Bring back the Rewind feature

edited January 2018 in The Walking Dead

I am playing the collection at the part where you unscrew the St. John's barn door, but the camera glitches and gets stuck on the inside of the slaughter room with no way to continue. So I have to restart this 2 hour episode due to a glitch, and Telltale wants to continue taking to easy way out by removing a widely used feature among players doing multiple playthroughs?

MY theory: Rewind was causing the save errors. Why else would Telltale remove rewind unless it was causing them problems? Instead of showing some passion and care for players and fixing it, they removed it and told us we didn't use it.

If you care about your players, Telltale, you will patch rewind back into the game. You will also make sure rewind is a feature in Season 4 because removing rewind was one giant middle finger to all your players. It's Telltale's laziest move ever, a giant FUCK YOU to anyone that will ever run into a game glitch, have their controller die, etc. We need to be vocal about these things, otherwise they will see what else they can get away with cutting from the game.

Something as simple as sending a tweet to Pete Hawley, Telltale's CEO and tell him his developers are cutting corners under his new leadership. Did any of you guys ever use rewind?


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