How do those lilies smell, AJ?

Many people on here who shall remain nameless said those of us who saw this coming after playing E1 were monsters for suggesting such a fate would befall little AJ.
There's also plenty on here that like to speculate about AJ's dad but forget that even though Alvin is the father, Rebecca was more prone to action than both Alvin and Carver combined. After Clem returned to the Cabin in S2 if you went with Pete, Rebecca immediately demands Carlos to "get the guns!" She also enjoyed watching what happened to Carver, something I'm sure even Alvin wouldn't have wanted to see.
Now for the main course:
AJ is a disturbed little boy and there's a hint well before he does the thing
A theory that was first rejected, but seems to have now been provided credibility by the recent teaser for "Suffer The Children" and the reception of the Telltale Community in general.
oh shit,that title
Have some mercy on the little kid man? maybe he can be saved you never know.
Jesus chill out. After I saw the teaser I liked AJ even more.
What kinda child-unfriendly euphemism are you tryin to push?
still waitin for the [kick aj's ass] option and the [abandon aj and adopt,idk,Abel instead,he seems nicer] option in the beginnin of ep2
Uh, I think you mean Willy.
nah i mean Abel,willy nice too tho,maybe adopt both of em
The first time I saw the Episode 2 footage I thought AJ was gonna shiv Clem ?
No but really, if you would be willing to kill Aj right now, you really are a killer. He’s not phycotic, he was basically born into a world of hell, you would be the same, possibly worse if you were raised in the same world he was raised in. That being said, even if you don’t care that he was born in a shit world, he simply hasn’t done enough bad yet to justify putting him down. Marlon arguably didn’t deserve to die but he was definitely FAR from innocent, what he did to Brody and what he threatened to do to Clem (he can even shoot Clem if you pick certain dialogue options.) is unforgivable. My main point is that AJ is not phycotic period. If you’re already willing to put him down YOU are the psychopath.
Bad thread
Hahaha, lambchops.
He's not really a child ... He's act like adult and i love to see how he protect Clem.
Clem and Aj partners n crime.
Fuck this thread.
I´m sorry, i don´t wanna be disrepectful, but jesus, he is just a kid who was BORN IN THE ZA. I seriously don´t get how people don´t understand how it change how a person lives and thinks, living like that. Imagine it even further, that you didn´t even know society, or have any real trace of it. It changes your mind, it really would do that. I am not saying that shooting Marlon was the right thing to do (and impossible, due of the position of the gun), but at least get where it came from.
Because they don't have to deal with it and can just eat Cheetos® on their futon.
naw he aint a psycho just a lil shit,need that kick his ass option in ep2
I guess..