I Need More Lee+Clementine Stories

If you would make a mini series with untold stories from season 1 staring with our favorite duo Lee and Clementine than I would definitely throw money at the screen. After all there is a 3 month period between the first and second episode what always bugged me.
Anyone else feels the same?


  • I agree about the 3 month period being a bit weird to just start Episode 2 but it was probably because we as the players waited 3 months for episode 2. Also untold stories of Lee and Clementine I don't think that would be a good idea because they may ruin Lee and Clem's story. However, I wouldn't mind more mini series of Walking Dead characters and they could even make a Javier mini series to show us how Javier is holding up in the aftermath of The Final Season.

  • edited November 2017

    Actually there are bits of story about the group during the time skip between A New Day and Starved for Help and between the ending of A Long Road Ahead and the beginning of Around Every Corner in the mobile game "The Walking Dead: Road to Survival".
    Basically in the first one they defend the motel from bandits and walkers, Lee and Kenny go to search for food and end up trapped by bandits but they escape, they keep arguing with Lily about leaving the motel and eventually things happen like in the game where they run away.
    In the second one they leave the train at the outskirts of Savannah and travel through the woods (they kill some bandits here) then they find a high school where they hide for a night. Then the events of Around Every Corner take place.

    I got no idea if any of this is canon, I just discovered this myself.

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