Fate of the Pact

Do you think it's possible for the Pact to make one last appearance in episode 5? We know John is definitely appearing and so is Harley as she either escapes with John or vanishes during the chaos. But what about Bane and Freeze? Will our choice with Freeze come into play in episode 5? Thoughts?


  • Possibly. I'm thinking he'll at least be mentioned. But it seems like a cliffhanger that can't be resolved with just this last episode, especially since he's in the hands of the agency.

  • I was thinking that maybe Waller will potentially draft the Pact into the Suicide Squad and send them after John. After all Bane and Freeze don't know Riddler's blood was destroyed.

    GamerLady posted: »

    Possibly. I'm thinking he'll at least be mentioned. But it seems like a cliffhanger that can't be resolved with just this last episode, especially since he's in the hands of the agency.

  • I think that was the end of Bane, for Mr Freeze, well, Episode 4 had just 2 choices, and one involved Mr Freeze, the least they could do is show us how it plays out.

    Does Harley vanishes during the chaos? I thought it was confirmed she was imprisoned in the vigilante ending.

  • That's a good point. ...So, if John goes vigilante Waller is pretty peeved and starts shouting 'apprehend Bruce.' I'm now wondering if maybe he'll end up as part of the Suicide Squad temporarily and be forced to work with Bane and Freeze again. He'll find his way out by the end of course, but I don't put it past Waller to do something like that. ...Most likely it won't happen but it'd be kind of cool wouldn't it?

    I was thinking that maybe Waller will potentially draft the Pact into the Suicide Squad and send them after John. After all Bane and Freeze don't know Riddler's blood was destroyed.

  • Yes if you look at the codex Bruce says something along the lines of "the Agency took her into custody before the bridge blew up. She'll be behind bars for the rest of her life." And Waller ordered her men to put her in the truck until they found John and the truck was blown up so I wouldn't be surprised if she gave them the slip.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    I think that was the end of Bane, for Mr Freeze, well, Episode 4 had just 2 choices, and one involved Mr Freeze, the least they could do is

  • It had more than just two choices, they just decided not to show them in the end stats for some reason.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    I think that was the end of Bane, for Mr Freeze, well, Episode 4 had just 2 choices, and one involved Mr Freeze, the least they could do is

  • I'm more for Freeze showing up than I am for Bane. The little interaction you can have with Freeze made his appearance in this season completely worth it for me.

  • I definitely want more of Freeze for sure! His motivation is the most sympathetic out of the Pact and he's arguably the most redeemable.

    GamerLady posted: »

    I'm more for Freeze showing up than I am for Bane. The little interaction you can have with Freeze made his appearance in this season completely worth it for me.

  • How reliable will Freeze be once that virus takes over his mind?

  • Oooo good point! I completely forgot about that.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    How reliable will Freeze be once that virus takes over his mind?

  • maybe in ep 5 batman has to interrogate them to get to joker/harley. in a similar way to ep 1s decision between mori and knable. i hope they're kept somewhere that two face and penguin are also in.

  • Oh my god I'd love that!

    maybe in ep 5 batman has to interrogate them to get to joker/harley. in a similar way to ep 1s decision between mori and knable. i hope they're kept somewhere that two face and penguin are also in.

  • edited January 2018

    Well, in my playthrough, he'll theoretically be fine(by his assumption).
    Those could be interesting alternate scenes. You'll either get a lucid, sane, Freeze, or a babbling incoherent Freeze interrogation.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    How reliable will Freeze be once that virus takes over his mind?

  • I think the Pact is done for, I doubt we'll see Bane or Freeze again.

    We will probably see Harley again (100% if she leaves with John) but tbh ANF kinda showed just because someone "escapes" doesnt mean they will appear in the next episode

  • edited January 2018

    I hope we have the option to interrogate Bane or get a scientific related favor from Freeze in the next episode. I would love to see these guys again in some capacity in the future.

  • But I don't think Freeze knew about the mental issues that occur when getting infected. Even if you froze him (Which I did) and he survives, he'll still be insane.

    Johro posted: »

    Well, in my playthrough, he'll theoretically be fine(by his assumption). Those could be interesting alternate scenes. You'll either get a lucid, sane, Freeze, or a babbling incoherent Freeze interrogation.

  • I would think it would depend on the properties of the virus. If Freeze can survive a colder temperature than the virus, he should be okay. We can't really bring real science into these comics, just look at the character we're talking about. Saying that, it's whatever the writers say.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    But I don't think Freeze knew about the mental issues that occur when getting infected. Even if you froze him (Which I did) and he survives, he'll still be insane.

  • Yeah he didn't know. Alfred says he overlooked it in the Batcave.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    But I don't think Freeze knew about the mental issues that occur when getting infected. Even if you froze him (Which I did) and he survives, he'll still be insane.

  • I can see Freeze making an appearance in episode 5, and us having to make a decision regarding his wife. Maybe we'll have to option to talk him out of using the serum, since it will heal Nora, but also drive her insane.

  • I hope we see Nora at least.

    I can see Freeze making an appearance in episode 5, and us having to make a decision regarding his wife. Maybe we'll have to option to talk him out of using the serum, since it will heal Nora, but also drive her insane.

  • I'm thinking that if Freeze survives, the Agency is going to plan on resorting to using his blood in replacement of Riddler's. Agent Avesta thinks that Waller's up to some sneaky stuff, and I think that she had Riddler killed by an assassin so they could take his body for blood extraction. The Agency taking over the investigation at the start and hiding important details would have given them the chance to take full possession of it. By letting the Pact get hold of the body temporarily, it gave them all some hope for success and allowed the blacksite location to be revealed to them with the help of Bruce using what they have (Riddler's laptop), but once everything blew up in their face, they would now have no other choice but to work for Waller to get what they want. Riddler imprisoned at GCPD with Gordon's officers still around wouldn't have allowed them any way to take his blood without having to deal with some major controversy, but considering Victor Fries is reported missing in the Gotham News Feed and that the Agency is the only one in control at the Sanctus facility where they are keeping him, they could do whatever they want with him. I'm not sure if the choice to submit to Freeze's request will do anything, but considering the majority of players helped him, it will possibly hinder Waller's ability to use him in some way. He ends up escaping through the ice perhaps or Batman will have to help him escape when he realizes the Agency's true motives, which will eventually result in the Gordon and the GCPD having the Agency removed from Gotham. I have no clue if there's any chance of any of this happening but it's hypothetically what I would love to see play out regarding the Agency and Freeze.

  • That's a good point! I'd say Waller was the one who had Riddler killed.

    D3NN15 posted: »

    I'm thinking that if Freeze survives, the Agency is going to plan on resorting to using his blood in replacement of Riddler's. Agent Avesta

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