Marlon in Episode 2.. SPOILERS
would have been an absolute liability. He would have joined Lily's side with no hesitation if it meant saving his life.
Still can't believe anyone who thinks AJ didn't do everyone (including Marlon himself) a favor. Dummies.
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Marlon was clearly regretful by the end (if you talk him down rather than beat him up) and wanted to just leave the group. He was just scared and made a horrible, awful mistake. I dont think he would have done it again imo but we'll never know for sure.
nice bait btw, you people lack so much empathy and any kind of rationale when anyone threatens poor dear innocent clem
You don't find it weird that's the first suggestion out of his mouth?
"you guys hate me so obviously I should leave!"
Did you play episode 2?
In episode 2, Lily and Abel are out specifically looking for MARLON, only a day after he was murdered.
Now think would what have happened if he was alive and and he ran into them...
Again, AJ is the unspoken hero.
You sympathize with child slave traders (which is you know one of the worst things ever on the planet, but whatever) who murder people and then try pin it on other people (after locking them in the basement), though.
Not everyone is worthy of redemption.
didnt say anything about redemption, you guys just forget that marlon is a kid
Not sure your point. They were looking for Marlon because he was the one who gave up Minnie and Sophie. They wanted to make another deal, that doesn't mean Marlon would have taken them up on it. Before killing Brody, sure he would have. But afterwards I really think he realized just how out of control he had gotten.
No one in the group even hated him so it wasn't that. If you get Louis to side with you, everyone is saying they forgive him. He was pleading and crying that they let him leave because he felt so awful. He didnt want to face what he had done. That's how I saw it though, I get why others see it different.
AJ is even a younger kid but people have no problem having a desire to punish him.
Teaching him to regret his actions and punishing him are two different things lol
lets see, group of kids with bows that known eachother for nearly a decade, leader they all look up to gets headshotted by a random kid who was just there for 2 days. regardless of what happened i would be still pretty pissed
Violet couldn't forgive Marlon. Neither did Aasim or Tenn.
Tenn forgives Marlon if Clementine stays silent during the dialogue choices near the end of episode one.
Tenn can forgive Marlon if you stay silent at the end.
Or something like that
I don't blame Marlon for the original deal. We don't really know what happened there, but if he had resisted the kids would have probably ended up dead and/or taken anyway.
Not being honest with the rest of the group afterwards though, that was a cowardly move.
By your logic, Clem should have taken Lily's deal too.
Regret for what? Clementine has literally killed people for way less what Marlon did.
Most people sided with Clem when she shot Eli in ANF. Everyone moves on 2 seconds after it happens too.
Marlon lied to them and tried to frame Clem for Brody's death. Hadn't Violet/Louis stood up for Clem, Marlon would've shot her. I'm sorry. Marlon isn't trustworthy. If Lilly and Abel found him in the woods, god knows what he would do. He did say he would do it again during the confrontation. I still don't think AJ gunning him down like that was a good idea, but letting him go wouldn't work either.
Both AJ and Marlon were wrong. AJ shouldn't have killed Marlon when he had given up and was no longer a threat, and Marlon shouldn't have pulled all that bullshit with trading the twins, killing Brody and attempting to kill Clementine.
But at the end of the day, they are both kids who did dumb shit. Only difference is one deserves redemption, the other does not.
I just personally think saying a literal kid deserved to die is fucked, regardless of what he did.
Clem has something that Marlon didn't have and it's called plot armor.
So... maybe?
If it was anybody but Clem and AJ that got captured in the forest, they wouldn't have made it out of there. And in that case a deal starts to look a lot more appealing.
Even as a prisoner, Marlon would cause trouble.
i'm trying to protec U!!

u suc at protection!
favorite comeback lol
I like how the team really wanted Clem to say that line no matter what.
Even if you stay silent, Clem will randomly blurt out "you SUCK at protection!"
Someone must have been really proud of that particular comeback.
Lol exactly I like how Telltale just wanted to remind us we're still dealing with teens here.
Team member: How about "You suck at protection"?
Rest of the team:
Can't rule out the possibilities. The first problem would be the leadership. Can someone truly step up if some of them still look up to Marlon. Would everyone agree with locking Marlon up? What if someone lets him out? But to be honest, we don't know what would happen and we will never know.
Best thread in a long time.
Keeping Marlon alive would have been a waste of food and water.