I really hope we get to see an in depth look at this kind of character in The Final Season whether it be Nate or someone entirely new.
Yah. I've been thinking Nate would be pretty cool to bring back as a character. I thought of a scene where Clem is on her way back to Richmond with AJ when Nate and his group ambush her and take them prisoner. Nate, admiring Clem's hat, takes her hat and places it on top of the cap he already has. This greatly annoys Clem, but she can't react with one of the group members holding a crossbow to her back. AJ starts to get worried about where they are going, and Clem tries to keep him calm. Then Nate breaks in and starts asking questions about where they came from. Clem answers some of the questions in an aggressive tone, mostly giving half truths in reply. Nate ignores her tone and continues questioning her. When Nate gets to questioning where their parents are, and Clem says nothing and just holds a mean glare. Nate getting the picture, he replies saying something like "I getch'ya. Not many parents live that long these days. Holding onto him will probably be your end, too." That remark really makes her enraged, but she chooses to say nothing back. I was thinking of at this point to either having Nate bring them back to his camp of bandits, or having their group being stopped by some walkers in the woods. Just because I can't think of much for the bandit camp, I'll go with the walkers.
They come across about 20 walkers and Nate and his group start to combat them. While they're distracted, Clem see's an opportunity to escape. She slowly starts to back away from them with AJ in her arms. And when she gets around 20 feet away She turns and makes a run for it. Nate notices her taking off. "Oh no you don't!", he says as he rips a crossbow from the hands of one of his group. He fires it at Clem, aiming at her leg to stop her from running, but the arrow goes whizzing past her. (He's never been so good with accuracy XD) "Damn it!", Clem hears from behind her as she continues to run through the woods. She keeps running for about 100 feet after she stopped hearing the groans of the walkers and stops. She realizes that running from the group with AJ has slim chances of success. Once the walkers are no longer a threat they won't be far behind. She decides that hiding would be best. She finds a small patch of tall bushes with thick leaves and tries to hide behind them.
She was right. Within 30 seconds, Nate and his group had caught up to them. Clem was crouched down behind one of the bushes and she was able to see through the leaves at what was going on. "Come out you brat! I promise not to hurt you. Well, not much.", Nate shouts as he get's closer to the bush, looking in the other direction. Clem just stays still. Everything is riding on them not being found. Her eyes are wide open with worry, but not for herself. At this point, Clem could hear Nate's footsteps stop in front of the bush and he was still looking away, but for how long? She knew at this point she had to do something, to do anything to stop him from getting to AJ. She got ready to jump out through the bush and attack him while he wasn't looking. Right before she was about to surprise him, one of the group shouted, "Hey! I think they went this way!", pointing at a place through the trees. "Good to hear!", Nate shouts back as he starts to walk in that direction. Clem stays where she is until the sounds of their footsteps disappear into the woods. In the tension of the moment, she had forgot AJ was still there. He has been unusually quiet since they encountered the walkers. "Are you okay, goofball?", She says in a hushed concerned tone. AJ just nods, clearly still trying to be quiet. "Great job.", she says with a smile and then picks him up. "Let's get moving.", she says and starts walking in the opposite direction the group went.
I was thinking that later on, Nate would return, and thus, giving her a chance to get her hat back. Like having Nate tracking her down to Richmond, but he get's caught by one of the patrolmen and brought into custody or something like that. It does suck that she lost her hat to that asshole, but getting AJ to safety is still top priority.
Yes the non playable 400 days charactere would be an interesting reintroduction and i would support that but i really can’t see Telltale eve… moren thinking about them again. They’ll be unknown forever.
Honestly if Telltale decided to take their archetypes and use them in new characters for TFS I'd be fine with that, even though they'd be missing out on a golden opportunity to give 400 days even more impact on the main series. Nate's character in particular is one I really want Telltale to delve into. I just find it strange how we're 4 installments in and Telltale has barely touched upon the survivors who embrace the apocalypse as an excuse to take the world even less seriously ( or even better, having done so as a means to cope.) Sure there were characters who might've adopted this mentality but to my recollection they only were used as villains like Randall and Badger with only the wild sociopathic ruthlessness that can stem from such an… [view original content]
I really like your ideas on how his return could play out, thank you for sharing them Some quick thoughts:
"I getch'ya. Not many parents live that long these days. Holding onto him will probably be your end, too."
