My reaction if The Final Season is Left in a cliffhanger.


  • That would be great because now there is hope. I would love a oldlady Clem ending where you are at a unknown place and Clem dies in bed. I would just love to see how people speculate where she is.

  • Me if it's left a cliffhanger

  • All Hell Broken loose.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Me if it's left a cliffhanger

  • If it's left on a cliffhanger oh well at least everyone is still alive for the most part. What will happen is they will break Abel and go rescue the prisoners and bring back Minnie and Sophie ( if she's still alive) and live happily ever after.

  • I hope we get good results soon, MCSM ain’t looking so good.

    If it's left on a cliffhanger oh well at least everyone is still alive for the most part. What will happen is they will break Abel and go rescue the prisoners and bring back Minnie and Sophie ( if she's still alive) and live happily ever after.

  • Why create a final season if you don't intend to tie up loose ends?

    That's just bad writing.

    Deathbeam posted: »

    That would be great because now there is hope. I would love a oldlady Clem ending where you are at a unknown place and Clem dies in bed. I would just love to see how people speculate where she is.

  • The feels, man....

  • My reaction if they release episodes 3 and 4 in comic book form.

  • Look at the bright sides. Louis won't be killed.

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