Anyone else hoping for a Detroit: Become Human sequel or DLC?

edited September 2018 in General Chat

So I haven't actually played Detroit: Become Human despite having a PS4, but I fell in love with the game after watching several playthroughs. One could argue that its at a good stopping point/doesn't need a sequel, but I personally crave more of that dystopian future story game goodness. Thoughts?

Also, Telltale needs to step up their game or Quantic Dream is going to dethrone them. They kinda already have in my opinion.

EDIT: Oh damn I just read that Telltale is getting shut down...


  • Connor is amazing.

  • Quantic Dream doesn't produce sequels. Ever.

  • edited September 2018

    There's always a first time

    Quantic Dream doesn't produce sequels. Ever.

  • I couldn't agree more.

    So is Hank.

  • I’m really hoping for something! I wanna see the aftermath of the first game. But until then, there’s always fanfics.

  • I heard rumours [the pretty legit sorts] that a Connor and Hank sequel is on the table, but it would come at the cost of multiple character DLC’s. it also depends if Sony is convinced, the community keeps going and merchandise sells, which got teased by David Cage a few weeks after this rumour which promised was on the way.

    Detroit has been Quantic Dream’s most successful game to date, so the no sequel business might finally be broken finally. David Cage also asked recently on Twitter that aside from Connor and Hank, what were fans most favourite characters, after which he stated the results were ‘inspiring’

    There’s definitely a chance of there being DLC, but if a sequel is being cooked up, just means there won’t be as many as they originally planned.

  • I would quite like something akin to what was actually planned for Heavy Rain with several prequel chapters for Markus, Kara and Connor. Or they could do a set of sequel DLC for both core endings.

  • I don’t think there’s gonna be a sequel, although i really love The game. Quantic Dream usually doesnt do sequels.

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