The Season Finale release date... (Predictions)
As Telltale stated that it will premiere in the first half of 2018 so, January-June time. May 31st is my prediction for The Season Finale premiere as they have nearly finished Minecraft: Season 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy, which both of them games will be finished by December-January. Also Telltale are not even half way with Batman: Season 2 yet... Batman will probably be finished by March-April time. Giving room for The Walking Dead to release in May. I just think with half a year of development, how The Season Finale will turn out like... We all know how ANF turned out like and that taken Telltale 3 years in development (Ps why were Jane/Kenny flashbacks terrible with 3 years worth of development time!) I am just wondering with half a year worth of development will Telltale pull this Series off? Or will they go downhill like they have been doing with their recent WD games...?
Would like to know everyone’s predictions release date for The Season Finale.
Maybe we could get some information in January? Early screenshots in April? Trailer in May? What do you think?
I may be reaching, but I've noticed many game developers planning their release dates and/or "more info" for Spring. I don't think its too early, but if so then my money's on the end of spring or early summer. But hopefully, we can get some more info on this seasons' storyline around January following a few screenshots as well.
What is a better way to release The Final Season. When it all Started in April 24, 2012 six years later April 24, 2018
They said they expect to release it sometime in the summer or maybe earlier if things go smooth.
I’m pretty sure they said Q2 2018 so April - June. I’m expecting it to release sometime in May.