Why not wait until the entire season is released before you close down shop?

edited September 2018 in The Walking Dead

I totally get that Telltale couldn't really afford to stay in business anylonger as that is just life and layoffs and closures happen. However closing down before a game is finished(that had already started being released) is just really shady business practices. If the company was in that much peril that they couldn't afford to stay open long enough to get the entire game out than they should have closed up shop before the game ever started coming out.

In all honesty I'm not one of those that is really that upset about the game likely being cancelled as I have been losing interest in this series for awhile now (and even though ep 2 was good I was still ready for it to end about thirty minutes before it did). But it still baffles me how poorly planned out all this was. It makes total sense that the regular employees wouldn't have known it was coming but the higher ups definitely would have known. And they should have put the TFS on hold if they felt they were in such dire straits as a company that they potentially wouldn't have even been able to finish it.

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