Favourite quotes from Ep1: Culture Shock

edited November 2006 in Sam & Max
Max: "The Cheese was innocent!"


  • edited November 2006
    Malfeasance? That's my second favourite feasance!
  • edited November 2006
    Psychotherapist woman " A weenie in a rat hole? Nope, no symbolism there"
  • SquinkySquinky Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    You can sign my butt! Make it out to "Squinky". :D
  • edited November 2006
    "patience is a sharp razor to swallow"
  • edited November 2006
    "I don't say this much sam, But I love you... Now Go Wash My Car!"
  • edited November 2006
    I'm with Inso.

    Max: Multiple reports of malfeasance across the neighbourhood.
    Sam: Oh joy! That's my second favourite feasance!
  • edited November 2006
    "No, I do not like the balls"
  • edited November 2006
    child star syndrome includes romantic notions of your mom,
    a violent impulse to dentistry
    and an infatuation with money.
  • edited November 2006
    It's between Max: Move it to the left, move it to the right, pull to anywhere you want just fight, fight, fight.

    Max: I like my coffee green, just like how I like my men.
    edited November 2006
    Become... the videotapes!
  • edited November 2006
    I don't remember the exact words, but that scene where Max wants a tattoo of a slit on his head and two eyes on his butt so that it looks like he's upside-down... That was funny! Someone get me the exact quote! I don't have a saved-game at that point in the game...
  • edited November 2006
    Max: "The Cheese was innocent!"

    - "I think not."

    And very clever to keep the "Can't do"-responses in the dream-sequence appropriate:

    "That doesn't even work in a dream."

    Plus stuff like: "You know who would've loved that? Max."

  • BasBas
    edited November 2006
  • edited November 2006
    Man, so many great quotes.

    I like the video camera and Sam's comment about voyeurism.

    Also, there's something where Max says "Don't I?" in response to a comment from Sam. Can't quite remember what it was, but it made me laugh out loud.

    Also, I like how Bosco says "HELLO" in the intercom when they rock up at the store, when he's like 5 feet away. LOL.

    So so many.

    Also, Max saying into the loudspeaker when driving a car, something like "Pull over or we'll be forced to shoot you." It was obviously a lot funnier than that, when you hear him say it, uh...

    By the way, I was a FIERCE critic of the voices at first, and I'm a total convert. I love the new voices even a bit more than the previous game HIT THE ROAD. My mouth has been shut on that issue. Even Sam, whom I thought might prove tricky with his ultra-deadpan voice, came across beautifully. Exquisite voice-work. Max has a kind of subtle maniac undertone in his voice. Superb.

    Then of course, I love Sam's over-verbose (over-verbose - is that a word?) comments when he's excalaiming something, like instead of "Gadzooks!" He'd say "Holy flea-infested varmint auspiciously posing as the vile lice that surrounds me!"

    But, uh, it's better when Sam says it *cough*

    Yes, so many superb quotes, so little time.

    I also REALLY liked how Sam SMACKS Max out of the way when he gets in his path. THAT made me LOL big time.
  • edited November 2006
    Max: "Maybe I can get a map of the Netherlands tattooed on.... my netherlands!"
  • edited November 2006
    Sam: Not'chos
    Max: Their mine, not'chour's
  • BasBas
    edited November 2006
    mikdog wrote: »
    Also, there's something where Max says "Don't I?" in response to a comment from Sam. Can't quite remember what it was, but it made me laugh out loud.

    "You don't have a tattoo!"
    "Don't I?"

    Being Dutch, that map of the Netherlands joke made me chuckle loudly. I'm going to refer to my Netherlands at every minor opportunity now.
  • edited November 2006
    Sam: "Why'd you stop giving tattos?"
    Sybil: "A guy came in here and asked me to put a ship on his chest, and I misheard him and... Well, I decided to hang it up after that."
  • edited November 2006
    I always get a laugh out of
    Sam's phone song
    in the first scene
  • edited November 2006
    Sam: "Why'd you stop giving tattoos?"
    Sybil: "A guy came in here and asked me to put a ship on his chest, and I misheard him and... Well, I decided to hang it up after that."

    If only the guy had asked for a "pirate ship" and she had misheard him due to a tongue piercing...
  • edited November 2006
    I like every remark Sam does after that

    Max has been kidnapped by Culture.
    If you try to interact/examine any hotspot, Sam refuses to do it and says things along the lines of:
    "Max, is that you? I think I'm allucinating."
    "That's exactly the kind of thing Max would look at."

    These took me by surprise, I only noticed them when beating the game the second time around. I still laugh when I think of Sam who says
    "You know who would have loved that? Max." when looking at the dumbest things! :D
  • edited November 2006
    Bosco: "Remember... we never had this conversation."
    Max: "What conversation?"
    Bosco: "The conversation we just had!"
    Sam "No, see, he was just acting like he'd already "forgotten" the conversation."
    Bosco: "What conversation?"
    Max "Oh brother."