I made a remark in another thread on how Nate could possibly be further characterized as an antithesis to Kenny and what he had taught Clem, and I like how this line reflects that.
Just because I can't think of much for the bandit camp, I'll go with the walkers.
I'd actually really love to see the inner workings of a bandit camp be explored in The Final Season. Maybe it could be a subversion of sorts to what is perceived as a stereotypical bandit camp. It could be similar to how life was in Richmond during Joan's shared leadership minus the dodgy politics (you can't willfully live in a bandit camp without condoning the authority's raids on other settlements after all.). A place where life inside the camp is actually relatively civilized and the members are fairly decent people (as decent as bandits that allow a guy like Nate to stay can possibly be at least) who mostly resorted to joining more out of desperation rather a callous disregard for their fellow survivors, possibly even including several women and children in the camp as well. Some of them could even be previous members of Prescott or Richmond that managed to escape during the calamities that occurred at both of those settlements.
"Oh no you don't!", he says as he rips a crossbow from the hands of one of his group. He fires it at Clem, but the arrow goes whizzing past her.
"Come out you brat! I promise not to hurt you. Well, not much."
These are the parts I have some disagreement with. Nate was definitely a psychopath, but the few times we saw him become bloodthirsty in 400 days he would justify his actions as a sort of retaliation. I could see Nate doing something like this, but I feel like he would have to be provoked over far more than a failed interrogation and an escape attempt, maybe Clem could accidentally (or possibly intentionally) kill one of his friends in the bandit camp beforehand and that is what ends up setting him off, leading to a scene like this.
I really hope we get to see an in depth look at this kind of character in The Final Season whether it be Nate or someone entirely new.
… more
Yah. I've been thinking Nate would be pretty cool to bring back as a character. I thought of a scene where Clem is on her way back to Richmond with AJ when Nate and his group ambush her and take them prisoner. Nate, admiring Clem's hat, takes her hat and places it on top of the cap he already has. This greatly annoys Clem, but she can't react with one of the group members holding a crossbow to her back. AJ starts to get worried about where they are going, and Clem tries to keep him calm. Then Nate breaks in and starts asking questions about where they came from. Clem answers some of the questions in an aggressive tone, mostly giving half truths in reply. Nate ignores her tone and continues questioning her. When Nate gets to questioning where their parents are, and Clem says nothing and just holds a mea… [view original content]
I'd actually really love to see the inner workings of a bandit camp be explored in The Final Season. Maybe it could be a subversion of sorts to what is perceived as a stereotypical bandit camp. It could be similar to how life was in Richmond during Joan's shared leadership minus the dodgy politics (you can't willfully live in a bandit camp without condoning the authority's raids on other settlements after all.).A place where life inside the camp is actually relatively civilized and the members are fairly decent people (as decent as bandits that allow a guy like Nate to stay can possibly be at least) who mostly resorted to joining more out of desperation rather a callous disregard for their fellow survivors, possibly even including several women and children in the camp as well. Some of them could even be previous members of Prescott or Richmond that managed to escape during the calamities that occurred at both of those settlements.
Yah. That would be pretty cool. Unfortunately, I don't have much of an imagination for making things like that. Too many details would be left out and conversations between multiple people would be one sided because I lack this type of creativity. It's easy for me to build off what is already set in place, but making something completely different that takes the story off the beaten path, and having it well written, is very challenging for someone like me. You're welcome to make your own story around this bandit camp if you like. I would love to hear it. The more diverging paths the better!
Edit: Actually, now thinking over how Nate could hit Clem with an arrow to stop her from escaping. It could open up a really good transition into your idea. Missing the QTE for the arrow could send you on a different path, Instead of just killing you. The QTE could just give you more reaction time than usual to mark that there is a diverging path here.
These are the parts I have some disagreement with. Nate was definitely a psychopath, but the few times we saw him become bloodthirsty in 400 days he would justify his actions as a sort of retaliation. I could see Nate doing something like this, but I feel like he would have to be provoked over far more than a failed interrogation and an escape attempt, maybe Clem could accidentally (or possibly intentionally) kill one of his friends in the bandit camp beforehand and that is what ends up setting him off, leading to a scene like this.
