Telltale, please unfuck Bigby's face. [Mod Edit: Not a legitimate/real leak]
Mod Edit; Confirmed Fake:
NicoleM (Telltale Staff Member) said:
Hey all, not sure what these are but they are not from our game.
So this is actually a serious post from me for once, and Im posting it here because I feel many people might have even missed it by not checking the Wolf Among Us section, but if you are unaware, Funlabs is a studio that helped out Telltale with TWD Collection, and recently their site uploaded these pictures.
As you can clearly see, Bigby looks like a fucking toaster and that is not okay. Now we dont know what this is quite yet, it can easily be an early prototype of some kind, but considering this is the model for Bigby they are using, it is very alarming. We beg Telltale to not fuck up how the characters look in Wolf S2 and seeing this is already leaving a terrible taste in people's mouths. This is not good, it is awful and not what fans want at all.
Not only does Bigby look horrible, this tech demo or whatever it is, does not have the crisp cell shading of the Neon lights, another thing Wolf fans loved about the game. They are absent in these pictures.
If anything, this is Telltale's chance to fix this disaster before it starts. Because this? This is not okay. It's awful.
Keep your voices about this very loud and very clear. Dont want Telltale to just forget it and move on. Considering their whole "Feedback thread" is filled with "Hey could you not ruin what this game looks like?" this early design is just telling us they weren't listening.
@mostlypoptarts If you could please comment about this in anyway, it would be greatly appreciated. If you can't even talk about what these pictures are, just leave a "." just to show that you 100% have seen this and know that we fans are not happy with whatever this design choice is. We dont want to be in the dark for like a year wondering "Gee, I wonder if Bigby's face is still going to be fucked."
I can’t even imagine how Snow White is looking like...
And I also think we all want the game to have the noir atmopshere of The Wolf Among Us, the graphic style is looking so generic and with no passion. Please fix it Telltale, I love this game so much I don’t want it to look like... this.
Just a note that I think mostlypoptarts is on leave at the moment, but she wouldn't be able to comment, anyway.
It's really early, though, so hopefully the final product is going to look better than this.
Yeah, thanks for posting this here in General. I only saw the pics with the whole heated disappointment on Discord.
Wolf has had barely any news so far, so yeah this would really be overlooked had it been put in the Wolf section.
Telltale, I'm not happy with this build.
I get that there may be problems in perfectly replicating your style in Unity, but you've got to get it as close as possible. This is not that
Chill y'all...we have no proof if this is even real, let alone if it's anything close to the final product. The game ain't coming out for a year, they might go through some prototypes. Come on, there is no way Bigby ending up looking like THAT
Uncle Javi did not age well lol. Dafuq?
We already have a thread for this..please refrain from making more pointless posts that is being covered in another thread.
There was no way Kenny and Jane would look like THAT and we know what happened... this is awful the concern is reasonable
Don't forget that this made it into the final version of ANF, that somehow no one seemed to think there was anything wrong with Kenny and Jane's models.
At least if this is a legit early leak, there's a better chance they'll change his model considering the negative fan reaction to it, in case this isn't just like some internal proof of concept demo they threw together and quickly made this model of Bigby for.
It is real, we just dont know if this is the actual game, or some kind of tech demo. The model clearly is professionally put together, but the problem is the style is all wrong and not what Wolf Among Us or Bigby looks like. Either way it is alarming because this mean this might be what the final product will come out like. The alarm isnt really unreasonable considering ANF did the same thing with a new style Kenny and Jane where their models were complete trash.
Well, there's a thread for this in a section barely anyone goes to anymore (or for the time being). I think it's probably a good idea that it got spread around in a more visited section like General Chat.
bigby looks fucking awesome in that image the fuck are you talking about
can you imagine if they did that to clementine?! Ppffaahh
I think your jumping to extreme conclusions but if we get a staff response then go ahead; lose your mind over test screens from 6 months ago. You do you.
No. No, no no no.
But I can say that they got most of the top part of his face correct, it's just that his jaw is way too big and makes his face look unrecognizable. That's what David should look like in the next season, NOT BIGBY.
If it has to do with a belongs in that section. This is spam.
I'm on the side of the boat that thinks that this might just be an old prototype/unused model that Fun Labs just posted for some reason. But I've gotta say, that is one ugly ass motherfucker right there. Like it's not just the face, the proportions of his arms are really weird as well. The character model in general just looks all kinds of fucked up. I mean look at his right forearm in the first picture. Why is there this random sharp jag on it? I feel like the amount of detail put into his shirt makes it look even uglier.
But I have to be a bit fair. Comicbook Bigby isn't exactly a handsome guy either. He's pretty ugly most of the time there too.
And if that's the art style then that's extremely disappointing. Hopefully a Telltale staff member pops in the clear things up.
Yeah, when someone first posted that meme with him about to smoke a while back, I barely held back my horror at him.
Looks like he traded creepiness for steriods, though.
Ch'yeah, I was about to say, looks like a jacked ANF model.
Ah c'mon, at least that was hilarious!
I honestly don't understand how after the Kenny/Jane ANF debacle they manage to make a model look even worse. I would hope this is just a rough quickly made design for testing, but his face looks too detailed not to share similarities with his final look when S2 comes out.
... That's a good point! And in Kenny's case, it only got better if you shave off the beard.

Let’s remember one of the main reasons why Guardians fail was the art style. This will look really bad for the general public, even if they fix Bigby's face.
Guardians artstyle was fine. Don't say shit like that. It failed because telltale didn't bother to market it past episode 2.
Me whenever I see the new Bigby
True dat
Thats now what most people said on the reveal trailer. You can check it on youtube, people didnt like it at all. You may have liked it, but the fact was that the art style turned off a lot of people.
The model looks like they took the original Season 1 model and are working the new one on top, the arms look as if they are from Season 1 if you look closely.
It isnt really about Bigby not being "handsome" or whatever, its more about the jarring change in style and appearance.
Not like art style didn't have anything to do with it, when the game was first shown many people were turned off based on just how it looked. (It was also Telltale's lowest launch day since walking dead s1)
Maybe they did do that but I really don't see the similarities honestly. The proportions on the Season 1 model look way better.
Well that's what I mean. Early model so they reused certain parts of season 1's model like his arms and hands, which is why they are noticeably the most unproportional parts of his bodies as well as his fingers looking fucked up in the second pic due to the skeleton not fully aligned. (The forarms, not his full arm)
Sure, and while I'd normally agree with that, this is a post to spread awareness about a certain topic/issue, and it won't get the same traction or awareness cooped up in the TWAU section. It's better to get this out now to the larger Telltale circles earlier rather than later, if this does end up becoming a problem. It's something that a lot of people can get their eyes on for feedback before it's too late to do so.
I wouldn't call this spam.
The mods seem okay with it here.
@Box Tv
You say what my dude? [kidding...]
The reason it failed wasn't the art style, far from it. (I think)
I don't think there was anything wrong with it, it all seemed consistent. It was just a different style than the usual "sketch-black lines" TTG uses.
I think it was more meant to ressemble action figures or just "general 3D animation" but without black details. It was clean, simple, smooth details.
Eh, that's my view on it. You can look at it however you want.
Why are so many things becoming something else?
There fake as told by Nicole M and Scott butterworth
Good news, it's fake!
Nicole_M also commented in the other thread saying;
I think that someone from Fun Labs made that in their spare time and just decided to post it onto the website for some reason. Seems the people at Telltale weren't even aware of this and found out about this the same time as us.
This was uploaded on January apparently, so I believe in Telltale.
It’s fake

Do you have eyes?? Who wouldn't want to fuck up that face?
ya memed too late ya goof