They should move forward the release of ep 2
They should cause people already things about ep 2 about apparent leaks and I seriously think telltale should try releasing the episode a bit earlier considering apparently some people have the episode already at least the files of it anyway
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How can releasing the episode earlier do any good? The leaks are already out so thats not gonna change a thing. And even if the episode is mostly done, they still need to invest some time into polishing.
yeah but it annoys me some people can play it while i have too wait a whole other month
Uhm no? People can't play the episode already. They just digged up files from that episode.
On the contrary, I think they should wait before releasing it. I do agree that the leaks are going to ruin it for everyone, but you don't want them to rush it and then fuck it all up.
I also think that they should rather wait I don't care how long I have to wait as long as the final product will be good, if they rush it it might not be that good and I definitely don't want that.
No. That's not how it works.
i have to go back to college a week or so before episode 2 is out
Simple. just don't go to college
. Jk I have to go back soon too. I wanna kill myself.
Nobody is playing it yet mate, just people digging trough the gamefiles, relax, smoke a joint.
No one is playing episode 2 early, its just a single image in episode 1's file.
I’m leaving for College today and I’m a bit nervous (I’m going to be a freshman!) ???
This season is a solid A at the moment, if they start fucking around with rewrites it's just gonna bite them in the ass.
God... rewrites... chills.
If the game isn't done then don't rush it.
that will be me back till may/early june 2019 (i do have holidays in between)
They have a timeline in place...they have set aside enough time for bug crushing and do not rush just because...Telltale is doing things right and I respect that.
Telltale are aware of this yet they tell their fans to not bother themselves and spoil it for them...leave people do whatever they want just stay careful yourself and everybody's happy.
I would much prefer Telltale stick to the original plan and release date and use this remaining time to ensure it runs as smooth as Episode 1 did.