Yah, I get what you mean. I was only thinking of how of much of a Dick he could be and didn't remember his true rationality behind it. (I should've mentioned, when I was writing the crossbow part I was only intending to have him try to stop her from getting away, not kill her. I just wanted him to try and shoot her in the leg. I didn't realize that missing detail could change your judgement of character that much. I'll go back and fix that, and I'll include more detail about other character's intentions in any future writings.) Thanks for the feedback!
I really like your ideas on how his return could play out, thank you for sharing them Some quick thoughts:
"I getch'ya. Not many par… moreents live that long these days. Holding onto him will probably be your end, too."
I made a remark in another thread on how Nate could possibly be further characterized as an antithesis to Kenny and what he had taught Clem, and I like how this line reflects that.
Just because I can't think of much for the bandit camp, I'll go with the walkers.
I'd actually really love to see the inner workings of a bandit camp be explored in The Final Season. Maybe it could be a subversion of sorts to what is perceived as a stereotypical bandit camp. It could be similar to how life was in Richmond during Joan's shared leadership minus the dodgy politics (you can't willfully live in a bandit camp without condoning the authority's raids on other settlements after all.). A place where life inside the cam… [view original content]
Some time after Season 2 ended, a forum member pointed out how you can see some walkers on the roof of Howe's in the last clip. In the Jane ending, you also see blood all over the roof. Let it be also noted that the truck is also gone in the Jane ending. My theory is that some of Howe's people died while others escaped. However, I think this question is better left in the hands of fans as some interesting and nice fan fictions have resulted from it.
Some time after Season 2 ended, a forum member pointed out how you can see some walkers on the roof of Howe's in the last clip. In the Jane… more ending, you also see blood all over the roof. Let it be also noted that the truck is also gone in the Jane ending. My theory is that some of Howe's people died while others escaped. However, I think this question is better left in the hands of fans as some interesting and nice fan fictions have resulted from it.
Some time after Season 2 ended, a forum member pointed out how you can see some walkers on the roof of Howe's in the last clip.
Yeah… more, I don't know where that came from cause I looked in Amid the Ruins and saw nothing to that effect.
My theory is that some of Howe's people died while others escaped.
Isn't that the obvious conclusion?
Yah. That would be pretty cool. Unfortunately, I don't have much of an imagination for making things like that. Too many details would be left out and conversations between multiple people would be one sided because I lack this type of creativity. It's easy for me to build off what is already set in place, but making something completely different that takes the story off the beaten path, and having it well written, is very challenging for someone like me. You're welcome to make your own story around this bandit camp if you like. I would love to hear it. The more diverging paths the better!
Edit: Actually, now thinking over how Nate could hit Clem with an arrow to stop her from escaping. It could open up a really good transition into your idea. Missing the QTE for the arrow could send you on a different path, Instead of just killing you. The QTE could just give you more reaction time than usual to mark that there is a diverging path here.
That's a good idea! Though maybe the scenario could be reworked a little to make the path diverge based on a choice rather than a QTE. Perhaps the group Nate's in is under the assumption that they're saving Clementine from danger while she is on her journey to find AJ when they first meet her.The conversation with Nate would have minor alterations:
Nate takes Clem's hat, promising to give it back once they reach the camp. He then tries to be affable with Clem in a attempt to turn her over to his group's side but due to his crass nature as well Clem's outrage at her hunt for AJ having been impeded, this doesn't fare too well. Nate questions what she was doing all alone, at which point Clem can reveal her journey to the Mccaroll ranch in order to find AJ in a fit of anger and frustration. This results in Nate making a remark similar to the one you wrote about how AJ will eventually get her killed, only to backpedal and tell Clem to settle down upon seeing her reaction; assuring her that his men will head down there and find him as soon as she is brought to the authority figures at the camp for evaluation (though whether he intends to follow through on this promise or not is left ambiguous). Eventually Nate casually lets it slip that his group resorts to banditry to survive, as well as claiming that the camp imposes a "you're with us or against us" ultimatum on all outsiders.. He advises that while his group only acts in the best interests towards those in situations like what Clem appeared to be in, it'd be a smart decision to not get on their bad side.
The walker attack then occurs and the player is given a choice: take the chance to escape and risk endangering both Clem's and AJ's lives at the hands of a gang of bandits (and having to accept losing Clem's hat to Nate) or stay put (maybe even use the walker attack as Clem's first chance to prove herself to the group and fight alongside the bandits) in the hopes that she'll either manage to gain their trust and aid in finding AJ (at the cost of losing significantly more time in her quest to do so.) or find a better opportunity to gain greater distance between her and Nate's group.
