Lily VS David Garcia
What if hypothetically the two factions at war were led by Lily and David Garcia. Who do you think would be the better leader and soldier? And who would you side with.
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What if hypothetically the two factions at war were led by Lily and David Garcia. Who do you think would be the better leader and soldier? And who would you side with.
What.... David is long gone.
Lilly, because David is only about attacking. But plotting and strategizing, the real important stuff, all has to be given to her. Hell, she’s a lot better at coersing people to her will too.
It's a hypothetical situation if David were alive and the leader of the opposing faction.
But as a side note, David can determinatly live through the entirety of ANF.
David, no doubt, to both questions.
David was actually a grunt on the ground. Lilly was a mechanic. He'd have a lot more practical experience than she would have. I'd also side with him because despite being a hot headed asshole, he was a decent guy which is why Joan kept him in the dark about the raiding, she knew he'd be against it. And compared to Lilly... well he certainly wouldn't be kidnapping random kids to make them fight for him.
ill go with David.
You have to sacrifice Kate in order to save him though and I'd never sacrifice my waifu Kate.
Oh then of course It's David. You see how hard he hit his own Brother to show him "blood". Kinda crazy.
Tough to say. David might have more experience on the battlefield, if only because he was an actual soldier prior to the zombie apocalypse, but the guy has such uncontrollable anger issues, he'd probably get his entire faction slaughtered within the first sixty seconds (and insist everyone else was to blame after the blood has soaked into the ground).
Lilly, on the other hand, has a much cooler head, and considering she's survived just as long as Clementine, I'd say she has the clearer advantage when dealing with humans and zombies alike. She may not be as psychotic as Carver, but she's definitely borderline, and like Carver, she doesn't pretend to be anything than what she is. In stark contrast, David was such a self-righteous asshat, he'd shoot you through the heart AND give you the "you did this to yourself" speech while you're dying on the floor - which makes him more obnoxious than dangerous. As far as I'm concerned, Lilly would destroy David in less than a minute.
David tried to drive a small truck through a herd of walkers...not the sharpest tool in the shed...
David, easily. He had combat experience prior to everything and presumably after it, as he was leading ANFs security. Lily was a noncombat MOS, and as far as we know of her leadership she was either abandoned by her own group or taken into custody by them because she snapped under the strain at the beginning, and appears to currently be forcibly drafting children, and likely others, now. Even if she has the mental fortitude to hold a leadership role now, I'd still put my money on the group who aren't being forced to fight and are under a more experienced leader. Lily would get wrecked.
David actually determinate
David would be the better soldier, but Lily would be one I'd side with depending on the context and possibly the better leader.
Was she? I thought she was basically a manager?
At the drugstore, Lee asked her if she was a pilot and she replied “mechanical admin stuff”...sounds like more of a manager to me.
it'd be funny if the group lily is fighting is new frontier. led by javi. with a hook hand.
Going with David on this one.
I'd have to go with David also. Lily's faction is losing a war so badly they're stealing children to throw at them. That's pretty much the point of desperation, and gutter morale they're at. David's group had a select group of scumbags and murderers, but hadn't reached the point of child slavery.
Considering Lily's 'invasion' group on the school lost as many people as it stole from children ( loyal, capable, already combat ready adults ), I'm not impressed by their 'strategy' or combat ability lol.
What's up with all these Lily vs threads
I say David. He's got strength over her
Everyone is seeing how tough she can really be
Alpha Female af
David will obviously win for all I know The guy could’ve ever been to persian gulf war veteran so he’s possibly got the experience while Lily was just a mechanic.
Besides David has morals.
Lilly was a mechanical Admin who worked on vehicles for the military or so I believe
And Lilly couldn't kill a few kids
Hmm... Based on what @Pahn711 said, maybe I fixated on the mechanical aspect and didn't hear admin, or just forgot the admin bit. It's been 5 or 6 years lol.