These changes to Season 4 are for the best (If handled correctly)
So a little something I want to say due to the recent news about Season 4 and some of the changes being brought to the table. I feel like Telltale is making steps in the right direction.
Right now it seems a lot of people are freaking out over only 4 episodes this season. I dont find this to be a bad thing. Telltale said they want quality over quantity, and I think everyone would rather have 4 quality eps and not 5 shitty eps. What I hope this means is that Telltale has Season 4 all planned out and decided the script they had fits 4 episodes and not 5. This is actually a good thing because if Telltale forced themselves to do 5, that means there would 100% be one episode that just feels worthless and disappointing. Kinda like how for example Wolf Among Us episode 4 felt way more like an Episode 5 Part 1 or how Amid the Ruins real purpose is to just to clean slate for episode 5. Hopefully 4 episodes means all 4 will feel meaningful and important and not have those episodes that feel underwhelming.
Now obviously we wont know for sure if 4 eps is for the best until the season comes out, but at the moment I wouldnt worry the most about it being just 4 eps long. I would be more concerned on what the actual story is going to be rather than the amount of episodes.
Second ditching mobile was 100% the correct move. Sorry for any mobile users, but its really about time Telltale left them behind to truly improve their engine. Telltale limiting themselves for mobile (which lets be honest, these newer Telltale games on mobile look horrible) has always been a mistake to be doing, and Im really glad they decided to finally lay mobile in its grave.
So yeah those are my thoughts. Im not worried about 4 episodes if they are quality and think its probably for the best. What we should be concerned with is what the story is. Sure we could have 4 episodes that are "quality made" (as in cinematography puzzles hub ect) but the most important part about this game is if the story sucks or not, and thats what we should be clear what we want Telltale to do being focusing on.
I agree with you. We won't know if their decision to make 4 episodes instead of 5 is a good one until the season is finished. Personally, I've always believed in quality over quantity and seeying the level of story from season 2 and 3, I think that maybe episode 4 formula might be what will save this studio. Time will tell.
Also I feel kind of sorry for mobile players as they won't be able to play the final season but at the same time, I think the same as you do. It's time for Telltale to stop limiting themselves and their engine, which aged up a bit already.