That's just a rough outline of how that could work out. I'm with you, building upon old characters is a lot easier. I was mostly just throwing ideas out there is all. If I do end up getting ideas on how a bandit camp scenario could play out I'll be sure to share them
Yah, I get what you mean. I was only thinking of how of much of a Dick he could be and didn't remember his true rationality behind it.
Personally I feel like his erratic bouts of rationality is what made the difference between Nate and villains like Badger and maybe to a lesser extent Randall and Carver (though feel free to disagree). Nate is an asshole, but the writers still made the effort to give him a jarring sense of compassion (at least towards Russell anyways) and even a slight degree of self-awareness when he was chatting with Russell in the truck. In a way his sense of humanity makes the times when he does go overboard even more unsettling, like Nate was just some average guy who realized how ludicrous the situation had become and just decided to roll with it in a very twisted fashion.
(I should've mentioned, when I was writing the crossbow part I was only intending to have him try to stop her from getting away, not kill her. I just wanted him to try and shoot her in the leg. I didn't realize that missing detail could change your judgement of character that much. I'll go back and fix that, and I'll include more detail about other character's intentions in any future writings.) Thanks for the feedback!
You're welcome It is interesting how small details like that can drastically change the audience's perceptions of the same action like that. Good luck on your future writings!
I really like your ideas on how his return could play out, thank you for sharing them Some quick thoughts:
"I getch'ya. Not many par… moreents live that long these days. Holding onto him will probably be your end, too."
I made a remark in another thread on how Nate could possibly be further characterized as an antithesis to Kenny and what he had taught Clem, and I like how this line reflects that.
Just because I can't think of much for the bandit camp, I'll go with the walkers.
I'd actually really love to see the inner workings of a bandit camp be explored in The Final Season. Maybe it could be a subversion of sorts to what is perceived as a stereotypical bandit camp. It could be similar to how life was in Richmond during Joan's shared leadership minus the dodgy politics (you can't willfully live in a bandit camp without condoning the authority's raids on other settlements after all.). A place where life inside the cam… [view original content]
That's why it'd be a subversion of bandit groups like the one in Season 1. Those who resort to banditry to survive in an apocalyptic setting aren't inherently irredeemable. In fact, I'd imagine most of those who do so are actually completely normal people who were just desperate for necessities. Obviously they won't be the most upstanding people but that doesn't mean they are forced to be absolutely deplorable and reckless. I don't think it'd be too far fetched for a group of raiders to impose a semblance of a just and civilized structure onto their ranks despite the questionable means of sustaining themselves, though if you disagree I can understand. I just think it would make for an interesting story development as well as great potential for difficult choices to be made should a bandit camp be given the "gray morality" treatment.
If this is because of how Nate acts around the topic of women I can understand that. Despite being a blatant pervert we don't a lot of concrete details as to if he has any standards against rape or not; exactly how far Nate is willing to let his self indulgence take him is left eerily unclear due to his limited screen time. Nate's group doesn't have to include women and children, that was just another possible idea I was throwing out there. If that wouldn't work out they can just be removed and it can just be an all male group.
Well, I like that idea. While Nate keeps does some questionable things for the group, He could have a woman back at the camp who talks to him and makes sure he hasn't done anything too stupid and scolds him when he does. She would be his conscience, since he doesn't have much of one on his own. Like with the crossbow event I was thinking of, Nate could shoot Clem in the leg and he brings her back to camp. The woman (thought of her being pregnant and already having a small child) could notice the arrow still sticking out of Clems leg and she would scold him for why he thought shooting a teen in the leg with an arrow was a good idea and he would be apologetic and the woman would treat Clem's leg. They could talk during her treatment and reveal how Nate is her lover and how she somewhat admires his unpredictability and spontaneousness, but it also comes with a price, she has to keep monitoring him so it doesn't get out of control and lead to something dangerous. (Why is this making me feel this is foreshadowing about the guy we were talking about Clem being with in the other thread?) Anyways, that was what I started thinking about when you brought up this idea.
