Fear the Walking Dead - What if Calvin had killed Nick?
This might not be the right place to post this What-If scenario, or it might have already been talked about, but whatever.
What if, in the "Fear The Walking Dead" pilot, instead of Nick killing Calvin in self-defense, Calvin had ended up killing Nick like he planned? I'm not an expert on how drug dealer execute potential snitches, so I'm not sure if Calvin was planning on shooting Nick in the head or not. If not, would Calvin have stayed long enough for Nick to reanimate? Would he have tried to contact Madison and Travis to try and cover himself or might he have just left Nick in the storm drain and not told anyone?
I think this event would have greater knock-on effects, for the rest of the main group anyway. I've only seen Season 1 so far, so I can't speak beyond that. Basically I can see most of the group, and some others, being worse off:
Alicia - Still goes to Matt's house and finds him bitten and sick with fever. If Travis and Madison don't contact or find her in time, while being largely unaware of the undead, there's a chance she might stay with Matt until he dies, then she gets bitten.
Tobias - With Nick dead, Madison would have no reason to go to the school to get medicine, so if Tobias, smart as he is, runs into the undead Principal, given his performance on the show, he's probably dead.
Chris - Still gets caught up in the riot, but probably takes a larger role without Travis and Liza to get him out of there. He could end up dying and/or turning.
The Salazars - I can still see Griselda being injured or dying in the riot, and, depending on how bad things get, maybe Ofelia and Daniel as well. Though I still give the latter two a higher chance of survival.
Victor Strand - If the military still shows up, sets up safe zones and quarantines people, Strand would have to find a new "partner" to aid in his escape. Depending on if she's alive, and how badly affected she is by the death of her child(dren), that partner may be Madison.
And finally, without the OTL group and the motivation to get them out of the compound, I can expect Operation: Cobalt might go as planned, minus the casualties at the compound in the season finale, including Doctor Exner and her patients.
Any thoughts?
Sigh Why do I kill every thread I touch?
He would have left Nick and nobody would ever found him.
I totally forgot about him,i'm sure he'll return,i remember an interesting theory about why he didn't go with Madison.Anyway,he would probably die like you said.
So yeah,it's interesting to think about that,but i'm gonna be honest i'm glad Nick killed Calvin instead i like him more.