Favourite location in a walking dead game.

edited September 2018 in The Walking Dead

What was your favorite place or environment in the series?


  • This is an unpopular opinion, but I really enjoyed the shoreline environment from the mini-series.

    It’s something new since we had yet to see a community live on the water.

  • Who knew walkers were such fast swimmers ;)

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    This is an unpopular opinion, but I really enjoyed the shoreline environment from the mini-series. It’s something new since we had yet to see a community live on the water.

  • Actually, they don’t swim at all! They walk under water. If a walker fell in the water, they’d sink but keep walking. It’s actually fucking scary when you think about it.

    Craixite posted: »

    Who knew walkers were such fast swimmers

  • Imagine a shark plowing through waves of zombies.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Actually, they don’t swim at all! They walk under water. If a walker fell in the water, they’d sink but keep walking. It’s actually fucking scary when you think about it.

  • shoreline

    For a second I thought you were talking about Shoreline from the Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    This is an unpopular opinion, but I really enjoyed the shoreline environment from the mini-series. It’s something new since we had yet to see a community live on the water.

  • My favorite location would have to be Red's Diner

  • Interesting question.
    I've actually gotten pretty tired of the near constant south-eastern country areas in these games, so the Abandoned(aka the Russian Group's) House is a location that I thought was interesting, but relatively wasted.
    Much like Arvo himself.

  • The windmill in a house divided where we meet Kenny....that shit is damn beautiful place to live in.

  • It was a Ski Lodge.

    The windmill in a house divided where we meet Kenny....that shit is damn beautiful place to live in.

  • The backseat of the police car.

    • The location where you find the train in Season 1
    • The cabin from 201, it was so relaxing to hear the rain outside
    • The ski lodge
    • The train station from TFS was kinda neat
    • The fishing shack from TFS was also cool, it was so detailed for a small location
  • I liked the St.John farm, with that cool electric fence all around the place.

  • The Motor Inn
    St. John's Dairy Farm
    The Mansion
    Crawford School
    Ericson's Boarding School

  • Hard to pick one out of all the seasons so I'll just type down my favorite one from each season.

    Season 1: Crawford
    Season 2: Parker's Run
    Season 3: Prescott
    Season 4: Ericson (might change since it's only been one episode)

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