Robert Kirkman's comment on TFS

He said he's not concerned with completing her story in comic book form, at least at the moment, because he's confident the game will get made -- so there are definitely people working on completing it. The only thing this confirms is that if the game never get's finished, he'll most likely complete her story in a graphic novel.


  • edited October 2018

    Wait? A... actual book?.... with.... with words... and...and sentences?..... vomits

    Rip lazy people like me.

  • i don't think he cares about the game itself

  • The takeaway I got from it is he will complete her story in comic form if he has to but right now he doesn't think he will need to.

  • He’s pretty much saying he’ll finish her story in a comic as a last resort. Trust me, the guy said it himself that he wants to see Clem’s story just as much as us.

  • I know, that's what I wrote.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    He’s pretty much saying he’ll finish her story in a comic as a last resort. Trust me, the guy said it himself that he wants to see Clem’s story just as much as us.

  • Of course he does. He wants to see Clems story get completed but if it all goes to shit, he'll finish it the only way he can.

    LeeFox25 posted: »

    i don't think he cares about the game itself

  • well,lets hope he will do his best

    Megaodg33 posted: »

    Of course he does. He wants to see Clems story get completed but if it all goes to shit, he'll finish it the only way he can.

  • I hope it doesn't come to Kirkman having to finish it himself. Well, I take that back. It's dependant on how he intends to finish it. Will he adapt the last two episodes of the story in comic form faithfully? Or will it be his interpretation.

    I can do without playing it. Or even watching it. But I'd like to know what was intended if nothing else. At the absolute least, we're owed that.

  • He would do neither of those. He would simply stick her in at Hilltop or Alexandria as a background character.

    Sarunas21 posted: »

    I hope it doesn't come to Kirkman having to finish it himself. Well, I take that back. It's dependant on how he intends to finish it. Will h

  • edited October 2018

    What's a book? Is this 200 A.D? If they release the ending in comic book form i'll hang myself.

  • Yeah, I highly doubt that.

    sony12 posted: »

    He would do neither of those. He would simply stick her in at Hilltop or Alexandria as a background character.

  • Will you at least livestream it for the rest of us to watch?

    ZombieKenny posted: »

    What's a book? Is this 200 A.D? If they release the ending in comic book form i'll hang myself.

  • If he ended up having to finish her story in comic form, I expect what he'd actually do is make a miniseries for her to cover the last 2 episodes. He'd take the overall story TellTale had planned, basically play through it on his own on paper to get his canon ending, cut out all the other paths, and write it up into a couple issues of comic.

    Unless he wanted to be really ambitious and deliver the full episodes but turning each episode into a compendium sized choose your own adventure story in comic form. "Turn to page 37 to save Violet or turn to page 93 to save Louis."

    sony12 posted: »

    He would do neither of those. He would simply stick her in at Hilltop or Alexandria as a background character.

  • Honestly if Kirkman did a ‘choose your own adventure graphic novel’ type of deal I wouldn’t mind. But I really hope it doesn’t come to that and we can just get the last two episodes.

  • edited October 2018

    If they're putting as much effort into finding a way to complete the game as they say they are, I'd say there's still hope ??

  • It dose disappoint me at first when he was joking about this.

  • Even if she did become a background character who only appeared occasionally I fail to see how that's a bad thing. Maybe she'll get into a conversation with Maggie about how she knew Hershel and Glenn. That'd be frickin' rad if you ask me.

    Yeah, I highly doubt that.

  • "This guy who owned a farm asked me a question and let me spend the night once. Then I met a guy in a hat for a few hours."

    "I had a dad who owned a farm and a husband who wore a hat!"

    "Huh. Small world."


    Even if she did become a background character who only appeared occasionally I fail to see how that's a bad thing. Maybe she'll get into a conversation with Maggie about how she knew Hershel and Glenn. That'd be frickin' rad if you ask me.

  • I love it. Do it Kirkman! Do it!!

    "This guy who owned a farm asked me a question and let me spend the night once. Then I met a guy in a hat for a few hours." "I had a dad who owned a farm and a husband who wore a hat!" "Huh. Small world."

  • Since the game is an interactive story, IMHO a comic could be close enough to the original spirit.
    Kirkman could make that comic, also interactive... multiple choices at some pages, not different from the good old gamebooks (Lone Wolf, etc.) but more illustrated.

    IF no software house will develop ep.3 & 4, better a comic than nothing.

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