That's why it'd be a subversion of bandit groups like the one in Season 1. Those who resort to banditry to survive in an apocalyptic setting… more aren't inherently irredeemable. In fact, I'd imagine most of those who do so are actually completely normal people who were just desperate for necessities. Obviously they won't be the most upstanding people but that doesn't mean they are forced to be absolutely deplorable and reckless. I don't think it'd be too far fetched for a group of raiders to impose a semblance of a just and civilized structure onto their ranks despite the questionable means of sustaining themselves, though if you disagree I can understand. I just think it would make for an interesting story development as well as great potential for difficult choices to be made should a bandit camp be given the "gray morality" treatment.
If this is because of how Nate acts around the topic of women I can understand that. Despite being a blatant… [view original content]
While Nate keeps does some questionable things for the group, He could have a woman back at the camp who talks to him and makes sure he hasn't done anything too stupid and scolds him when he does. She would be his conscience, since he doesn't have much of one on his own. Like with the crossbow event I was thinking of, Nate could shoot Clem in the leg and he brings her back to camp. The woman (thought of her being pregnant and already having a small child) could notice the arrow still sticking out of Clems leg and she would scold him for why he thought shooting a teen in the leg with an arrow was a good idea and he would be apologetic and the woman would treat Clem's leg. They could talk during her treatment and reveal how Nate is her lover and how she somewhat admires his unpredictability and spontaneousness, but it also comes with a price, she has to keep monitoring him so it doesn't get out of control and lead to something dangerous.
That's a really interesting twist to his character, I really like that idea. Even better is that this relationship seems to have similarities to how I thought a Lilly x Nate pairing could eventually come together. Lilly being repulsed by Nate's mannerisms initially but eventually warming up to him after realizing just how much she missed the easy-going types since the apocalypse began, on top of being impressed by his loyalty and survival skills (though due to their differences I feel this it could be made more complicated as an off-and-on relationship or even a friends with benefits sort of deal) If Lilly did happen to be this woman then having Nate shoot Clem in the leg then that could pave way to some interesting tension in their relationship as well as giving Nate more incentive to try to bond and make amends with Clementine given her history with Lilly.
This relationship could also be a great contribution effect of portraying Nate as the antithesis to Kenny, by having him fall in love with the woman that Kenny frequently clashed with.
Well, I like that idea. While Nate keeps does some questionable things for the group, He could have a woman back at the camp who talks to hi… morem and makes sure he hasn't done anything too stupid and scolds him when he does. She would be his conscience, since he doesn't have much of one on his own. Like with the crossbow event I was thinking of, Nate could shoot Clem in the leg and he brings her back to camp. The woman (thought of her being pregnant and already having a small child) could notice the arrow still sticking out of Clems leg and she would scold him for why he thought shooting a teen in the leg with an arrow was a good idea and he would be apologetic and the woman would treat Clem's leg. They could talk during her treatment and reveal how Nate is her lover and how she somewhat admires his unpredictability and spontaneousness, but it also comes with a price, she has to keep monitoring him so it doesn't get out of control and lead to som… [view original content]
Does anyone even care at this point? It's been over 5 years since we seen them last ( I hardly count the 10 second camo they all got in season 2) I doubt most people even remember them.
Does anyone even care at this point? It's been over 5 years since we seen them last ( I hardly count the 10 second camo they all got in season 2) I doubt most people even remember them.
No, we don't know. Hell, it's ambiguous enough that Nate wasn't a thief or bandit until the part where walt shoots at him. It's possible his group was trying to be nice to eddie and wyatt and it was a misunderstanding, and it's possibly he never met the old folks before (how could they tell anyway if he was wearing a mask?) So imagine you're Nate, and you're trying to be nice to people and what do you get? Your friend gets shot when you extend a welcoming hand to two strangers, and then you almost get your head taken off randomly at a pit stop. Thus leading to him really snapping when he kills the old folks and takes their stuff.
I mean, he probably is a scumbag but it's left ambiguous enough that you could go either way.
That's why it'd be a subversion of bandit groups like the one in Season 1. Those who resort to banditry to survive in an apocalyptic setting… more aren't inherently irredeemable. In fact, I'd imagine most of those who do so are actually completely normal people who were just desperate for necessities. Obviously they won't be the most upstanding people but that doesn't mean they are forced to be absolutely deplorable and reckless. I don't think it'd be too far fetched for a group of raiders to impose a semblance of a just and civilized structure onto their ranks despite the questionable means of sustaining themselves, though if you disagree I can understand. I just think it would make for an interesting story development as well as great potential for difficult choices to be made should a bandit camp be given the "gray morality" treatment.
