Theory: GOT Season 2 On Hold Cause Its Too Much Work?
So in 2015 they announced season 2 was going to happen but...
Recently Telltale has been pumping out multiple series of franchised games in a year and with each one there are less hubs and puzzle elements involved e.g. finding a way to get out of a certain area. With the conclusion of Telltales Game Of Thrones there were so many deviating paths. With Season 2 Telltale are left with a situation where Asher or Rodrick could of survived and both characters handle situations quite differently. Characters react differently towards them this essentially means with Season 2 Telltale have to do double the work and honestly with their timetable of releasing 3 to 4 games a year I think they don't want to spend extra time developing a game which would take a lot more commitment.
Here is a breakdown of the major deviating paths:
- Gared Tuttle either leaves the north grove or stays there.
- Did you sacrifice Cotter or not.
- Mira Forrester is either dead or alive.
- Rodrick or Asher survives (requiring two separate stories).
- Duncan or Royland survives depending on your choices you may have spared the other.
- Ludd Whitehill or Gryff is dead. (This is more complicated due to the fact of Rodrick & Asher have 2 scenarios each of who dies).
- Did Elaena Glenmore leave or stay by Rodricks/Ashers side
- As Asher did you choose the peaceful root trying to marry Gwyn Whitehill which results in her going with you in the epilogue.
- Beskha and the youngest brother is the same outcome from everyone but depending on whether Asher died or not this complicates things here too.
Now they could do the typical Telltale trick of killing off characters in the first 5 mins or making your choices meaningless aka like Kenny & Jane in a new frontier. However they can only do that to a certain extent. Its sad cause I thought Season 2/Final season was going to be Telltale showing how choices actually matter with the Asher or Rodrick scenario but if they truly never make it, I will be very disappointed. It would just show that Telltale would rather put out loads of licensed games instead of committing to make a really awesome one. Now don't get the wrong idea I love Telltale Games but if they don't put the effort into making another season due to the complicated choices then it will be a let down.
On the flip side they could be waiting for the TV show to end due to spoilers.
I'm just hoping that that they are waiting until the tv show finishes, meaning season 2 will take place season 6-8, leaving time for Asher/Rodrik to heal. Regardless, I would rather wait until 2023 and have an amazing season 2 where Rodrik and Asher have incredible different story lines than for them to bust a generic "Rodrik and Asher are the same person with different lines or get killed off in the first 5 mins" season 2.
2023? some people might not live to see a season 2
obviously id rather it earlier but if I had to wait that long for a good game of thrones season2 I would
Nah its not much work for them look at the Minecraft game they have the same character but different gender. This could be the same tactic they use to include Rodrik and Asher in the season. They can start off with a majorily different season intro and then kind of bring the story together to have it play it out the same but then leave the final episode different again.
The thing is though in minecraft the choices you make in season 1 don't really branch as drastically as the choices in Game Of Thrones in the final episode. Like there aren't an array of characters who are dead or alive. Plus the same npc's are with you in everyone's play through whether you play as a girl or not.
I know what you mean but imagine if you play as Rodrik in the beginning perhaps a few scenes can be different but due to Rodrik and Asher being the same in terms of status and relationships (excluding Elena and Gwyn) it should be pretty easy to continue the story even though they are determinant. I mean Duncan and Royland were determinant and they lasted throughout the entire first season as a sentinel or traitor. Also model swaps and voice changes aren't that difficult to program if you have a team of programmers which Telltale does have.
I would be annoyed if they killed off Elena and Gwyn in some lame way gotta have romance goals!
If it really is that much work, then why did they even bother doing all those routes in the first place? When and if Season 2 does come, I hope all those things truly do matter.
I really hope keeping Mira alive is worth it as most players opted to have her head rotting on a spike and decorating Traitor's Walk.
It should be out in a few more years and like many fans have said I think HBO won't allow them to release the next season until the final season of the show is finished, which will give Telltale more freedom in terms of story because we know how the series will end.
Also it might be best to have Mira die at the end of the first season because Mira is just going to give Ironrath to Morgryn because if Rodrik/Asher die than that means that Mira will have inherited Ironrath and Morgryn would now rule their home. Talia and Ryon would be the only ones able to reclaim their home and perhaps Gared if he marries Talia when she gets older. Also imagine how much more trouble it'll be for Rodrik/Asher to have face Morgryn's army along with the Whitehill army. So that's why I am saying that Rodrik/Asher have to survive the entire second season in order to have them reclaim Ironrath they will need a ton of allies and it may be up to the player's choices to gather those allies and defeat the Whitehills and Morgryn.
