Clementine having a Baby????
Imagine if Louis and Clementine somehow put their relationship to the next level and decided to have a baby, they are prepared they have the supplies an all but do you know how long they can keep this up.
I mean we saw Rebbeca gave birth to AJ and she didn’t last very long.
Now just figured this would probably a diffent case since now Clementine will prevail on starting a family, she had AJ for 6 years it could be a possible thing.
What do you guys think?
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Fuck no
If people had babies in 30000 AC they can also have babies during the apocalypse
i mean,Look at AJ,he was born during the apocalypse,so why not?
As beautiful and heartwarming as that has the potential of being, I don't even think Clem would want to have a baby. She saw Christa lose hers to the stress. Saw Rebecca die to the inability to recover from the labor, as well as struggled to move forward during the pregnancy. Had the potential of seeing Jane commit suicide because of the added difficulty just being pregnant would cause them, let alone the baby. As far as she's known, pregnancy/babies only bring tragedy.
I personally think she's fine with just making sure AJ grows into the man he's supposed to be. If she starts feeling like she wants a child of her own, the conditions must be better than the 3 tragic examples above.
GeT tHe FuCK oUTTa hErE
She's got AJ already though
Heck no!
I knew someone was gonna make a thread about this at some point lol
Honestly I don't think Telltale will ever consider making this an option, it's kinda weird and far fetched.
Then we'll have another Marlon situation.
I guessss?....
Nope we know what happend to Rebecca and Lori from the tv show
??is?this what????Clouis??shippers?????actually want?????
Alright, as many bad jokes as I've made, this is by far the biggest no-no I've ever seen.Not judging you or anything
Too many players are too caught up in the silliness of shipping to understand the story they are even playing.
Having a baby during the zombie apocalypse is fucking STUPID.
Clem... is not STUPID.
TWD is not a dating simulator, guys.
It's a story about everyone dying and the futility of living in a post-apocalypse.
Louis’s face on a Clem baby NO!!! ?
Giving birth QTE?
FLIP. OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What if the sex....IS the QTE?
Press X to insert ?
You sick puppy
The only way Clem would ever get pregnant was if God would have a hand in it and she'd be the mother of the second coming.
We already know AJ is the Antichrist, so why not?
Listen man, I like Louis, and I am a Clouis shipper, I even had them kiss in Episode 2. With that being said, if Louis even tries something funny, I will castrate that bastard with little to no hesitation.
But let’s say this is years down the road and things do start to get really serious between the two of them. Unless there was a sense of stability in the group (the threat from Lilly’s group is gone, the food situation is fixed, the community is prospering), then I don’t see Clem even entertain the idea of having a kid. And I can see where Sarunas21 is coming from, but I disagree, I think that her experience with AJ would trump any fear she might have after her experience with both Christa and Rebecca.
You know, I really don’t like talking about anything sexually related in regards to Clementine. So please everyone, can we stop talking about the thickness of her hips, what the legal age of consent is, and her having a baby. It would make our remaining days on these forums much more enjoyable.
A waist of thread.
** rotates analog stick fast **

Too late. The wide hips thing is already a meme
One day, but not with louis. Boyfriend material, sure, daddy material? Foh..
Their is quite a lot to unpack here lol.
What if Louis and Violet have a love triangle with an already confirmed Bisexual Clem. And Louis impregnates Clem for the soul purpose of providing a child for the Violetine ship? Like a surrogate dad.
Come to think of it, I don't support this. It just sunk in. Pregnant Mommy Clem doesn't work. It's too scary and seeing her not only in pain but in danger of dying all the time is way too much. Complications ect.. Not Clem. I rather her just explore Violet and forget boys lol.
So stupid
Fuck, I was too late to stop it.
It'd be moronic and flat out stupid on Clem's part to have a kid. I highly doubt she and the baby would survive 10 months with as much instability and chaos Clementine consistently deals with. She'd most likely end up dying similar to how Rebbeca did.
There'd also be the problem of Clementine being healthy enough to have a kid since there have been periods of almost a week Clementine had little food and fresh water to consume. There's also the problem of delivering it and if Clementine is still with the kids then none is going to be able to deliver it.
And even if the child is born it is highly unlikely it would be able to live long due to lack of nutrient and resources to keep it alive.
You say that as if she will have a chance....what if she dies homie her grave will have a baby?
Shes not even 18 lol
Threads like these are the reason why Telltale machine broke.
Clem has proven she's capable with AJ. I don't doubt she has the confidence to raise one. But pregnancy, preparation, labor, these things are a battle in itself and I don't think Clem would want to bring a baby into that world when there are too many unknowns along the way. Could she carry it to term? Will infection kill the baby? Herself? Both? Are there enough resources left to even account for the baby?
I don't think she'd want to have one under the dark impression that one of them, if not both, are likely to die in the process.
There's a silver lining in everything.