What's Your Favorite Game?

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I really like Detroit: Become Human and it’s already my favorite game.
Telltale Games wise, I would say Wolf.
In Telltale, I would have to say BTTF becausee I love BTTF and also because that game introduced me to Telltale's other games. In terms of generally any games, I like a lot of different games but if I had to pick one it would have to be Star Wars The Force Unleashed.
I was never interested in Souls games before but when I heard a lot of praise for the franchise, I decided to give it a shot and I started with Bloodborne. I never expected to have so much fun with it, I love the bosses, the characters, the story, the combat system, the level designs and the multitude of enemy types.
Dark Souls Remastered is going to be the next game I'm going to buy.
In general, probably Batman: Arkham City. That game was my childhood game. Another that I like is Left 4 Dead 2. I played that game everyday when I got home from school.
Favorite Telltale game will be The Walking Dead season 2.
L4D2 was life. It’s a shame there isn’t a 3
Yeah, and I doubt we're ever going to get a 3.
Persona 5
War of the Monsters. That game has been with me since 2005 and I still play it at least once a week.
Life is Strange series, absolutely! Made me cry and laugh and a lot of feels all together. It even changed my way of seeing the world ^^
You cried off of life is strange??? When?

The Mass Effect trilogy, hands down! I really like the different races, lore, story, characters, and just everything about it.
Portal 2 not the series just 2
This game has everything
•enduring loving able characters
•incredible voice acting
•very funny
•unique gameplay, like I’ve never played a game like that since then
•Constantly throwing curveball at your expectations
•perfect beginning, middle, and end.
Everything I what in a video game.
Destiny franchise. I always loved these games because they combine sci-fi and fantasy in a unique universe, as well as having fun gameplay. Destiny 2 is kinda in a crap position right now, but things are starting to look up again.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Taking what was already a great game series and improving on it in multiple ways with iconic boss battles, a 60's setting and origin for what had been one of the most mysterious characters in the lore to that point. Solid Snake is awesome but Big Boss is awesomer.
...though ironically I still haven't played Peace Walker and V yet so what do I know?
I'd have to go with the original Mass Effect. KoTOR, Shadows of Amn, and Snake Eater are all really high up there, but Mass Effect just hit so many of my interests at once I have to give it to the game.
With the exclusion of Mass Effect, did you recently start playing these games, or are you in your late 20s/early 30s???
Hueheuehehehe it’s thinking time. For story and action:gta 5
For role playing and character creating: Skyrim
They’re the things I look for in a game so my overall fav game... well it’s really a tie, I just love them both (they both have beautiful locations, which is why I didn’t mention them in the things I look for in games)
Gta 5 can also make for good role playing and character creating when you do it right, sometimes I rob a tonne of banks, and then pretend I’m out of the game by dressing up is some old man clothes despite the fact that my character is about 26 and I head to the golf course, play some tennis, drink a glass or two of whiskey, while wearing a luxurious bath robe, in my stilt house in the hills. Living the life, mane.
Nope, played them all at launch, so early 30s.
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Tbf gta San Andreas WAS the best gta, but childhood nostalgia aside, playing it today eeehhhhhh not as good as the modern day gta games. People also complained that the gta 5 story lead no where when it obviously did, but gta San Andreas on the other hand... there kinda was no story, it was all over the place dotted with different mission with a few here and there that actually help you track down smoke and Ryder.
Don’t get this comment wrong though, I loved San Andreas and I still do, just thought I’d point out the fact that people say it is still the best gta when it kind of isn’t... anymore.
Dragon Age: Origins
Can't pick one, so my two favourite games would have to be The Last of Us and Portal 2.
Mass Effect 2
Another good game that was part of my childhood was Super Smash Bros: Brawl. That game was my favorite game at the time.
InFAMOUS. Replayed this game more times than I can count.
For me it would be Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
The Last of Us
the Walking Dead S1 definitely
Nothing has ever made as connected to characters as I did playing that game. After finishing it I deadas** went in my room, sat in a corner, and didn't move for about 5 hours. Just sat and thought about the experience I had just been through. I truly felt like I had just a good friend. I have never felt that way again about any sort of media again, and I don't ever expect to.
My 14 year old self wasn't prepared
I would have to say either Fable 3 or Left 4 Dead 2. I never got tired of those games. Was looking forward to Fable Legends.
Its a toss up either Dragon Quest V or The Last of Us.