Do you think the Final Season will have flashbacks?

I'm hoping so, but there's this gut feeling that they'll probably've planned and scrapped it.


  • Definitely. Some things can best be explained through them.

  • It would be nice to see Richmond and the remaining residents in flashbacks, but not in present time as this is Clementine’s story. Maybe we get to see the fall of Richmond, maybe overrun by a bigger horde or worse threat?

  • hope not.

  • They will abuse the shit out of em and make the whole story flashback FUCKERY so no I don't want flashbacks anymore JUST TELL US THE DAMN STORY AT THE PRESENT CAN YOU.

  • You know that's too hard for them to do.

    They will abuse the shit out of em and make the whole story flashback FUCKERY so no I don't want flashbacks anymore JUST TELL US THE DAMN STORY AT THE PRESENT CAN YOU.

  • edited May 2018

    They can limit it by showing how clem found AJ in ep1 but after that what's the point in having so many flashbacks hmmmmm?Maybe if they play with the story like fear the living fucks are doing now that's a brilliant idea for their lazy asses,Flashbacks must die and tt knows it.

    You know that's too hard for them to do.

  • what's the point in having so many flashbacks hmmmmm?

    To make fast cash by just slapping Clementine on something, and hoping people will buy it.

    Flashbacks must die and tt knows it.

    But will they listen? Guarantee you they won't. There were flashbacks in every episode of Season 3 ANF.

    They can limit it by showing how clem found AJ in ep1 but after that what's the point in having so many flashbacks hmmmmm?Maybe if they play

  • They realized that anf didn't do well with how they played out the story so I have some hopes they won't do it agian....crossing fingers here.

    what's the point in having so many flashbacks hmmmmm? To make fast cash by just slapping Clementine on something, and hoping people

  • edited May 2018

    Yes,if someone like Christa return we need a quick flashback of what happened to her.

  • Depends. If they actually serve a point towards the story then go for it. But we all know Telltale’s history with flashbacks and how they felt forced, unwanted, and pointless at times.

  • Hopefully not. A New Frontier had some cringey ass ones

  • Hope not,I hated the ones in GotG.I this case I prefer tell don't show.

  • edited May 2018

    We might get one, and that would be explaining how we reunited with AJ, but since they decided to skip over that it mustn't be important enough to warrant a scene apparently. So I hope we don't get any. I agree with what people have said above that they should just focus on delivering us a solid present day story. I don't need to see what Richmond is up to, or any other pointless padding that ultimately serves no purpose in a flashback. We've had them in S2 and ANF now.

    At this point I'd prefer something different, like Clem being affected by the cold or blood loss out in the woods. [Similar to how she was in s2 after the dog bite] And she hallucinates or maybe even hears Lee's voice telling her to move on. It's kind of a flashback into the past but focuses on the here and now, instead of actually pointlessly jumping back in time to prove a point.

  • I'd like to have a Lee/Kenny flashback, because i don't see another chance to see them in TFS

  • The first two episodes have been released, do you think that we'll still see a flashback in TFS?

  • Yes. Several, even.

  • One about the tach maybe, but taht would be about it.

    Howeverm another thing I cans ee happen is some sort of shell-shock/blood-loss hallucination

  • Potentially huge spoiler here, but there are face models for s1 Clem and Lee that were leaked. They’re all over Instagram.

  • edited October 2018

    For McCaroll Ranch, I think there should be. But none aside from that. No point.

  • Of course they will have major flackbacks.

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