Morgryn could actually have ironrath regardless of whether he married Mira. He's in business with Ludd and he could have given ironrath to Morgryn
but.. but what if Ludd got killed by Rodrik/Asher??
oh nvm his thirdborn son is lord if ludd dies.... damn
A character we didn't see called Torrhen Whitehill is next in line the older brother of Gryff there is only one other brother alive but he is training to become a maester. This is why I started this topic a lot of complicated choices to carry over haha. Torrhen will probably be there regardless though cause if Gryff dies he'll want revenge for his brother.
A Wannabe Littlefinger.
Yeah that's quite a good possibility,Tohrren could be given Ludd's scenes if he was killed in episode 6.As we already see along Season 1,Gryff is a really poor antagonist and character in general becoming at the end overshadowed by his father or even Morgryn as the most cunning guy.
If I remember right Tohrren Whitehill was serving Roose Bolton directly and would be interesting to explore more of his present and background.
Telltale could play it cool with his character or develope more Gryff's insecurities and past to(at least) understand him a bit better.The elder brother Ebert could also appear in one of the seasons being a Maester he could be assigned to the North again(Gwyn said he was on the Cidatel possibly forging his chain) and be the wild card between the Whitehill-Forrester conflict
Well Maesters are not able to be Lord's so Ebert would not inherit Highpoint Tohrren however, can become lord. However, I doubt that he will make it to Highpoint in time to save Ludd or Gryff. If Tohrren makes it there in time to save Ludd or Gryff would Roose Bolton give him an army he needs or would Roose Bolton simply decided your father and brother were weak so you have to go alone?
Talia Forrester is simply one of the most intriguing characters because she was Lord Ethan's twin. Talia has more than enough personal reasons to defeat the Whitehills. Perhaps she will become similar to Arya Stark where she feels since she almost lost her entire family that she would rather protect her remaining brothers and sister then have them be killed by Ramsay Snow or the Whitehills.
Rodrik/Asher can survive in terms of gameplay and story. Like I stated before Rodrik/Asher both are Lord's of Ironrath, both can get married, both are pretty much equal in terms of fighting although Rodrik has probably fought in wars and Asher has not except the Battle of Ironrath. So Rodrik/Asher can be model swaps and voice over swaps it's not hard for telltale to do because they have done it with Minecraft and The Walking Dead has done it for supporting characters in season 1. I think that they have potential to create the game we want but they just need to spend a bit more extra time on it. I wouldn't mind waiting 2-3 months for an episode in the Game of Thrones series because it shows that Telltale cares about this series. I wouldn't mind if Rodrik/Asher die at the end of the series or the second season and have Talia become lord of Ironrath. Talia is one of my favorite characters in this series with Rodrik being the absolute best character in my opinion.
Ludd's third born son contracted greyscale and I think he died because of it according to Gwyn Whitehill. Gryff is his fourthborn son and he seems to be Lord of Highpoint if Ludd was killed off. I think that because Gryff did technically win the war with the Forresters that most of his family will support Gryff as lord. Gwyn however, might not agree with Gryff for killing of Asher because that was her true love so maybe she can help the Forresters?
I mean Elena was captured by the Whitehills depending on your choices so perhaps she is forced to marry Gryff or even Ludd because Ludd's wife died if I am recalling what Gwyn said correctly. Gwyn would not marry Rodrik because she likes Asher not Rodrik and do you think that Rodrik would trust Gwyn? Rodrik seems to be more honorable than many other characters in the series. Asher could marry Gwyn and she would be bound by marriage to help Asher. However there are many different ways a romance can play out in this series for either Rodrik/Asher.
Replying to gamingdevil800: As I recall, Gwyn tells Rodrik (while he is looking at the Whitehill family portrait) that her older brothers were not kind to Gryff, basically implying that they thought he was an arrogant I have doubts that Torrhen will be lusting after revenge for his brother. Although....a Whitehill is a Whitehill, as they say.
Replying to GreatWhiteWolf1: You are forgetting about Ryon....he becomes lord of Ironrath if both Asher and Rodrik are dead. And I'm anxious to see how his story plays out, traveling with Beskha the Basilisk is the perfect way to get him trained as a warrior!
Didn't really think about it before but it could be a big time leap forward story wise up to the point Jon Snow leaves the wall or just before that.
Better yet if you're Asher and chose the peaceful option to call off the assassination then Gwyn will be directly supporting you.
At least he's a wannabe who's still alive.
The truth is they are clearly not keen on handing resources to make GoT since it didn't sell that well. They are bound to make another installment due to that public announcement, the problem is that they might drop the Forrester's story to make the next installment newcomer friendly. When asked about assurance whether or not the Forresters were 100% in "Season 2" (as the interviewer put it), Job said he couldn't say anything about it. This is a terrible, terrible sign honestly. Not outright confirming that we will continue with the Forresters most likely indicates it's either being discussed and put in question or even that it's already been decided they're dropping them.
I really worry for these series and I definitely don't want another ANF happening.
