Skybound Games Exclusive TWD Panel at NYCC 10/4 Discussion

Let's hope we get some good news this Thursday y'all



  • edited October 2018

    holy shit... there's still hope left

  • The amount of “waiting threads” we’ve had for Telltale to confirm that TFS won’t get canceled makes me depressed.

  • Keep hope alive brotha

    LeeFox25 posted: »

    holy shit... there's still hope left

  • Same at least we know what day we'll be waiting till I guess

    The amount of “waiting threads” we’ve had for Telltale to confirm that TFS won’t get canceled makes me depressed.

  • same here

    The amount of “waiting threads” we’ve had for Telltale to confirm that TFS won’t get canceled makes me depressed.

  • Waiting thread #3.

  • Skybound run the entire the walking dead franchise on behalf of Robert kirkman so anything possible

  • Part of me is afraid this could just be for the Overkill game.

  • It probably. is. Granted, anything is possible, but I'm just sticking with the other waiting thread.

    EbiManami posted: »

    Part of me is afraid this could just be for the Overkill game.

  • That was my initial thought, but they say "TWD games" plural in the tweet, which seems to imply that TFS will at least be addressed.

    EbiManami posted: »

    Part of me is afraid this could just be for the Overkill game.

  • ib4 they just say its cancelled

  • Remain hopeful. This isnt over yet.

    bobshaw posted: »

    ib4 they just say its cancelled

  • It is for the Overkill game, but its plural, so the TTG will be addressed.

    I'm assuming that means we will have confirmation (either way) by then. Maybe they'll even tell us what the ending was supposed to be if its cancelled.

    EbiManami posted: »

    Part of me is afraid this could just be for the Overkill game.

  • The plural for "TWD games" may also include annoucements for new games unrelated to Telltale. Heck, it could include Road to Survival. But yeah, let's hope TFS will be part of the bunch

  • It is possible they announce The Final Season wont be cancelled but who knows. If we're lucky they'll be like "We know you're all worried about Walking Dead so heres the news its still happening!" but at the same time its not like theres a reason to wait any longer to confirm its still happening. So who knows.

  • edited October 2018

    I think they will continue TFS with what it left from TTG. Cancelling the game doesn't make any sense, script and story are done, achievement too and voice acting is almost done. Why cancelling the game?

  • i mean,after all its telltale you know...

    Gauss99 posted: »

    I think they will continue TFS with what it left from TTG. Cancelling the game doesn't make any sense, script and story are done, achievement too and voice acting is almost done. Why cancelling the game?

  • Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but I honestly can't see them waiting until the panel event just to announce/confirm to the public that they are canceling the TFS. You'd think that if that was the case they would just tweet about the game's cancellation or something to finally give us closure rather than dragging this stuff out and leading people on.

  • edited October 2018

    I'll admit, I've only became interested in the company's games after their first season of the TWD and thus, don't know much about them from their games that precede it, but have TTG straight up cancelled any of their games when they were already more than 50% completed?

    LeeFox25 posted: »

    i mean,after all its telltale you know...

  • its over guys...ITS OVER

  • We already know your opinion, you don't really need to repeat it over and over again.

    Sir_Tubs posted: »

    its over guys...ITS OVER

  • Good question

    AGenesis posted: »

    I'll admit, I've only became interested in the company's games after their first season of the TWD and thus, don't know much about them from

  • Best case scenario: Skybound announces TWD TFS is saved by ____ company. New release dates. And the panel discusses how/why they were chosen and whats in store for the future of telltale TWD/

    Most likely: Telltale announces before the panel what the future is. Skybound talks about it.

    Worst case: Telltale doesn't announce anything. Skybound issues a statement before the panel saying they won't take any question on TTG TWD or TFS because they don't know the future.


    Telltale announces before the panel what the future is, and it's cancelled. Skybound comments on why it was cancelled and focuses on Overkills game instead.


    Gauss99 posted: »

    We already know your opinion, you don't really need to repeat it over and over again.


    Sir_Tubs posted: »


  • edited October 2018

    Nine thousand?

    Sir_Tubs posted: »


  • Dude, this is Telltale, not Valve

    Sir_Tubs posted: »


  • I honestly don't think they will discuss TFS there. There's just too much of a negative stigma attached to that whole situation to be discussed on a panel.

  • After 3 years in development, hopefully, it will be worth the weight.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Dude, this is Telltale, not Valve


  • you again

    Sir_Tubs posted: »


  • Perish

    Sir_Tubs posted: »


  • I am very optimistic. I don't think they would hold a panel to announce the cancellation of TWD. I think they found partners and will announce any delays.

    I feel like if it was cancelled, they would write the news, screenshot it then post it on twitter.

  • The panel is not exclusively about Telltale. Skybound has several TWD related projects in the works. It's very likely that TFS won't even be mentioned on that panel.

    remorse667 posted: »

    I am very optimistic. I don't think they would hold a panel to announce the cancellation of TWD. I think they found partners and will announ

  • I agree. If it was cancelled they would have just already wrote a twitter about it and brought the remaining episodes back to the stores

    remorse667 posted: »

    I am very optimistic. I don't think they would hold a panel to announce the cancellation of TWD. I think they found partners and will announ

  • While I highly doubt TFS is going to be a major focal point during the actual panel, or at least it wasn't intended to be, there's no doubt that that cloud will be hanging over the entire audience's head. And if nothing is announced, you know someone is going to ask about it if there is a Q&A. There's no way something like this is not going to get mentioned at least once.

  • Even when Telltale announces all the release dates ahead of time, we still have to deal with the uncertainty of waiting.

    Only Telltale could find a way to make that possible, they're like the Cleveland Browns, always finding new and painful ways to lose.

    The amount of “waiting threads” we’ve had for Telltale to confirm that TFS won’t get canceled makes me depressed.

  • yeah ive been quiet for a bit

    MrGraffio posted: »

    you again

  • Bullshit ofc they'll mention TFS

    GSSalvador posted: »

    The panel is not exclusively about Telltale. Skybound has several TWD related projects in the works. It's very likely that TFS won't even be mentioned on that panel.

  • Canceling the final 2 episodes would cost them even more money so at the moment I'm treating the episodes as delayed unless stated by telltale or skybound

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It is possible they announce The Final Season wont be cancelled but who knows. If we're lucky they'll be like "We know you're all worried ab

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