    Sam: "Will a make-do antenna do as a make-do antenna?"
  • edited November 2006
    Possibly my biggest laugh (though it's hard to pick just one) was when Sam pulled out his gun and Sybil exclaimed "Violent reaction! Violent reaction!" and then Max said, "You should see him at Thanksgiving!" I don't quite know why that's funny, but man, it is.

    Other great ones:

    MAX: Let me pry open his skull and look for a conscience, Sam.

    SAM: Hey, where's the rest of the noose collection?
    MAX: It's a surprise!

    Does anyone remember the one about barber shop fatalities?
  • edited November 2006
    I'm not a native english speaker and while I understand most I don't understand some of the jokes.. Especially cause the sentences are so weird..
    I always like Sam's OMG lines.. something like: Smashed car on a camera on a stick!! That's the ugliest tomato head I've ever seen.

    They just make no sence lol
  • edited November 2006
    Sam: "I can't believe we get PAID to do this!"
    Max (on window sill, ready to push bowling ball): "God bless America"
  • edited November 2006
    Possibly my biggest laugh (though it's hard to pick just one) was when Sam pulled out his gun and Sybil exclaimed "Violent reaction! Violent reaction!"

    I loved that :D :D :D :D
  • edited November 2006
    I love any sentence from Sam that contains the word "thingamabob". I love that word, and i need to use it more often.
  • edited November 2006
    What the hell does "thingamabob" mean, anyway?
  • edited November 2006
    i loved max answer when sam asks about the dried out plant in their office:
    "i'm teaching it to fetch water" or like this.

    damn, I nearly fell from my chair. although there are better placed and more humorous jokes, this one just gave me the right push over the sanity threshold.....
    and i was crackin, had to stop playin for a few minutes.
  • edited November 2006
    What the hell does "thingamabob" mean, anyway?

    It's a metasyntactic variable. It refers to something else that, say, you don't know what to call, so you call it a thingamabob.
  • edited November 2006
    What the hell does "thingamabob" mean, anyway?

    Yeah, basically it's Sam's way of saying "thingie" as in "what's that thingie doing here?", where the object in question has no apparent vocabulary word connected to it. :)
  • edited November 2006
    I loved just about everything with Bosco, but as a graphic designer, this one really tickled me:

    SAM: Is this art, or is it advertising?
    MAX: Is there really any difference?
    SAM: Good point, little buddy.
  • edited November 2006

    Narrator on TV: "Coming up next, the soda popper known for a really big part of his anatomy!"
    (he's talking about the one with the eyes, BTW)


    Sam: "A cheese sign on an empty table"
    Max: "The tantalizing promise of cheese, crushed by cruel reality"
    The Telltale team seem to be into cheese in a big way, huh? Maybe the secret subplot of the season: 'Why is there so much cheese?'
  • edited November 2006
    "They're mine, not'cho's..."
  • edited November 2006
    I like this one

    Max: Pull to the left! Pull to the right! Pull anywhere you want, just fight! Fight! Fight!
  • edited November 2006
    "They say graffiti is the poetry of our time"

    "Just what we need, More lame poetry"

  • VogVog
    edited November 2006
    Anybody could explan these jokes for me? English is not my native language so I do not understand these:
    Squinky wrote: »
    You can sign my butt! Make it out to "Squinky". :D

    Is it just because you have the same nickname or what does Squinky mean?
    Lyris wrote: »
    Max: "Maybe I can get a map of the Netherlands tattooed on.... my netherlands!"

    I do not really understand what he mean with netherlands.
    Sam: "Why'd you stop giving tattos?"
    Sybil: "A guy came in here and asked me to put a ship on his chest, and I misheard him and... Well, I decided to hang it up after that."
  • edited November 2006
    Vog wrote: »
    Anybody could explan these jokes for me? English is not my native language so I do not understand these:

    This game must seem very different to someone who is not a native english speaker -- would you mind sharing some of your experiences?
    Is it just because you have the same nickname or what does Squinky mean?

    In that context, "Squinky" would be understood by an english-speaker to be slang for "anus".
    I do not really understand what he mean with netherlands.

    "Nether" can be taken to mean "below" -- so he is making a pun relating the "Netherlands" -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netherland -- to his "nether" (lower) "lands" (parts).

    It's juvenile, and also hilarious.

    I hope I don't get in trouble for using "anus" in my first post on these forums.
  • edited November 2006
    ScribbleJ wrote: »
    In that context, "Squinky" would be understood by an english-speaker to be slang for "anus".

    That's news to me, and I've spoken English all my life. It's a reference to either Monkey Island or our intern Deirdra (whose username is Squinky), depending on which one you think Dave and Brendan were thinking of at the time.
  • edited November 2006
    Same here...
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