Yeah Tohrren will make a good Lord Whitehill filler if Ludd is death on the gameplay.And for Talia being House Whitehill's demise I must disagree with it,Talia already has some comparations with Arya Stark(the only difference is that she is more girlish)with that poor you would only lead her to a copy of that path of vengeance.
For the role I would like several characters that I think could make a better storyline;Ebbert is one of them.Not only will add place for family bickerings and lost arguments,a sort of the Lannister family on,who knows what Telltale could do with him being a Maester but it could be a master piece.Others I would like a Warrick family member or a random Whitehill soldier.
All fill the idea of bringing House Whitehill down from a safe position for their advance.Concerning Rodrik/Asher I agree that they must survive for this story to continue
A GoT reboot game? I don't buy it...
For one thing, it would alienate the loyal fans that S1 did have. Also, if the first season didn't sell well, why would they think a second would do any better? If they are "bound" to make another installment as you say, then they should be bound to make a sequel to the first one.
Regarding Karl Whitehill you're wrong he was Ludd's firstborn and heir when he died from greyscale,after his death it was Ebbert his younger brother who became the heir.The situation changed when the boy joined the Order of Maester leaving the lordship to be inherited by Tohrren Whitehill,Ludd's thirdborn.
The funny thing is that Ludd a man who has a complex of superiority is near to have his house inherited by his younger sons thing that I doubt he likes...
So Ebbert was sent to the citadel AFTER Karl died? Why do that to the heir of the house? Another Samwell Tarley situation?
The times were not established but it seems to be.By now we can only speculate about his possible motivations family bickerings could be,did he despised martial arts,could he not father an heir(homosexual) and Ludd gave him the choice of going to the Cidatel or the Wall?The Reach is warmer and free of bossing fathers...
They'd be really dropping the ball if they abandon the Forrester plot line it would just show they are bad at making complicated choices matter, as I said its a lot of extra work/attention needed.
I somehow don't think Ludd would be the type to be supportive of Ebbert wanting to be a maester. It would be quite interesting if Ebbert's situation was similar to Sam's.
Simply dropping the Forrester plotline is a terrible idea. At this point, I simply want to see the Forresters overcome the Whitehills. Moreso than an entire season fighting White Walkers.
Littlefingers death in the show was pretty lame haha. I think they overly simplified Littlefingers end game/plan in the show, I have a feeling it will play out differently or will be a more clever plotline in the books.
I agree focus on the Forresters return to the big picture is paramount,with the three parts of the plot:Essos,North and King's Landing as paramount.The White Walkers as well as the wights might appear on Gared's plot beyond the Wall such as in Season one.
Agreed. House Forrester has become the Clementine of Telltale's "Game of Thrones." If they ditch the Forresters, they might as well be pressing a gun to their heads.
i dont know why but i have a strange feeling that ludd/gryff got killed by the traitor/sentinel after rodrik/asher escaped just so they make torrhen to be the main antagonist, sounds ridiculous ik but obviously ludd will die so torrhen will be the lord
I sort of imagined it being Torrhen as lord with Gryff being a lacky or Ludd as lord with Torrhen being his lacky.
I do have the feeling that Torrhen is going to be the new Lord Whitehill regardless in the next season. Unlike Ramsay, Roose did know when to tread carefully so here's hoping that Torrhen is more complex and not a complete asshole like his father and little brother.
I predict the mismanagement of the forests and defective Ironwood products will piss off Roose and the Lannisters. Not to mention things could get rather precarious for the Boltons' dominion of the North with Tywin gone.
I think it's bullshit that they have to wait until the TV show is over to do season 2.
First of all, players dont really give a shit about playing in the White Walker conflict, we want an actual resolution to the bloodfeud between the Forresters and Whitehills. None of that needs to be involved with the TV show. Learn from your mistakes and dont include TV characters that we know for a fact we cant kill, and just focus on the original storyline you created.
Not getting s2 would mess with me more than never getting WoW or more Dunk and Egg.
What about Gared and the North Grove? That plot line has very little to do with the Forrester/Whitehill rivalry, yet it may be the most important (according to Lord Gregor)....and is precisely why you can't finish the story if you ignore the White Walker conflict...
Let's not forget that Gared is the ONLY playable character in S1 who played a key role in every episode AND did not end the season with a determinant status.
If you read between the lines you will know that the North Grove was important to Lord Forrester because it has his two of his bastard children there. This will drastically change the Forrester/Whitehill conflict by introducing more combatants as well as another male heir for the Forresters. Besides, at least half of every one chose to leave it behind to defend Ironrath. Can't see much happening if you decide to stay besides fending off infinite walker attacks until they have to retreat South anyways.
Yes Gared is important, but he is important to the Forresters and not so much in the fight against the White walkers. His whole purpose is to save House Forrester, not to single handedly stop the Night King.