Christa in Delta?

Could she be part of the raiders? Let's say you get there to save your friends and she shows up. Do you think she'll help you out like Bonnie in S2? Or do you think she'll try to convince you that the raiders are actually good people? How do think that would play out? Maybe Christa is the group fighting the raiders. What do you guys think?


  • Opposing side so there is a choice to be with either group.

  • Hm... maybe she could come back tbh, but idk If she died to those raiders cause they were heading to wellington.

  • Christa is ded bro, sorry.

  • So you saw the body? What episode?

  • what if there's a determinant leader of the raiders where like if you chopped lee's arm off but left him to die it turns out he got the infection in time and just had hella flu like father gabriel in the show and he comes back in tfs leading the raiders and is like hey sweetpee remember me and clem is like damn then javi comes out of a camper but he's missing a hand and there's a hook on it instead and he's like nothing personnel kid and kills her then makes clem chowder the end.

  • I think she's dead :(

  • edited October 2018

    You know there's something that made me think.
    When TTG made that announcement and the laid off of 200 and more employees, voice actress of Christa suddently cancelled her twitter account for unknown reasons...

    Nyxeris posted: »

    I think she's dead

  • If she has association with the raiders I could only see her trying to help you get away. I seriously doubt she would be apart of that.

  • Yeah, that was weird. Could not mean anything though, maybe the fans were asking questions and she got annoyed, I don't know.

    Gauss99 posted: »

    You know there's something that made me think. When TTG made that announcement and the laid off of 200 and more employees, voice actress of Christa suddently cancelled her twitter account for unknown reasons...

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