The Beginning of the End...

Haven't posted in here since Season Two mostly because I was tired of all the complaining about Telltale. Don't know if anyone remembers me, but if you do, let me know. I just wanted to create a discussion thread about first impressions not only for the Final Season, but also if you remember any other good first impressions from previous seasons. Please also share your favorite memories from the series. Still my favorite memory is of Season 1 in Episode 5 with Lee giving up all just to save Clementine. There were many great times in the subsequent seasons, but none moved me as emotionally as that.

Feel free to post things that you like about The Final Season as well, but I ask that you wait until at least a week after the first episode is released (August 21st) before posting about it. Only things you liked. Don't post anything negative here. And please note a Spoiler Alert in your post as a warning for those that do not want it spoiled for them.


  • MyushaMyusha Banned
    edited August 2018

    Episode 1: Lee Tripping
    Episode 2: YOU'RE EATING HIS LEGS!
    Episode 3: LILLY WHY. Kenny, oh god.
    Episode 4: Lee got bit, holy shit
    Episode 5: Goodbye, Lee.
    Bonus Episode: Give me more Wyatt.
    Episode 6: Still. Not. Biten.
    Episode 7: Well fuck. Well played Telltale. Carver's fucking intimidating.
    Episode 8: Kenny's gone to the dark side. Fuck.
    Episode 9: Oh for fuck's sake; I JUST saved her a few hours ago!
    Episode 10: Et Tu Mike? / Sorry Jane. Bros before Hoes.
    Episode 11: Finally; a Walking Dead win without causalities. Wait. This screen is hanging for a while...
    Episode 12: Tear Gas + Zombies. That's actually scary as fuck. Also yo Bro.
    Episode 13: You know; this would be a lot easier if you just dropped the pretenses of being good people. It's okay to be jackasses in the apocalypse considering there were fucking cannibals a few months in. Fuck other communities near you, just own up to it and stop caring. No? Gonna pretend to be all good and mighty? Okay, see how that works out.
    Episode 14: My Mexican Soap Opera Dreams Came True! Also nice choice.
    Episode 15: David should've jumped.
    Episode 16: AJ takes no prisoners. Also that fucking Flashlight scene. FUCKING. AWESOME.

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