"The Code" Episode Discussion

InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
edited August 2018 in The Walking Dead

Forgot there was an episode of Fear last night, but I doubt it would have gotten many comments anyway.

Morgan! Zombies! Storm! What did you guys think?



  • Wow,this episode was bad.

  • The telltale game series is the only TWD media that is still good imo.

  • Let's not forget the comics,i still think they're good.

    bobshaw posted: »

    The telltale game series is the only TWD media that is still good imo.

  • What's that? The TV show?
    I stop watching that after Governor's death lol...

  • It's Fear The Walking Dead Season 4.

    Gauss99 posted: »

    What's that? The TV show? I stop watching that after Governor's death lol...

  • Ok thank you!

    iFoRias posted: »

    It's Fear The Walking Dead Season 4.

  • Say what you want, but I think I will cry more when Rick dies in Season 9 than Clem in The Final Season;(

    bobshaw posted: »

    The telltale game series is the only TWD media that is still good imo.

  • Listen,i don't hate Morgan

    But seriously ?

  • Frankly I'm shocked this thread got this many comments, even though like 2 of them are directly related to the episode.

  • You should not have told me that. I am now massively disappointed in you.

    Clem is my favourite video game character and there is no one else who comes close. My room will be a lake if the time comes.

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    Say what you want, but I think I will cry more when Rick dies in Season 9 than Clem in The Final Season;(

  • What did you think of this episode ?

    Frankly I'm shocked this thread got this many comments, even though like 2 of them are directly related to the episode.

  • I thought it was kind of all over the place. I liked it, but man the word "beer" must have been used like 20 times.

    I could have gone without seeing Morgan on a toilet, but I did like the bridge scene and the frantic running Jim had when he had the thing on his head. It was nice to see some friendly moments, but I must admit the "Take us to Virginia" plot was kind of dumb at times.

    I must say, and I mean this for the entirety of Fear Season 4 (and I guess the whole series). Great imagery, great sets, love the setting actually being relevant and used. I enjoy it all.

    iFoRias posted: »

    What did you think of this episode ?

  • In my opinion, FTWD Season 4 is the best season of either show since the original first season. The characters are great, the story is great, the set peices are great, and it makes the world feel alive. TWD feels cheap.

  • edited August 2018

    Stopped watching any form of the series after the atrocious Season 8. When I heard Morgan was going to The Walking Dead I didn't give a single shit. AMC's lust for money and greed is too blinding for them to realize that this show is so dead, and has been dying since mid season 7.

  • Are you serious? They spent a scene with Morgan on the toilet? Well, it pretty much sums up his arc from S6 onward

    iFoRias posted: »

    Listen,i don't hate Morgan But seriously ?

  • First they killed Troy, then they killed Nick. Then they killed Madison. Might as well not bother with Alisha at this point. It's become Morgan: The Show now.

    I loSe PeoPlE
    I LosE MySElF

  • they HAVE to kill nick cause the actor said fuck you im leaving

  • edited August 2018

    morgan met the cheesemaker and now he met the yeastmaker

  • I'll be more sad if comic rick dies than either of them tbh

    bobshaw posted: »

    You should not have told me that. I am now massively disappointed in you. Clem is my favourite video game character and there is no one else who comes close. My room will be a lake if the time comes.

  • Clem is best.

    zeke10 posted: »

    I'll be more sad if comic rick dies than either of them tbh

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