Tf did so many of you shoot Conrad for?
90%, seriously? That's a lot of people shooting an innocent man, yes he threatened Gabe and wanted to use Clementine as a bargaining chip but is that really enough of a reason to end his life? C'mon guys, Conrad is best girl.
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He used to be a danger for group so i shoot him.
You're 16 months late on that debate pal.
He took Gabe hostage and held a gun to his head. Don't mess with a hispanic man's family.
It really comes down to a combination of how rushed/poorly paced the premiere was, his increasingly short-tempered and jumpy behavior, him taking Gabe hostage after what happened with Mariana(which, in hindsight, was sort of getting even for the night before, but still), and especially him taking the dickery a step too far by flat out executing Gabe as a distraction if you take too long to decide(which Telltale themselves realized and regretted). And of course, it being Clementine, INO, TALIJ, or otherwise.
That said, I was one of the few who didn't shoot him and in fact had multiple reasons to [eventually?] side with him on the choice.
Tripp, he's becoming a danger to the group.
Can't really blame im. That's just how it's bound to be for some of us.
Is Gabe's death in that scene canon or non-canon?
I didn't want to shoot him but I also didn't want to take Clem prisoner, so I stayed silent. Conrad proceeds to execute Gabe and then shoot Javi in the face in cold blood. That pretty much sealed my decision to shoot him. Fuck Conrad.
Well, considering it's in Part 2 of a five episode installment....
Yeah, I guess that was pretty dumb, but then i feel why are telltale regretting non-canon deaths? They don't make sense anyway so there's really no point...
Mostly because of the reasons Dabig listed. In general, because fuck conrad.
Probably because those can be taken as an indication of what the characters might/would be willing to do/allow.(Also see Jane and David)
Which, from their end, can overinfluence the player's decision and perception regarding the characters.
Telltale should have taken more time to develop his character in the first two episodes. I kept him alive though, and he ended being my favorite new character from the entire season. watching him kill Badger was probably my favorite moment from all of ANF too, so I think we know which option is the right one.
That seemed very out of character. My guess is Telltale didn't want to have to add a third option of him lowering the weapon and simply letting Clem go, which I think fits his character much much better, and wanted to force players into making the choice of killing him for Clementine or not. The rest of his actions in the game show no indication of being a man that would do that...He literally jumps in front of a moving vehicle to save Javi like TWO DAYS after that. Just one odd decision the writing team made among many odd decisions
You can say that for a majority of their characters past 2013.
He was definitely a close #4 for me as well.
I'm pretty sure that's more or less the point.
I really don't care for Clementine or Gabe, but the fact that Conrad threatened Gabe's life just to get some kind of revenge is fucked up, and If you let the timer run out, he shoots Javi and Gabe, so yeah, he deserved to get shot. If he had kept a level head from the beginning, he'd still be alive and able to keep his head leveled.
What doesn't make any sense is why the New Frontier would even want her back in the first place. They kicked her out. I don't see what value she would've been to them.
I was under the impression that Clementine committed some sort of crimes within the New Frontier to begin with and that's part of why she was afraid to go into Richmond.
Max did allude to being on alert due to encounters and hoodwinkings in the past, with Clementine being oddly knowledgeable and prepared to forcefully halt Rufus's truck.
As is though, Max was willing to believe Clementine is probably the one who got the Garcia's mixed up with them in the first place and opened the gates to let David see she came back to them as a prisoner.
True, good point! An exiled member doesn't have much leverage.
Well that's kind of the thing about Conrad surviving... his character and motivations change in literally every episode.
Episode 2 he is consumed by vengeance and willing to do anything to get TNF. Episode 3 he mellows out and goes along with whatever the group says, Clem and Gabe conveniently forget how he held them at gunpoint. Episode 4 he feels sorry for the community that was responsible for his own community's downfall but decides to leave anyways and then comes back for some reason. Episode 5 he completely vanishes until the end.
I appreciate Telltale trying to make a determinant character actually have a role if he survives but he is by far the most inconsistent character of the season and I much prefer the drama that unfolds if Javi shoots him as opposed to the weirdness that occurs if he is left alive.
Because pressing buttons is fun.
I disagree there. I think he has very solid character arc.episode 2 he is consumed by rage and vengeance, and that carries over to episode 3 with him saying he's gonna do anything he can to get to Badger. After he is left alone in silence in the prison (?) he thinks about what he's done and begins to realize how wrong it was, leading to the gun scene.
