How did you answer Violet's "Kill, Marry, F" question? (Spoilers)
This was one of my favorite moments of episode 2. It was so hilarious and engaging. It was one of many character developing plot thickeners that TT is famous for. It was amazingly done too. But once she said Kill, Marry, F I was out of my seat expecting her to choose herself and Louis as options in which I'd get to confess to violet Clem's feelings. But then of course they saved that for later .
Then when I heard Ruby and Assim as the options along with zombie flesh dude I was kinda on the fence.
I didn't want to give the impression I liked either one because I didn't want to create a ship and have Clem choose them in the story line based on my decision which I began to fear. I didn't want to commit to liking James (The guy in the woods) because I thought I felt a tad of romance in the woods but didn't want my Clem's story to end with him so I wanted to avoid it.
This question almost had infinite ways of being awkward lol. But I ended up choosing that i'd Marry Ruby (Because I assumed it would show Violet I was into girls so she'd make a move, Plus it was kinda like avoiding the two boy choices as to not commit) and chose to F Assim (Just because they said he liked Ruby so I assumed he wasn't interested in Clem for it to lead to anything.) Which was extremely awkward. Leaving no interest in James to try to burn that bridge.
In the end it didn't end up impacting the romance route but I played the card game as if it did.
Which answer did you pick?
Marry Aasim, Fuck Ruby, Kill James
i chose to marry ruby, fuck james, kill aasim. then aasim went and got his shit rocked by ruby when i dared him to ask for a kiss. rough night.
Marry: Ruby
Fuck: James
Kill: Assim
Marry Aasim
Fuck Ruby
Kill James
What was ruby's reply?
Man I will let James fuck me everyday
Ruby wasn't playing truth or dare
Marry James
Flip Ruby
Kill Aasim
Marry: Ruby (She seems very sweet and soft hearted)
Fuck: James (Dude’s a beefcake)
Kill: Assim (Process of elimination)
Question: During the game they asked if I liked anyone there and I answered no. Do you think that applied to James? Because if I had Clementine like anyone it would be James and I don't want the game to think i'm not into him because I said no. I just figured that the game meant those in the immediate area.
I could be wrong but I think Louis does ask if she likes anyone at the school specifically, so you should be good. Also you and I had the exact same choices and train of thought. You're a man of class.
Excuse me guys, it's marry, flip, kill.
Marry Ruby, flip Aasim and kill James (because we haven't seen much of him).
Thank you for letting me know.
Marry: Ruby (She's wonderful)
Flip: James (Lord have mercy, dude had me questioning my sexuality for a second. Quiet stud)
Kill: Aasim (Not enough love and lust to go around buddy. Just got eliminated. He took it very well though lol)
Marry James (loner like clem)
Fuck Ruby (why not shes nice)
Kill Aasim (just cause hes awkward)
Same! Ruby is such a sweetheart, Aasim is nice and so is James, though he saved Clem's life, his way of viewing walkers with respect was ringing off danger bells for me.
Mary Ruby, Fuck Aasim, kill James. It's such a cringy question when the options include people playing the game.
I chose kill James because I didn't want to be like, "I'd kill you Aasim because fuck you" or some shit.
Marry Ruby, Flip James and kill Aasim, its just for fun and Aasim didn`t take it seriously
Marry - James (I like him already. Hope we can see more of him)
Flip - Aasim (Not good enough for Clem, but I guess he's kind of handsome, maybe..)
Kill - Ruby (Elimination)
When they asked Clem if she liked anyone, I went with no. For the time being, my Clem has a crush on James.
Marry Aasim
Fuck Ruby
Kill James
What surprised me is, the fact that this scene proved Clem knows about the concept of sex, she understood what fuck or to flip someone means. But I have no clue how tf she understands it. I guess Kate explained her in ANF
Marry Ruby, she's a sweet girl
Flip James, guy is cute as hell
Kill Aasim
Anyone else insulted when Aasim was relieved you didn't marry or flip him? Like...Clem is way out of your league, but okay
Why would anyone kill Ruby?
Marry Aasim, fuck Ruby and kill James
Marry Aasim, flip Ruby and kill James
Marry: James(Wish there was more of him, he's cool dude, I would romance him if I could)
Fuck: Aasim(I guess he's good for a quick romp in the hay)
Kill: Ruby(sorry lol)
Marry Ruby She's got a good head on her and knows how to take care of people.
Fuck Aasim In a flirty joking way... still, I'd ship Clementine with Aasim over Louis/Violet.
Kill James Process of elimination. His scenes were boring anyway.
Honestly I don't think the scene was very well done. It just didn't seem realistic for Clementine to think about who she'd want to have sex with without all of the social influences of our world. Would she even understand why people have sex outside of reproductive purposes? I can't imagine anyone trying to explain that to a nine year old, or an eleven year old, or at whatever age she was during her time with the New Frontier.
Wouldn't Marry Kiss Kill be better? At eight years old a kid could have a crush and realistically want to kiss them, having observed their parents' behaviour. I'd have thought Clementine would still be in that frame of mind.
M: Ruby
F: James
K: Aasim
Marry Ruby cause she looks like she could take good care of me with her medical expertise
Fuck James cause i found him interesting. Him speaking so little definitely made me want to get to know him more. Plus dude's good looking so
Kill Aasim, process of elimination
Marry Ruby
Flipped Aasim
Killed James
Hmm dunno about you guys, but when they started chanting "Flip, Flip Flip" I was starting to get flashbacks about the wrestler called Flip. Was this an easter egg? Anyone familiar with All In ppv may recongize this. xD
You mean Flip Gordon.

Indeed, thats him. xD
Marry James, Fuck Ruby, Kill Aasim...
also, love how AJ doesn't know what flip means here but chants it anyway
Now that I've gotten to that part, I'll go ahead and comment:
1. Wish I didn't see this thread title ahead of time.
2. You know, if you told me that thread/meme I made a while back based on a meme I just saw floating around the same day would join the list of things that these games(well, this game specifically) that would actually happen, I probably would've thought it'd never happen.
Personally speaking, Ruby would be the default choice for F or M. If I were actually playing this though? Pffft, fuck if I know.
Muahahha I chose to Marry James, Kill Ruby and flip me some Aasim. Totally awkward but worth it. Clem has no idea what flip meant so it was cute ?
Pretty sure Clementine knows exactly what flip means. Violet makes it clear before and after she answers the question.
(ahem) season 2, and I doubt anyone told her after that. She probably means say fuck you to them or something. She seemed confused when she said it, and not embarrassed at all.
I 100% disagree. You're naive if you think Clementine doesn't know what sex is.