Why “The Last Bullet” is the best trailer Telltale has ever made for TWD.

A trailer is made to give you a glimpse of what your getting into and what it is mainly about, but at the same time the trailer also shouldn’t spoil/show to much. “The Last Bullet” was designed from the ground up as a trailer and doesn’t show any scenes from the actual game. If you’ve read this interview (https://telltale.com/news/2018/06/behind-the-scenes-crafting-a-compelling-teaser-for-the-walking-dead-the-final-season/) you can see that their was a lot of care put into this trailer. This trailer represents what The Walking Dead is at its core almost perfectly by showing the relationship of Clementine and AJ. Every other WD trailer Telltale has released always has some emphisis (weather it be big or small) on action and violence (even S1 is a victim to this), while action and violence are definitely an important part of TWD, they are not the core/centerpiece that holds it all together. “It’s the human on human stuff, I mean we’ve talked about this a ton but that’s really the stuff that’s really the meat of The Walking Dead.” This quote was told by Sean Vanaman, the lead writer of season 1, TWD is truly about human relationships and how they’re treated in an apocalypse. And that’s exactly what this trailer symbolizes. This trailer has won me over and I now personally believe Telltale knows what they’re doing. I know it’s only a trailer, but a trailer can tell you a ton about what the game is gonna be like, and to me it’s looking great.


  • Well a fish was certainly violated by
    Clem's spear in that teaser. Poor Nemo's distant cousin by aquatic shotgun marriage.

  • It was really well done. I'm still partial to S2E5s trailer, but it's probably my favorite teaser/premiere in the series. It did a good job showing us what this seasons aiming for without giving us much about the season itself, assuming they keep it up a pretty good moods been set for where we're going.

  • in reality this is just a teaser trailer, as the title of the official video says. I think the trailer itself will be shown at E3 or close to the first episode's release.

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