[For Sale] Clem Hat Signed by Kirkman
I'll soon be selling my original Clem hat signed by Robert Kirkman!
I won this thing at a Skybound livestream last year, and since it took its—long—time before being shipped, they were kind enough to get Kirkman to put his name on it.
AFAIK this is the only signed hat for sale. Has never been worn.
PM me here or via Discord if you're interested. Highest offer gets it.
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For Sale; Clem Hat: Never Worn
That's how it be sadly.
I'll give you a can of chilli for it.
I'll trade you my copy of A New Frontier for it.
That's worth nothing
It really bothers me when someone gets a nice treat like this, someone has gone above and beyond for you, and instead of appreciating it you decide to sell it. I just imagine myself giving someone something nice and unique and them just going "lol who wants to buy this?" and it makes me sad.
It's just a hat with a signature dude, chill.
I explained this elsewhere. I get what you're saying, but I am currently bummed with the franchise. I see no point in keeping it when I'm not excited to have it, and I know it is something other people will want.
Lmao it's a hat based off a video game. I highly doubt it's the only Clementine hat signed by Kirkman.
I’ll let you pay me 20 dollars for it.
Clem's hat doesn´t have a Walking Dead logo at the back. It's a fake!
Fair enough I guess.
Padamkan apa yang anda katakan mengenai topi saya.
This really reminds me of that scene in ANF where the girl goes to Javier and asks for a signature.
If I didn't already have a Clementine hat signed by Melissa Hutchison, I would take you up on this offer.
But if I were to offer you something, I would trade you my collection of boats for it.
Would be a one up better offer if it too was for sale. I'd prefer Lee's leather jacket signed by Dave Fennoy on a pocket..
If you can get a hold of THIS hat, AND get Robert Kirkman to sign it, I'll gladly pay $200-$300 for it
Money comes and goes. That hat will be forever. Besides, who hasn't already spent hundreds on games/consoles they don't play anymore?
where is the blood and wounds mate*