Why was __? (spoilers)

If Lilly and her group grow their own food, why was Abel scavenging for food? just curious


  • Bruh he was lying. He was out scouting and when he found Clem and AJ he started getting super nosy about where they lived and if there were more of them. The food thing was just a ruse.

  • Maybe the raiders only give out a certain amount of rations to each member. Abel probably thought that the amount given to each person wasn’t enough, so he decided to find food for himself.

  • There are many possible explanations:Chances are Abel and lilly are faraway from Delta, so they would scavenge for food. If my theory is correct and Abel si related to the Walker of the train Station (since they both exhibit occular heterochromia) is possible he simply knew where the food was and decided to take a little for the party

  • Lilly in this season strikes me as the type to give a half truth. The Delta very well might grown their own food but it's not enough, or their war with the other community hampers their ability to get full production out of their crops due to loss of personnel, and/or damage to resources.

    The way Lilly tells it, Minnie is now all buddy buddy with the people of the Delta, however if that is true then why did they need to find the school? Why not have Minnie come and plead her case to the children of Ericson on her experiences at the Delta and how much she likes it? More than likely, Minnie is not fully cooperative with the Delta and has had to earn graduated steps to more favorable living conditions. With these new living conditions, Minnie, very well may be enjoying, but it's not the whole truth.

    Well that's my read on the situation.

  • Because Lilly just pulls half truths out of her ass for the sake of brainwashing people. Same way I think she lied about the twins still being alive asking about Violet. She knows how to play the heart strings. She's so twisted.

  • In all honesty, Minnie is probably dead or a slave of some sort. Like you said, which is something I picked up on immediately when I played it and wish Clem had, if Minnie really was happy there she'd have brought Lilly to the school months ago and would definitely be with her when they came during the episode. I wish Clem had picked up on that and been able to say something like "It's bullshit. If that were true Minnie would have led you here herself months ago but instead you've had to search for over a year. Either Minnie doesn't love it there or she's dead, killed in your stupid war. Which is it, Lilly?" Instead we got a generic "she's lying!" line and it's just not nearly as satisfying.

    Symbolz posted: »

    Lilly in this season strikes me as the type to give a half truth. The Delta very well might grown their own food but it's not enough, or th

  • Without more information it's, sadly, all speculation. It's 50/50 on whether the twins are alive or dead, but, personally, I like to lean towards the alive. Having the twins alive just has more potential for development and plot hooks than the twins being dead. With a little development this could mean more friendly characters in Clementine's favor; and personal conflicts with Violet and Tenn, who have the most to gain/loss with the twins still alive.

    In all honesty, Minnie is probably dead or a slave of some sort. Like you said, which is something I picked up on immediately when I played

  • Yeah the twins could be alive or dead, but what they definitely aren't is happy in the Delta. If they were they would have brought Lilly to the school to help recruit the other kids long ago.

    Symbolz posted: »

    Without more information it's, sadly, all speculation. It's 50/50 on whether the twins are alive or dead, but, personally, I like to lean t

  • edited October 2018

    I hope Skybound has good news, I really want too get some Answers out of Abel.

  • Good point. I also think Lilly is lying. As you said, if Minnie was happy, she would've come with Lilly to invite them all to Delta.

    In all honesty, Minnie is probably dead or a slave of some sort. Like you said, which is something I picked up on immediately when I played

  • Probably wanted some variety.

    Well that and he was probably dispatached to investigate the explosion.

  • Now that you mention it, bringing one of the twins could've been an effective(if risky) way of getting Marlon to comply.

    @Hillbilly_Dave In all honesty, Minnie is probably dead or a slave of some sort.


    I wish Clem had picked up on that and been able to say something like "It's bullshit. If that were true Minnie would have led you here herself months ago but instead you've had to search for over a year. Either Minnie doesn't love it there or she's dead, killed in your stupid war. Which is it, Lilly?" Instead we got a generic "she's lying!" line and it's just not nearly as satisfying.

    Honestly, given how much/little this story is drawing from Season 2, it was probably omitted because it could've given away too much information.

    Symbolz posted: »

    Lilly in this season strikes me as the type to give a half truth. The Delta very well might grown their own food but it's not enough, or th

  • I haven't thought too much about it, but, yeah. Could be a comply or have a revolt on his hands. There is still so many details we are not privy to, that all we can do is speculate.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Now that you mention it, bringing one of the twins could've been an effective(if risky) way of getting Marlon to comply. @Hillbilly_Da

  • Could be a comply or have a revolt on his hands.

    Wanna rephrase that a bit?

    Symbolz posted: »

    I haven't thought too much about it, but, yeah. Could be a comply or have a revolt on his hands. There is still so many details we are not privy to, that all we can do is speculate.

  • Well Marlon would either have to comply with the demands of the raiders, or be exposed and deal with the revolt against him for selling out two members of his own community. Marlon only had amnesty by most of the group because he was suddenly killed before the matter was finally resolved. Had he lived there would have likely been more of the kids angry with him for what he did and his admission that he would do it again to save his own skin.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Could be a comply or have a revolt on his hands. Wanna rephrase that a bit?

  • Oh yeah, that.

    I was thinking more about the scenario where Marlon himself gets kicked out, only to have one of the twins' boot on his neck.

    Symbolz posted: »

    Well Marlon would either have to comply with the demands of the raiders, or be exposed and deal with the revolt against him for selling out

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