If this is because of how Nate acts around the topic of women I can understand that. Despite being a blatant… [view original content]
Yah. I've been thinking Nate would be pretty cool to bring back as a character. I thought of a scene where Clem is on her way back to Richmond with AJ when Nate and his group ambush her and take them prisoner. Nate, admiring Clem's hat, takes her hat and places it on top of the cap he already has. This greatly annoys Clem, but she can't react with one of the group members holding a crossbow to her back. AJ starts to get worried about where they are going, and Clem tries to keep him calm. Then Nate breaks in and starts asking questions about where they came from. Clem answers some of the questions in an aggressive tone, mostly giving half truths in reply. Nate ignores her tone and continues questioning her. When Nate gets to questioning where their parents are, and Clem says nothing and just holds a mean glare. Nate getting the picture, he replies saying something like "I getch'ya. Not many parents live that long these days. Holding onto him will probably be your end, too." That remark really makes her enraged, but she chooses to say nothing back. I was thinking of at this point to either having Nate bring them back to his camp of bandits, or having their group being stopped by some walkers in the woods. Just because I can't think of much for the bandit camp, I'll go with the walkers.
They come across about 20 walkers and Nate and his group start to combat them. While they're distracted, Clem see's an opportunity to escape. She slowly starts to back away from them with AJ in her arms. And when she gets around 20 feet away She turns and makes a run for it. Nate notices her taking off. "Oh no you don't!", he says as he rips a crossbow from the hands of one of his group. He fires it at Clem, aiming at her leg to stop her from running, but the arrow goes whizzing past her. (He's never been so good with accuracy XD) "Damn it!", Clem hears from behind her as she continues to run through the woods. She keeps running for about 100 feet after she stopped hearing the groans of the walkers and stops. She realizes that running from the group with AJ has slim chances of success. Once the walkers are no longer a threat they won't be far behind. She decides that hiding would be best. She finds a small patch of tall bushes with thick leaves and tries to hide behind them.
She was right. Within 30 seconds, Nate and his group had caught up to them. Clem was crouched down behind one of the bushes and she was able to see through the leaves at what was going on. "Come out you brat! I promise not to hurt you. Well, not much.", Nate shouts as he get's closer to the bush, looking in the other direction. Clem just stays still. Everything is riding on them not being found. Her eyes are wide open with worry, but not for herself. At this point, Clem could hear Nate's footsteps stop in front of the bush and he was still looking away, but for how long? She knew at this point she had to do something, to do anything to stop him from getting to AJ. She got ready to jump out through the bush and attack him while he wasn't looking. Right before she was about to surprise him, one of the group shouted, "Hey! I think they went this way!", pointing at a place through the trees. "Good to hear!", Nate shouts back as he starts to walk in that direction. Clem stays where she is until the sounds of their footsteps disappear into the woods. In the tension of the moment, she had forgot AJ was still there. He has been unusually quiet since they encountered the walkers. "Are you okay, goofball?", She says in a hushed concerned tone. AJ just nods, clearly still trying to be quiet. "Great job.", she says with a smile and then picks him up. "Let's get moving.", she says and starts walking in the opposite direction the group went.
I was thinking that later on, Nate would return, and thus, giving her a chance to get her hat back. Like having Nate tracking her down to Richmond, but he get's caught by one of the patrolmen and brought into custody or something like that. It does suck that she lost her hat to that asshole, but getting AJ to safety is still top priority.
I really like your ideas on how his return could play out, thank you for sharing them
Some quick thoughts:
I made a remark in another thread on how Nate could possibly be further characterized as an antithesis to Kenny and what he had taught Clem, and I like how this line reflects that.
I'd actually really love to see the inner workings of a bandit camp be explored in The Final Season. Maybe it could be a subversion of sorts to what is perceived as a stereotypical bandit camp. It could be similar to how life was in Richmond during Joan's shared leadership minus the dodgy politics (you can't willfully live in a bandit camp without condoning the authority's raids on other settlements after all.). A place where life inside the camp is actually relatively civilized and the members are fairly decent people (as decent as bandits that allow a guy like Nate to stay can possibly be at least) who mostly resorted to joining more out of desperation rather a callous disregard for their fellow survivors, possibly even including several women and children in the camp as well. Some of them could even be previous members of Prescott or Richmond that managed to escape during the calamities that occurred at both of those settlements.