After he kills Badger, almost all that rage fades away, and he helps Tripp get Elenore back. After he does that, he's pretty much lost. He doesn't know where to go from here. Francine and Prescott are gone, and Badger is dead, so what is he supposed to do now? Like he say "I just gotta figure it out, who the new Conrad is" when he leaves in ep. 4.
On his way out I think a realization hits him on who he wants to be. Richmond will be his new home, and the Garcia's will be his new family, and he comes back and saves the day
I'll admit it's a little weird how he just disappears in ep. 5. I heard he was supposed to have a larger role but it was cut due to time constraints. The final scene with him shows he's at peace with the circumstations he's been put in
It's a little janky here and there, but Conrad is the first determinant character to have a solid arc over multiple episodes, and in my opinion, likely the best
Love live Conrad
This is the best response yet
Yeah I only just got round to playing it, it would have been sooner if I had heard better things about the game

I think you mean, ''long live Conrad''
But imagine a telltale walking dead game when you're part of a gang of bandits! It would be about corruption, violence, trust, deception and family. Who will be your family? The Clintons or the Grove Street 4 Life? YOU DECIDE
To be fair, Gabe isn't around him for very long(or really anyone besides his family) during Episode 3 and the idea is that he was bent on tracking down Badger now that they're on the inside and realizes how far he went to get to that point after they get kicked out without him achieving that.
The problem is more that the amount of runtime between the beginning and them getting kicked out didn't allow for much interaction and screentime for the group, which meant things around them feel rushed. In his case, it feels like we're missing a few minor but still important steps in his character arc.
Things like Tripp taking several levels in jackass for the sake of seeming "important" and Clementine never really even thinking about him don't help.
That's called basic human empathy. Plus, that was legitimately a case of a few particularly bad eggs going beyond what they were even supposed to be doing and decimating the place trying to get back at one guy for very little. The people themselves were exactly that--citizens surviving in a settlement with varying degrees of questionable leadership and enforcement.
Also, I think he or someone else mentions the fact that there was a herd surrounding the city anyway, so getting out wouldn't have been easy.
Yeah, I still don't understand that on any level. But then, it's From the Gallows.
wolf spoilers
Haha jokes on you guys cause I spared Conrad. I'm no monster unlike you sick fu-
well shit
I shoot him because i feel Clem's reunion with Ava in E4 makes more sense then E3 I mean Ava didn't even knowledge Clem so yeah it's why i shoot him nothing personal, Plus he didn't really do much so i guess it doesn't really matter
Part of me would like to think there was definitely some conversations going on in there during the hour or so Javier was gone.
At the very least, what Conrad intended to do with Clementine and Badger at that point in his plan had to come up.
If Javier asks him to do it.
Eeeh, does he? Like, I know he comments on the drama between them never being that bad before, but I wasn't aware of any input he might've had himself.
But that's likely just Tripp for ya.
Or Javier at least. From the Gallows really threw away most of what buildup and even factions it had to work with for little to no reason.
And it's more or less the moral of much of the story in general.
TWDG past 2013 in a nutshell.
Fair enough?
He doesn't know that. As far as he's concerned, Clementine is still a member of TNF and is...spying on the group for them, I guess?
He's going through grief, he didn't have the clearest of heads
90% of players shooting Conrad tells me that many of them didn't like the game enough to replay it. I mean.....over time, don't most choices end up hovering closer to 50% because people replay the game to see what happens when they make the opposite choice? The first playthrough, I agree that shooting him seems like the sensible option (especially considering the players' affinity towards Clementine), but after seeing Conrad's complete story arc, I don't know how anyone can honestly believe that killing him was the "right" choice.
His situation in ANF kinda reminds me of Nick in Season 2....if you go with Pete at the end of episode 1, he will ask you to look after Nick. I liked having the option to vouch for him, which ultimately saved his life at the end of episode 2. When he was killed off-screen in episode 4 (with no option for player intervention), I was disappointed, and wondered what it would be like to have a character you could save multiple times and ultimately survive the season. So I give Telltale credit for creating such a character, I just wish he could have been a bit more involved (especially in Episode 5).
His name was "Conrad". Who tf in the right mind names their son Conrad? He was already suffering with that name, I had to end it.
He got totally nuts after Francine’s incident and became dangerous for the group. And Gabe tried to save Havier’s life several times before, at least.
I mean he helps Javi and Tripp save Elenore in ep 3. Actually Tripp can mention that hes avoiding talking to Conrad on the dating subject because he's not sure if Conrads head is in the right place and wants to give him space, so I doubt Conrad had much input in that department