This forum is really dying off now
Man I remember a few years ago you could easily get pages upon pages of threads within a single day on here. Now I am seeing a thread that hasn't been posted on all day long is just the seventh thread from the top.
I know message board forums are dying off in general these days in favor of facebook and twitter but for this particular one things really died off since season 3 was released.
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Yep, it's the unfortunate combination of S3's mixed reception, and the (relative) lack of news regarding S4. There's nothing new to talk about besides the most recent season... and for a lot of people, S3 didn't have enough interesting stuff to talk about.
But hey, if I'm being honest here, at least the forum isn't surviving purely off of Kenny/Jane arguments like it did after S2. I think I'd consider that worth the trade.
This place will undoubtedly be more lively when The Final Season and The Wolf Among Us S2 rolls around. Discussion inevitably dies out along with hype and Season 3 has been out for well over a year now. That and with what very little was shown at PAX there's just not a lot to talk about regarding TFS yet.
The heavy decline in activity here in the forums could also be a consequence of Telltale having lost favor among the gaming community in recent years. Plus the site layout change that happened a few months ago really pissed off several of the more vocal posters in this community to the point that some of them just upped and left.
Eh, it's not really that strange. There've been few times like this in the past, albeit maybe not so consecutively as it's been the past week. And we're obviously at a point where not only is there little of topical substance or recreation to discuss, but the game series's continual spiral kinda inspires less frequency here.
Admittedly, I've personally been increasingly making strides to limit how often I post here for a while now.
These times of waiting are the borest of all happened before but it'll rise agian and till that time we should either give some spark of life to these forums or do something else to come back once something happens.
There's nothing to talk about anymore,but if you want more activity just start another bissexual Clementine thread or a Kenny vs Jane thread.
jk pls don't do that
Start a Word-A-Day calendar. Either that, or find a hobby/job/friends/have a child.
Why are we still here?.....Just to suffer?
This isn’t uncommon between game release or news as there is nothing to talk about, when we start getting more news and when the final season does release i expect things to pick up again.
This is why I don't invite you to my parties anymore, Kaz.
S3 is mostly the reason I'm not here anymore. It sucked a ton of interest out of me, I still come by every month or so. Hopefully, Season 4 will at least improve.
It'd be nice if some sort of news comes out so there's at least something to go on. This waiting period is awfully dead and I don't feel like they're going to have the hype they're hoping for.
telltale needs to drop some info
Wine and forums don't mix.
Again, as with my comment that has been lost to the graveyard, I think this lull is good.
Not much to talk about and nowadays considering we've heard absolutely nothing from telltale since PAX. That and I'd guess a lack of interest in the product/threads.
As someone that's been here for a while I can say that the off season can get pretty quiet. I agree with the above that there is just a lack of info/stuff to talk about right now which has been leading to a lot of pointless/horrible thread topics being made. I'm pretty sure activity will pick back up once there is more info. Although personally I still think the season 2 era was the peak of activity on these forums.
Exactly why though? The final series is already being pushed out, I personally wouldn't mind waiting with no news for a few months if it means they spend more time on development.
Understandable. It was right hot of the heels of Season 1, featuring Clementine being promoted to main character & protagonist, and inviting speculation about a Myth Arc about the Cabin Group & Carver.
Its quiet because nothing is happening right now, however, even when Season 3 was released there wasn’t as many topics and discussions as there used to be anyway and that’s because of how uninteresting it was and for me personally Telltale as a whole has declined so much so i am not surprised. There was a time i would visit every single day. Not anymore
I think the forums will pick up again around E3. Why I think this is that Telltale may be going to E3 to reveal The Final Season and possibly a release date
however as much as I am craving any sort of Walking Dead news right now there must certainly be a reason behind it. Maybe the team is focused solely on creating an enjoyable experience for all players. We will have to wait and see but I think that these forums will pick up again when any updates come out
Fuck, I hope not. I just got here.
I don't know about everyone else but for me personally, I don't participate on this side of the forums as much as I used to because of how negative it has become. It just leaves me feeling so drained.
I visit almost daily because I crave TWD/TTG news and because I usually don't get to talk to people online. However, I don't get too engaged with forums because I either don't have anything informative (like leaks or tweets), cool (meeting the actors) or humorous to say or because my input is often met with either "but this idea/character is r-t-rded," "ew why would we have d-kes in the game" or "[name]?? Who the fuck is that??"
Really brings out the DEAD in the Walking Dead forum does it not? So yeah this is true mainly due to how New Frontier was a let down and thus providing nothing to talk about that is of value. I'd rather have the Kenny or Jane wars going on to at least spark some discussion than dry nothingness. You can also notice how folks are even reaching far back into season one and two for discussion threads while skipping over season three to discuss some things that are not as recent as season three so now out of date discussions are popular for now. Like we were talking about why Larry was an old idiot again at one point over something more relevant like why Gabe still didn't accept Kate as his stepmother and why she wanted Javier so much.
Just curious.. how did Carver do no wrong?
My Telltale discord isn't doing well either.
I'm cautiously optimistic that TWD 4 and TWAU 2 will make the forums active again, especially if they're good.
To answer both of your questions, it's implied that Gabe did indeed accept Kate as his stepmother. When exactly he did, I'm not sure, but he does determinately express regret at never being able tell her that he does love her. In the context of seemingly choosing David over her, it was actually part of his plan to help the family get over their issues so they could finally be happy together. The inherent hurdle of dealing with David is that he's pretty shortsighted and stuck within the values of his own perspective, which makes him a bit hard to reason with--Gabe was well aware of this and thus intended to appeal to him on his terms. Unfortunately, poor communication and conflicting intentions between the ex-couple caused a fight to break out and things didn't go according to plan, to put it lightly.
As for why Kate fell in love with Javier, it's actually quite simple: as David's new wife, she was forced to abide by his fundamental views of a family, as well as deal with his short-tempered and insecure attitude on a daily basis--she felt trapped and started to fall out of love. With Javier, however, she saw someone who was comparatively confident yet laidback, more than accommodating of others' flaws, issues, and expectations and free to go/do wherever/whatever he pleased. Thus, she started to become attracted to him and that blossomed over the four years the two spent together keeping the kids safe and constantly on the move together.
I'm placing my bet on Memorial Day weekend for us getting some news. Since Memorial Day is kind of the official start to summer in the US, TTG is a US company, what better way to being build up to a release than on the start of summer. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for news somewhere between April 23rd and April 30th. Even if TFS was delayed, building up hype throughout the summer seems like a smart move. But I'm no marketing expert, so I'm just throwing a hypothesis out there.
S4 is suppose to come out this summer, so I'd hope we'd something soon since summer is a month away, but they most likely pushed the release back again.
In the world of video game releases, releasing on the very last day of Summer is still releasing during the Summer.
In the world of video games, quarters are even more important. So people can either hope for June 26th or all bets are off and it could be anytime from July to September.
Not that I have any stake in this game, but if I were part of the boardroom, with assumptions that everything in the office is running smoothly, my desire would be to have a couple episodes out for September long weekend. Not too early. You don't want to wrestle with vacations and the meat of the summer box office, but enough to get people hungry. A July release and a late August/early Sept. release would be my hope.
Edit: Sorry, this came off sounding so much more asshol-ish than I intended.
I'm not sure that's even a possibility since it seems like they are still in the early stages of development of the game.
If so, it is the right decision.