, and a few on iTunes. I didn't watch Legacy because, despite loving the original series, it was simply a bunch of new guys trying to hitch a ride with the series name. I had no interest in watching it. And then Fox had no interest in renewing it. Doesn't seem it did very well. It takes more than simply using a name to succeed.
So yea, I'm sure there'll be people who will find the games as impactful as good as ever. For me, and this is especially true after 2 years just to get something like ANF, I'm done with TWDG after the series I started playing concludes.
I could say the same about Kenny and Jane; their stories weren't all that interesting to see in Season 2, and yet the two hogged up the majority of the spotlight in Season 2 while Clementine and the Cabin Group were both pushed to the side.
Kenny's arc in Season 2 is basically the same as it was in the previous season, except more lazily told when it involves his partners. Jane's arc is basically the opposite of Molly's arc from Around Every Corner when it comes to their own sisters.
Season 2's story suffered because the writers didn't feel confident enough to tell a new story without resorting to reusing old stories in Season 1, which was why Kenny was brought back to use as a crutch, while Jane was created to add an opponent for Kenny for the sake of making a 'compelling' drama in the finale.
The Cabin Group weren't seen as interesting simply because they naturally weren't interesting, but because the writers just didn't want to tell their stories from beginning to end, and decided to abruptly cut them out of the story in favour for more familiar storylines and characters.