How Much Military personal are at the Delta?

edited October 2018 in The Walking Dead

Knowing that Lilly is the possible leader at the Delta we might have some remains of the U.S. Military that are at war with the commonwealth, now by saying this I don’t think is evil she’s possibly desperate I mean probolly the community she’s fighting is mor hostile to say so the least...I mean sure Lilly’s mean an all but can we safe to say she’s got a lot of stuff on her shoulders.

But back to the topic, I wonder how Lilly encounters these people if it was in between the events of season 2 or 3 just curious on how long her leadership at the Delta is?

I mean for all I know she could staged a coup in the Delta before being the leader...makes me wonder.?

What do you guys think?


  • She probably rose through the ranks.

  • She could be one of the original members of the Delta back before it became a sustained community. Lilly’s role looks similar to David’s in ANF, but instead of defensive security, they take an offensive approach and got repurposed for recruitment. There are other communities out there that the raiders have ransacked.

  • I think everyone that is apart of Delta is pre-military or military trained by Lilly and others.

  • There's a high chance that a few members of the Delta are former military, or were active military when the walkers started to rise. However it's more than likely that's about it, just a few remnants that have survived. The rest would be civvies that had to be trained.

    From my observations, as to the leadership of the Delta, it's either a small council or a single leader. Personally I highly doubt that Lilly is the leader, and more likely a member of a council (if there is one), or a trusted lieutenant with a lot of free reign to conduct operations as she sees fits. My reasoning for this is a brief exchange, between Lilly and Abel, when Clem was caught by the both of them, with Abel saying, "Great, you know her, I know her. Point is, we've got a job to do." The casual way Abel says that to Lilly implies she and Abel have orders, and he is pointy reminding her of said orders. Which makes their relationship more like co-workers than a leader/subordinate.

  • I hope lily can tell us how did she end up there...I think they are a big group maybe bigger than anf's one.

  • Exactly, I really don’t think she’s in charge she’s basically the Lieutenat Or Sargent the group, I’m eager to find out who the leader is...for all I know she might be dealing with a Joan 2.0 .

    Symbolz posted: »

    There's a high chance that a few members of the Delta are former military, or were active military when the walkers started to rise. Howeve

  • You and me both.

    I hope lily can tell us how did she end up there...I think they are a big group maybe bigger than anf's one.

  • bitch only fixed up cars and stuff she aint that good

  • maybe, but we may never’s been 8 years.

    MaxTheFax posted: »

    bitch only fixed up cars and stuff she aint that good

  • edited October 2018

    We'll just have to wait and see how everything turns out with TTG.

    I would think it would be a new character introduced as the leader of the Delta, as there aren't many character's in Clem's past that can fill that role who aren't a determinant. The only one, that I can think of off the top of my head, that has a long shot at being the leader, is Arvo.

    I can even hear him now, "You? You are Clementine, yes? I remember you. You are not nice person! You let the angry borodatyy... erm... bearded? Yes! Angry bearded man hit Arvo! You killed my sister, stole my supplies! Not nice person!"

    But yeah, not very likely unless something has seriously changed. Arvo doesn't have the mental fortitude to stand up to someone like Lilly.

    Exactly, I really don’t think she’s in charge she’s basically the Lieutenat Or Sargent the group, I’m eager to find out who the leader is...for all I know she might be dealing with a Joan 2.0 .

  • edited October 2018

    Why are people thinking that Arvo will return I honestly don’t see it, he donsent have leadership qualities He’s clumsy at most...That’s what I don’t understand about people wanting him to return.

    Symbolz posted: »

    We'll just have to wait and see how everything turns out with TTG. I would think it would be a new character introduced as the leader of

  • Well I can't say for anyone else, but I hope Arvo returns so we have another crack at him. He has wronged us in a couple of ways and a little payback would be nice for some closure. I only mentioned him as a need for some closure on the matter. I doubt he'll make an appearance, or even mentioned as everything draws to a close.

    Why are people thinking that Arvo will return I honestly don’t see it, he donsent have leadership qualities He’s clumsy at most...That’s what I don’t understand about people wanting him to return.

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