These are the parts I have some disagreement with. Nate was definitely a psychopath, but the few times we saw him become bloodthirsty in 400 days he would justify his actions as a sort of retaliation. I could see Nate doing something like this, but I feel like he would have to be provoked over far more than a failed interrogation and an escape attempt, maybe Clem could accidentally (or possibly intentionally) kill one of his friends in the bandit camp beforehand and that is what ends up setting him off, leading to a scene like this.
Yah. That would be pretty cool. Unfortunately, I don't have much of an imagination for making things like that.
Too many details would be left out and conversations between multiple people would be one sided because I lack this type of creativity. It's easy for me to build off what is already set in place, but making something completely different that takes the story off the beaten path, and having it well written, is very challenging for someone like me. You're welcome to make your own story around this bandit camp if you like. I would love to hear it. The more diverging paths the better!
Edit: Actually, now thinking over how Nate could hit Clem with an arrow to stop her from escaping. It could open up a really good transition into your idea. Missing the QTE for the arrow could send you on a different path, Instead of just killing you. The QTE could just give you more reaction time than usual to mark that there is a diverging path here.
Yah, I get what you mean. I was only thinking of how of much of a Dick he could be and didn't remember his true rationality behind it. (I should've mentioned, when I was writing the crossbow part I was only intending to have him try to stop her from getting away, not kill her. I just wanted him to try and shoot her in the leg. I didn't realize that missing detail could change your judgement of character that much. I'll go back and fix that, and I'll include more detail about other character's intentions in any future writings.) Thanks for the feedback!
Some time after Season 2 ended, a forum member pointed out how you can see some walkers on the roof of Howe's in the last clip. In the Jane ending, you also see blood all over the roof. Let it be also noted that the truck is also gone in the Jane ending. My theory is that some of Howe's people died while others escaped. However, I think this question is better left in the hands of fans as some interesting and nice fan fictions have resulted from it.
Yeah, I don't know where that came from cause I looked in Amid the Ruins and saw nothing to that effect.
Isn't that the obvious conclusion?
Hmm... I could have sworn I saw a video about it. Oh well, it was over two years ago we talked about it.
Obviously not if we're still discussing it 2+ years later.
That's a good idea! Though maybe the scenario could be reworked a little to make the path diverge based on a choice rather than a QTE. Perhaps the group Nate's in is under the assumption that they're saving Clementine from danger while she is on her journey to find AJ when they first meet her.The conversation with Nate would have minor alterations:
Nate takes Clem's hat, promising to give it back once they reach the camp. He then tries to be affable with Clem in a attempt to turn her over to his group's side but due to his crass nature as well Clem's outrage at her hunt for AJ having been impeded, this doesn't fare too well. Nate questions what she was doing all alone, at which point Clem can reveal her journey to the Mccaroll ranch in order to find AJ in a fit of anger and frustration. This results in Nate making a remark similar to the one you wrote about how AJ will eventually get her killed, only to backpedal and tell Clem to settle down upon seeing her reaction; assuring her that his men will head down there and find him as soon as she is brought to the authority figures at the camp for evaluation (though whether he intends to follow through on this promise or not is left ambiguous). Eventually Nate casually lets it slip that his group resorts to banditry to survive, as well as claiming that the camp imposes a "you're with us or against us" ultimatum on all outsiders.. He advises that while his group only acts in the best interests towards those in situations like what Clem appeared to be in, it'd be a smart decision to not get on their bad side.
The walker attack then occurs and the player is given a choice: take the chance to escape and risk endangering both Clem's and AJ's lives at the hands of a gang of bandits (and having to accept losing Clem's hat to Nate) or stay put (maybe even use the walker attack as Clem's first chance to prove herself to the group and fight alongside the bandits) in the hopes that she'll either manage to gain their trust and aid in finding AJ (at the cost of losing significantly more time in her quest to do so.) or find a better opportunity to gain greater distance between her and Nate's group.
