The Final Season brings an interesting possibility...
Proper branching story paths, Remember in season 1 when Carley or Doug died? and then the other proceeded to die 2 episodes later? yeah, with it being the Final Season, they could have probably lived to the end and be relevant, since there is no sequel down the line, remember when we left Howes hardware in season 2? well, what if there did not need to be a sequel? what if you could have stayed there, and end up overthrowing Carver? with the story not having to converge at that rest stop in order to have potential sequels, having our characters being 2 completely different places wont be an issue, remember when Javier got separated from Kate and crew in episode 1 in A New Frontier? what if, he had decided to just hang with Clem? what if he never returned to that junkyard, but instead went to Richmond to try and find AJ with Clem.
I think The Final Season presents a huge potential of having a branching story, where characters can get killed based on your choices, have choices lock out other choices, but open others.
Now obviously there is a good chance this will never happen, the budget might not be there to write a whole bunch of storylines that some players will never see, there is also the obvious problem of character development and whatnot.
And obviously they can never do the super secret sequel that I secretly wish they make down the line that continues Clementines story (I am half kidding half not)
I hope so but I'd rather them not sacrifice emotional impact just to have different endings. Someone actually remembering something would be cool though!
I prefer them to make different paths that lead to one or two endings.
And by paths I mean proper story branches (Different characters, locations, ways of playing the game).
But then again I don't think it will happen because some players will miss parts of the story unless they replay the game.