Feedback Appreciated
If this isn't a clear example that I have too much time on my hands, I don't know what is.
I recently started a review series on A New Frontier, with the first part looking at the history of Telltale's The Walking Dead and the development of ANF, while also looking at the company culture and climate.
I hate to self-advertise stuff like this, but I would appreciate some feedback concerning the video so that I can work on the others moving forward. Thanks.
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I checked out your video and I have to say I enjoyed it. It is very clear you did a lot of research and it definitely paid off!
I also subscribed to your channel!
Thank you for sharing 
Hey, man...
Your new video? I loved it man!
And I want you to know, I appreciate you!
Keep it up!
And I love ya man!
Love you too babe.
One thing I would like to say is that the way you present yourself. The commentary on the articles, the way you present your research, all remind me a lot of a reviewer I watch, called The BlockBuster Buster.

Which just seems awesome.
All I can say for feedback is that the little things that affect the fluidity of your presentation can easily be taken care of with experience. So there's no need to worry.
You're doing good.
(A reviewer with a Blockbuster Buster-like persona, reviewing one of my favorite video game series? It can't get much better than that!)
Yeah that's never been one of my strengths, but it is something I'm working on.
While I've never watched any of Blockbuster Buster's stuff before this (except for his video explaining why he left Channel Awesome after the controversy surrounding it), that's definitely one of the styles I'm working to incorporate. Another style is from a channel called Cinematic Excrement, run by a guy named Sean Moore. Along with reviewing some current movies, most of his stuff is reviews for notably terrible movies, and his style is predominantly what I'm looking at going forward, while still trying to be as original as possible.