Saddest Moment In Season 4

the saddest moment this season. It's the only moment that shows how that Clem has limitation on what she can do a mother(She's in shock and didn't know what to do when AJ got shot.Lucky James there) and her physical limits.("I can keep holding you,Aj") And after at that, she barely reach the gates and takes a knee. Clem takes a Knee. For the first time, she needs the pity of others to survive. The first time that she had to search for help. I feel that this Scene is somewhat underrated and isn't talked about as it should. I view it a milestone in Clem's live as important than the lessons taught by Lee.

Does this scene resonate with anyone else like it did with me?


  • This scene was beautifully done!

  • That moment resonated a bit differently with me. If this season's done anything for me, it's reaffirmed David's belief that AJ shouldn't have been raised by someone that young and alone in this kind of world. It's not going to be a popular opinion, but it's also not bad mouthing Clementine. She just wasn't ready for that kind of responsibility. She didn't know enough. Her own parents were lost to her before they could instill all she needed to know. The best anyone else did was offer to help her survive.

    Before she gets to the point of taking a knee, while she was struggling to carry him James offers to take him. She doesn't hand him off. She should have - for AJ and herself. She's not always a good judge of what's best for either of them. She also knew better than to have James approach the school still dressed as a walker. She'd seen them fire at walkers from the watch tower. If not for bad aim, he could've been killed. But she was too frazzled by what happened, and physically weak.

    She does let Louis bring him in, but only because she just can't stand with his weight anymore not because she's learned from it. I'm hoping by the end of it all, she does learn something from all of it.

  • I wonder if David's words ever echo in her head when she's carrying Aj. At the end of season 3 Clem does question weather she is doing the right thing by pursuing Aj. I wonder if those thoughts still exist.

    Poptarts posted: »

    That moment resonated a bit differently with me. If this season's done anything for me, it's reaffirmed David's belief that AJ shouldn't hav

  • Granted, David's best intentions wouldn't have allowed AJ to survive either by whatever 'the blood' was at the Ranch, but the important part to be taken in context is that before that happened AJ liked it there. He states both in Ep 1 and Ep 2 how much he either wished to be around more people or liked being with them, wanted a stable home, ect.

    David was right to find him a family that could provide those things for him, but I do question why the ranch was so far away from their settlement. Seems senseless to have such a valuable resource, and people so far from the protection a larger community could provide. No where is completely safe, as Richmond does get over run by a herd for awhile too though.

    It's a really rough way to look at things, but with Clementine - AJ murders another child, is beaten and shot, and literally has the mind set to call dibs on a man out of revenge. Marlon's methods weren't good, but Sophie and Minnie went to live at another community. Brody's death was an earnest accident. He didn't mean to hit her that hard, and sorely underestimated what hitting her with a flashlight would do. The horror is plain on his face as much as his panic. His solution of locking Clementine down there with her was crap also, but in panic.

    Clementine's game plan kills Mitch, and cost 3 others to the raiders one of them being shot. Taking the stand might've been the right call, but it was far worse for the group sadly and it isn't over for them yet.

    Deathbeam posted: »

    I wonder if David's words ever echo in her head when she's carrying Aj. At the end of season 3 Clem does question weather she is doing the right thing by pursuing Aj. I wonder if those thoughts still exist.

  • Finishing episode 2 knowing it may be the end.

  • The fact that it might not be finished and it's going to be the Half Life 2 of this generation.

  • that scene only needed despacito for archieving the ultimate sad

  • When Lily left us again :'(

  • edited October 2018

    There's no way David could've done a better job than Clem did. Look at how fucked up he was in A New Frontier. He couldn't even get along with his family.

    Clementine's game plan kills Mitch, and cost 3 others to the raiders one of them being shot. Taking the stand might've been the right call, but it was far worse for the group sadly and it isn't over for them yet.

    What do you think will happen if they don't take a stand? Lilly and Abel are there to take everyone, by force if necessary. If they don't defend, they will all have a happy trip to Delta in the cart.

    Poptarts posted: »

    That moment resonated a bit differently with me. If this season's done anything for me, it's reaffirmed David's belief that AJ shouldn't hav

  • The end credits. Looking at all those names float by and knowing they all got fired.

  • You're absolutely correct, and David was able to recognize this - that's why he saw fit to provide AJ with another family ( whether the player learns it from David himself or Lingard, it's said that he gave him to a family at the ranch ). David knew he wasn't in a good place to be raising a young child by himself mentally or with the physical demands of his job as it wasn't fair to either of them. That's sort of the point. :)

    There's no way David could've done a better job than Clem did. Look at how fucked up he was in A New Frontier. He couldn't even get along wi

  • edited October 2018

    It's weird that Clem from the age of 11 is adamant about raising a newborn baby when she barely is able to fully fend for herself, isn't it? This isn't random.

    Clem feels she's spiritually committed to raising AJ because she feel has to owe and sacrifice for someone younger than her just like Lee did for her. It's a cosmic sense of passing on the favor given to her. Despite by not biologically birthing AJ, Clem's purpose is no discernible than the average parental instinct. And it's strengthened by the survivor's guilt she feels with Lee.

    Clem raising AJ is a tribute to Lee. (as well as Rebecca and Alvin but that's obvious).

    Poptarts posted: »

    That moment resonated a bit differently with me. If this season's done anything for me, it's reaffirmed David's belief that AJ shouldn't hav

  • But yeah that scene in particular is almost a foreshadowing that Clem is not invincible and that just living itself is taking a toll on her. You can read it as many things.

  • edited October 2018

    The saddest moment is during the funeral when Rosie whimpers in front of Marlon's grave.

  • edited October 2018

    David was right all along, I hope he gets a mention from Clem or gets quoted.

    Since he played a good part in the Clem-AJ mother-son relationship plot

    Poptarts posted: »

    That moment resonated a bit differently with me. If this season's done anything for me, it's reaffirmed David's belief that AJ shouldn't hav

  • You think AJ remembers David? That would be heart breaking that David gets to see AJ grown up.(determinant)

    Hersani posted: »

    David was right all along, I hope he gets a mention from Clem or gets quoted. Since he played a good part in the Clem-AJ mother-son relationship plot

  • edited October 2018


    Hersani posted: »

    David was right all along, I hope he gets a mention from Clem or gets quoted. Since he played a good part in the Clem-AJ mother-son relationship plot

  • The saddest moment of Season 4 is when you choose Violet to shoot Lily and Louis gets shot as a consequence.

  • Saddest moment of Season 4 so far is probably Brody getting brutally killed by Marlon for me.

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