That's just a rough outline of how that could work out. I'm with you, building upon old characters is a lot easier. I was mostly just throwing ideas out there is all. If I do end up getting ideas on how a bandit camp scenario could play out I'll be sure to share them
Personally I feel like his erratic bouts of rationality is what made the difference between Nate and villains like Badger and maybe to a lesser extent Randall and Carver (though feel free to disagree). Nate is an asshole, but the writers still made the effort to give him a jarring sense of compassion (at least towards Russell anyways) and even a slight degree of self-awareness when he was chatting with Russell in the truck. In a way his sense of humanity makes the times when he does go overboard even more unsettling, like Nate was just some average guy who realized how ludicrous the situation had become and just decided to roll with it in a very twisted fashion.
You're welcome
It is interesting how small details like that can drastically change the audience's perceptions of the same action like that. Good luck on your future writings!
Vanished into obscurity
because that worked out so well for the first "bandit camp" we saw
That's why it'd be a subversion of bandit groups like the one in Season 1. Those who resort to banditry to survive in an apocalyptic setting aren't inherently irredeemable. In fact, I'd imagine most of those who do so are actually completely normal people who were just desperate for necessities. Obviously they won't be the most upstanding people but that doesn't mean they are forced to be absolutely deplorable and reckless. I don't think it'd be too far fetched for a group of raiders to impose a semblance of a just and civilized structure onto their ranks despite the questionable means of sustaining themselves, though if you disagree I can understand. I just think it would make for an interesting story development as well as great potential for difficult choices to be made should a bandit camp be given the "gray morality" treatment.
If this is because of how Nate acts around the topic of women I can understand that. Despite being a blatant pervert we don't a lot of concrete details as to if he has any standards against rape or not; exactly how far Nate is willing to let his self indulgence take him is left eerily unclear due to his limited screen time. Nate's group doesn't have to include women and children, that was just another possible idea I was throwing out there. If that wouldn't work out they can just be removed and it can just be an all male group.
Well, I like that idea. While Nate keeps does some questionable things for the group, He could have a woman back at the camp who talks to him and makes sure he hasn't done anything too stupid and scolds him when he does. She would be his conscience, since he doesn't have much of one on his own. Like with the crossbow event I was thinking of, Nate could shoot Clem in the leg and he brings her back to camp. The woman (thought of her being pregnant and already having a small child) could notice the arrow still sticking out of Clems leg and she would scold him for why he thought shooting a teen in the leg with an arrow was a good idea and he would be apologetic and the woman would treat Clem's leg. They could talk during her treatment and reveal how Nate is her lover and how she somewhat admires his unpredictability and spontaneousness, but it also comes with a price, she has to keep monitoring him so it doesn't get out of control and lead to something dangerous. (Why is this making me feel this is foreshadowing about the guy we were talking about Clem being with in the other thread?) Anyways, that was what I started thinking about when you brought up this idea.
Thank you
That's a really interesting twist to his character, I really like that idea. Even better is that this relationship seems to have similarities to how I thought a Lilly x Nate pairing could eventually come together. Lilly being repulsed by Nate's mannerisms initially but eventually warming up to him after realizing just how much she missed the easy-going types since the apocalypse began, on top of being impressed by his loyalty and survival skills (though due to their differences I feel this it could be made more complicated as an off-and-on relationship or even a friends with benefits sort of deal) If Lilly did happen to be this woman then having Nate shoot Clem in the leg then that could pave way to some interesting tension in their relationship as well as giving Nate more incentive to try to bond and make amends with Clementine given her history with Lilly.
This relationship could also be a great contribution effect of portraying Nate as the antithesis to Kenny, by having him fall in love with the woman that Kenny frequently clashed with.
Does anyone even care at this point? It's been over 5 years since we seen them last ( I hardly count the 10 second camo they all got in season 2) I doubt most people even remember them.
Ouch. That hurts.
No, we don't know. Hell, it's ambiguous enough that Nate wasn't a thief or bandit until the part where walt shoots at him. It's possible his group was trying to be nice to eddie and wyatt and it was a misunderstanding, and it's possibly he never met the old folks before (how could they tell anyway if he was wearing a mask?) So imagine you're Nate, and you're trying to be nice to people and what do you get? Your friend gets shot when you extend a welcoming hand to two strangers, and then you almost get your head taken off randomly at a pit stop. Thus leading to him really snapping when he kills the old folks and takes their stuff.
I mean, he probably is a scumbag but it's left ambiguous enough that you could go either way.