The Walking Dead Digital vs Physical copies

I have The Walking Dead Season 1 digitally but was thinking of buying a physical copy of Season 2, as I've seen it cheaper than the digital copy, and was wondering if my save file of the Steam version of Season 1 will carry over to the DVD-Rom (Physical) version of Season 2, especially since that the physical copy doesn't require Steam.


  • I’ve always seen digital copies to be cheaper. The next Steam sale will happen in the next few weeks (around Halloween), so you could wait until then. The game should be around £5 on sale (it has been in every sale).

    Answering your question: the game will scan your documents folder (this is where Telltale Games saves are usually stored) for a S1 save file. I don’t think it requires Steam.

    You don’t really need a S1 save file anyway for S2.

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