Episode 4 spoiler discussion
The episode is out in some regions so if you played it you can discuss it here. I will post my thoughts when I play the ep.
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HOLY CRAP. I loved this episode! And so many cool things happened, what do you think? Is jetra confirmed or nah? What do you think with happen to radar from the end of ep4, and what happened to beacontown? Tell me what you think
Wait, doesn't that thread exist already ?
Why would Jetra be confirmed? Did I miss something?
Can't wait for episode 5!
Intense, heartwarming, Radar's sacrifice ( depending on your choice ) AND THE BEST SCENE WITH PETRA WORRYING SO MUCH ABOUT JESSE AND AFRAID OF LOSING HIM, SAYING THAT HE MEANS A LOT TO HER, THEN THEY BOTH HUG WITH THE "YOUR STORY IS CHANGING" WARNING? DOES THAT MEANS JETRA IS GOING TO HAPPEN? I bet this is the heartwarming scene the writers were talking about! I love it!!! And what's going to happen with Lukas in the sneak peak?!! He finally appears!!!
Well after a long day I finally played the ep it started off as meh and then picked up. Not really as good as episode 3 but still good. I always questioned why people thought the ninja was Ivor but to my surprise he was! The whole thing about Romeos friends and Petra worried about her friends was cool and reminded me of a time a couple years ago in my life with my friends (minus the killing and unrealistic things). Overall a good episode 8/10.
Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Episode 4: Rated J for Jetra.
That Petra moment was just... beautiful ;--; That's all I can say.
With NO SPOILERS can somebody tell if the episode was good and how long it is? Also is there a building opportunity like the last episodes?
Let's not kid ourselves, we all squealed like babies when Ivor was revealed.
So, I sacrificed Radar and I told myself "Già so che me ne pentirò." when I did, so I'm reeeeeally gonna regret it, ain't I?
Same for Lluna.
Then I actually got the most heartwarming Jesse of the world.
I hope we can still save Romeo tho.
He doesn't reeeeally deserve it buuuut yeah, I'm a Hero not a Killer.
I was literally squealin' JETRA JETRA all over when I saw it.
I might be responding late but the ep is about 80-90 mins and there are 2 building sequences.
I’m surprised by how few people chose to trade the swords and that radar decision was frustrating but I left him behind.
I felt like this episode was...OK. Not really much tough decisions and I guess the tweet about this episode being emotional really overhyped me and got my expectations high. Ninja Ivor was probably the best part of the episode.
I expected a bigger role for him in the episode, I was kinda dissapointed
Sooooo what did everyone build for the two building sections. I find it find that the characters react positively to anything unless it’s nothing. I built these and the Fred one is terrible

And as for the super scary thing I present the completely original dirt penis
Yeah me too. At least he will be back in episode 5 I guess
Honestly this episode was quite sad
Oh my god ahahahahaha
at least I built like a skull with red eyes as the scary thing, and i tried to replicate fred as i could lol
My choices are pretty much the same as everyone but since I was squealing Jetra all over my laptop, I chose to go with Petra.
I gave my sword, Won the tournament, Gave Xara the Bed, Joined Petra and Left Radar "BELOW"
Man this was a great episode as to be expected at this point with Story mode. i think the quieter moments are actually incredibly well made like Xara giving up, Jack's "death", Fred's journal entries, and Petra's breakdown. All shockingly well done and it really felt like at times that I wasn't watching block people, which can be said for previous episodes too but these scenes felt real like someone can experience these exact dilemmas and issues. Buuuut outside of bummer central there's some good exploration and action sequences with another boss fight (Although not quite as good as the ghasts) that required a bit of skill and some light puzzle solving, and building as per usual (which I always end up spending way too much time on gahhh). I was worried that season 2 was gonna go down a more goofy kiddish path compared to season 1, but its got some of the more real moments that aren't just all in your face and supposed to be Gassssp shocking! Very excited for the finale.
Also Ivor which I sort of predicted, but heyyyyy always nice to see him again!
For those who left Radar below do you think he’ll come back as soon as the next episode starts?
Don't think so because then your choice whould not matter at all.
I felt so bad when I left Binta and her people but I rather take a friend over like 7 strangers.
Next episode's the finale, so I at least expect he'll be there for the ending.
Really? Don’t you think it’s right to save many people rather than one?
This is what I built in the trivia:

For the scary thing I built kinda a creeper face, but I don't have any pictures of it so yeah.
It starts off a little slow but I thought it was the best episode so far overall. Xara's performance was really well done, the scene between Petra and Jesse was surprisingly emotional and felt real, got some nice hubs to look around in, Val and Soup were great, ninja Ivor was unexpected and hilarious and it had some really dark moments which I like a lot.
I don't really have any big problems with the episode other than the boss fight being really weak. Especially compared to the mega Ghast in the previous episode.
Beautiful I know~

I'm not sure what happen here. it might be a clown?

But Xara didn't come too, I think he will return with her, and the choice was made to see if you have faith on him or not.
If you didn’t give xara the bed she actually leaves
Wow, this and the last episode actually got my interest. It was great to see Ivor again. I never thought a Minecraft Telltale game would leave me feeling down. The 1 on 1 scene with Petra was also sad.
I gave her the bed. But the last time I saw her she was fighting the creepers, she didn't cross the portal.
Most of my impressions can be found here but I can expand on them a bit.
This episode was really great. The pacing slowed down a lot, but that was for the better. There are a lot of "human" moments this time. The world really felt ravaged and destroyed. Xara's performance was top-notch, discovering her home destroyed. I really did love all the different characters we got to meet (The quirky Fred Folk are probably my favourite group we've met so far. Soup and Val are the best duo we've met so far. Big props to whoever wrote that gate scene, it was hilarious. We need to see more of those two.) I do like the building segments we get in this season, and I was surprised to see we got two!
Stories like this one where we're breaking away from the Admin plot is good, because everything feels real and focused on the people and locations with established rules instead of the being that can break those rules and replace them in an instant.
I don't like where the plot is going to resolve this conflict -- the "Hashtag Potato451" is worrisome, because it seems we'll need to "break the rules" of the world in a sense, by inputting it into the server controls or something. I do like how much free rein Telltale has gotten for this season, because they could make any kind of story in the Minecraft world, with whatever new creations they might want.. but I don't like what they did with it. The world in the previous season felt real, self-sustained and that everything worked. "The Old Builders" plot was good in the sense that they were the creators of it all. But now, we've been thrown a god-like being calling himself "The Admin" with no explanation whatsoever apart from some random prophecy at the bottom on the ocean, and he's bent on... what, exactly? Taking over the world? This just seems a bit too fantastical (because we're facing an infinitely-powerful being) and meta (because now this world is all artificial. The Old Builders don't matter, The Order of the Stone doesn't matter, everything was created by 3 Admins whose legacy showed up out of nowhere. What do you do after you've beaten the most powerful being in existence? Who defeats you?) The Admin's problems could be easily resolved through a wave of his hand.
So.. good episode, still don't like the conflict. Something grounded in the world would have been better (like the ancient underwater civilisation claiming the overworld for themselves), rather than something that controls it all.
As for my building choices...

This is Fred.
This is supposed to be... a creepy frowning face? Not really sure where I was going with this, but I tried to make it look like something creepy.