What Has Happened to Javier Garcia
If there is no way to return.Is it possible to explain what has happened to Garcia's since end of the Season 3
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If there is no way to return.Is it possible to explain what has happened to Garcia's since end of the Season 3
99% of them are determinant in every ending plus it's years in the future.
Not to mention that they seem to be nowhere near new frontier.
Dead, hopefully.
He lost Richmond in a poker game, moved to the Metro Orlando area and came down with a bad case of the Kings disease.
Gabe trips over a rock and splits his head open, Javier gets Kate pregnant, Kate dies during childbirth, depressed Javi left to care for newborn baby, Gabe dies from his injury, David loses it at his son's death and tries to take Javi's newborn as a 'replacement', Javi and David get into huge fight, David wins and kills Javi and steals the baby, David takes over Richmond and becomes a violent and ruling tyrant.
Clem rescues AJ, plans to take him back to Richmond where it is safe but school kids won't let her because they've grown attached to AJ too, Clem kills all the school kids and let's them turn, teaches AJ how to shoot a gun using the kid-walkers as target practice, they set off for Richmond, they arrive to find it in ruins from David's tyranny, Clem knows she must defeat the bug bad evil ugly mean awful David, or she'll end up in David-Jone's Locker!! Hah hah haahhh!!!
In the end, Clem kills David and saves Richmond.
But wait, there's MORE!!
After all the killing recently, Clem realises that she really enjoys killing people. She starts to crave the thrill and the skill of the kill. And so she goes on a murdering spree in Richmond and kills all the civilians except for Joan (who Clem's had locked up in her basement the whole time, forcing her to bake loads of delicious cakes for her!!).
Soon though, Clem can't help herself and she kills Joan. She starts craving more killing, and the only living thing left is AJ. And so she kills him.
She gets an overwhelming urge to kill just one last thing, and so she kills herself.
I’m praying to all the Dark Gods who rule under the earth that this is canon.
Please Dark Lords, I beseech thee, let this be true.
I've brought up in the past that to cap off the series, aside from a Congratulations sequence, there could be either a "Where are they now?" epilogue or some sort of encyclopedia that not only explains/hints where different ended up going, but also gives extra statistical and backstory information that the games themselves never got around to revealing.
All jokes aside, I hope that Clementine at least mentions why she didn't go back to Richmond. Doesn't have to be much but at least don't leave yet another plot unresolved.
Javier is apparently still a leader of the New Frontier.
Possible reasons he's not in Season 4 is because the New Frontier was taken over by walkers/another civilization, or Clem is just too far away from the New Frontier to go back in Season 4.
They all had S.A.D.S.
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
Damn, that's just sad.
You're going to just get memes in response to any question about ANF. I don't know if they'll ever do something with the Garcias again but I hope we get something.
Why does everyone assume she didn't go to Richmond? It's been a long time, and things happen.
Why would she refuse Javier's offer that "Bring him back to Richmond" ?
A herd or two or another nice location near McCaroll Ranch to hang for a while could've gotten in the way.
But that's more of a delay.
Maybe they make a DLC about them for TFS?
I hope sooo.Babyyyy
They are no longer Canon
Still a better plot than A New Frontier