For those who played Life is Strange...
Isn't David Garcia just very similar to David Madsen from Life is Strange?
I mean a tough guy that served in the army and retired for taking care of a family, and for his "tough" methods learned by that experience he caused troubles with his own family and not only.
What do you think?
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More or less, except David Garcia doesn't seem sexist and David Madsen actually tries to be there for his family instead of running away to solve that problem.
Thought the exact same thing while playing ANF
The problem is probably with the name. David=Conflict
Never crossed my mind.
I think David Madsen had more of a heart
Aside from the PTSD, not really. Garcia was worried about reintegrating and wanting to go back to doing what he knows, Madsen was a control freak who needed to be in control of every aspect regardless of where he was. Oddly enough Madsen actually came off as more sympathetic.
Maybe this similarity is a bit of a stretch, but David Garcia has a son who wears a beanie, while David Madsen has a step-daughter who wears a beanie.
Damn, son! The world is so small...
Indeed! At this point I honestly wouldn't be surprised if David Madsen also has a younger brother who used to be a baseball player, before his career went down the drain due to his gambling addiction...
Javier Madsen?