If you can cast any actor actress

I know there no chance of the telltale characters joining the TV show but which actors/actress would you cast for the telltale characters from season 1 to the final season


  • I'd scrap Thomas Payne as Jesus in the TV show and replace him with Brandon Keener, because obviously.

  • Paul Rudd for Kenny

  • edited October 2018

    John Lithgow as Larry, maybe?
    Eva Green as Lilly. She has pretty good angry eyes.

    edited for a smaller and more Lilly like image

  • edited October 2018

    Lee - Kevin Carroll

    Kenny - Christopher Eccleston

    Lilly - Maggie Siff

    I'm not yet sure about other characters. I also try to use actors, that could realistically appear on the TWD show. So no A-list-actors.

  • Lindsey Lohan as Lilly

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